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Two brothers in the same Charlton side

edited November 2009 in General Charlton
Trying to work out if Sodje and Sodje on the pitch together today was a first?

We've had Croker brothers and Firmani brothers in the distant past, but I'm not certain if they ever played in the same side together. Over to Colin Cameron? I see an obscure but learned article coming in the next home programme !


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    Didn't the Kimbles play in the same side?
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    edited November 2009
    Good call, AA... they only played a total of 15 games between them so certainly couldn't have appeared in too many games together. But they both made their final CAFC appearances v Man City at Maine Road on May 11, 1985.

    Therefore I think we can safely say the Sodjes was the the first time it has happened in 25 seasons. I'm sure there will be plenty more on this and other precedents in the Bristol Rovers programme !
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    Getting a strange feeling of deja vu about this thread. Is this your attempt to help LookOut keep the stat up Nigel?
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    lol - I would just like to place it on record that I saw the other thread but didn't read it because I asumed it was about Jack & Bobby. Honest Guv I did.
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    Whoops - didn't see that one! Although now I've read it, it still doesn't give us a definitive list/answer, so I guess both threads are going to have to await Colin Cameron's ruling.

    Meanwhile - Sink ! We need a Jose Semedo here..(rhyming slang ... geddit?)
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    What rhymes with Jose Nig ?
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    Jose , Jose, better today than Sunday?

    Anyway, as there are two Sodjes, I think they deserve two threads. Only fair, innit?
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    always love a pair of brothers in the team, whink the steins and the wallaces...

    as long as they are mates, its all good..

    I thought yesterday was fantastic....
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