Have just witnessed a girl spray her face a nice shade of Simon Jordan orange on the train! Wtf? And now i have just been sat on quiet literally by the biggest women i have ever seen! I am writing this with my nose pressed up against the window! Jaysus!
they often drive BMWs so you know to get out of their way
Why can't the kids get out of the nearside doors ?
I swear to God it was the commuting that finally drove me to the drastic lifestyle change I embarked on in my 30's
At least there are no smoking carriages or regular ASLEF strikes these days; but y'all have my sympathy anyway.
I sure don't miss it.
Is it raining drizzle or Pithing down ?
"I am wonder Mike .... and I'd like to say hello .... "
Are you sure it's not lofty from it ain't half hot mum?
Sorry to be pedantic but that's Dad's army.
Not without the appropriate apostrophe it's not!!!
Yeah course they are ;-)
When I was at Sevenoaks, we had so many odd balls getting on/off trains. What was really funny was that they always seemed to thing that they were the normal ones!
Oh surely not me you cant :-)