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Charlton vs Southend - player ratings

edited December 2009 in General Charlton
if you were at the game ...

Elliot -
Richardson -
S. Sodje
Dailly -
Sam -
Racon -
Bailey -
Burton -
Wagstaff -
Mooney -
Basey -
Omozusi -
A. Sodje -

PS AFKA - apologies if the order above isn't right!


  • Options
    Elliot - 7
    Richardson - 6
    S. Sodje - 7
    Dailly - 7
    Sam - 6
    Racon - 5
    Bailey - 6
    Burton - 7
    Wagstaff - 5
    Mooney - 6
    Basey - 6
    Omozusi - 5.5
    A. Sodje - 5.5
  • Options
    Elliot - 7
    Richardson - 6
    S. Sodje 7
    Dailly - 7.5
    Sam - 7
    Racon - 6
    Bailey - 7
    Burton - 8
    Wagstaff - 6.5
    Mooney - 6.5
    Basey - 7
    Omozusi - 6.5
    A. Sodje - 6
  • Options
    Elliot - 7.5 - controlled his box well and a couple of good saves
    Richardson - 7 - looked good as usual hope hes alright
    S. Sodje- 8 - brilliant as always headed almost everything that came at him
    Dailly - 7.5- cool and collected
    Sam - 7 good assist looked a bit dodgy in the second half
    Racon - 6.5 - lost the ball a bit to much for my liking but still good.
    Bailey - 6.5- good interceptions.
    Burton -7 great goal, worked hard for 90 mins
    Wagstaff - 7.5 done great! worked so hard even though he was beaten for strength every time
    Mooney - 6.5 should of scored, good movement
    Basey - 7.5 solid as a rock
    Omozusi -7
    A. Sodje - didnt see enough of him to rate but looked dangerous
  • Options
    Elliot - 6
    Richardson - 6
    S. Sodje 7
    Dailly - 7
    Sam - 6
    Racon - 6
    Bailey - 6
    Burton - 7
    Wagstaff - 6
    Mooney - 6
    Basey - 6
    Omozusi - 6
    A. Sodje - 6
  • Options
    Elliot - 7.5
    Richardson - 7
    S. Sodje 7
    Dailly - 8
    Sam - 7
    Racon - 5
    Bailey - 7
    Burton - 8.5
    Wagstaff - 7
    Mooney - 6.5
    Basey - 7
    Omozusi - 7
    A. Sodje - 7
  • Options
    Elliot - 7 - A great save in the first half, collected crosses well, punches, not a fan but they worked
    Richardson - 6.5 Not troubled in first half
    S. Sodje - 7 - Good solid perfromance, think won every header going
    Dailly - 7 - Solid as we've come to expect
    Sam - 7 - Good assit, and his cheeky linesman impersonation
    Racon - 5.5 - Clearly lacking confidence, nothing he tried ever came off, some silly fouls,
    Bailey - 6.5 - Sat back too much, althou was covering the defense and doing the semedo role, done well with he abuse being dished out at him
    Burton - 7.5 - MOM ran his socks off
    Wagstaff - 6.5 - Like the fact we had genuine pace on both flanks, ran his socks off, needs to work on his tackling thou
    Mooney - 6.5 - Not his best game but seems to find space so easily
    Basey - 7 - Another good perfromance from him, lost his man once and was done for pace but distibution is great and generally positioning is god so lack of pace not a great worry
    Omozusi - 7 - Thought he looked alright, a vast improvement on last few times iv seen him
    A. Sodje - 6 - Never really got in th game
  • Options
    Elliot - 7
    Richardson - 6
    S. Sodje - 8
    Dailly - 7
    Sam - 7
    Racon - 5
    Bailey - 7
    Burton - 7
    Wagstaff - 7
    Mooney - 6
    Basey - 7
    Omozusi - 7
    A. Sodje - 5
  • Options
    Elliot - 7.5
    Richardson - 6.5
    S.Sodje - 7
    Dailly - 7
    Sam - 7
    Racon - 5.5
    Bailey - 6.5
    Burton - 7
    Wagstaff - 7
    Mooney - 6.5
    Basey - 6.5
    Omozusi - 7
    A.Sodje - 6
  • Options
    Elliot - 7
    Richardson - 7
    S. Sodje - 7
    Dailly - 8
    Sam - 7
    Racon - 6
    Bailey - 7
    Burton - 8
    Wagstaff - 7
    Mooney - 6
    Basey - 7
    Omozusi - 7
    A. Sodje - 6
  • Options
    Elliott - 7
    Richardson - 6
    S Sodje - 7
    Dailly - 8
    Basey - 7
    Sam - 6
    Racon - 6
    Bailey - 6.5
    Wagstaff - 7
    Mooney - 6.5
    Burton - 8
    Omozusi - 6.5
    A Sodje - 6
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  • Options
    Elliot - 7.5
    Richardson - 6
    S. Sodje - 8
    Dailly - 7
    Sam - 6.5
    Racon - 6
    Bailey - 6.5
    Burton - 7
    Wagstaff - 6
    Mooney - 6
    Basey - 6
    Omozusi - 6
    A. Sodje - 5
  • Options
    Elliot - 7
    Richardson - 6
    S. Sodje - 7
    Dailly - 7
    Sam - 6.5
    Racon - 6
    Bailey - 6
    Burton - 7
    Wagstaff - 6
    Mooney - 6
    Basey - 6
    Omozusi - 6
    A. Sodje - 6
  • Options
    Elliot - 7 Good game, clean sheet.
    Richardson - 6 Average half.
    S. Sodje - 7 A moment of worry, but overall good.
    Dailly - 7.5 Experience helps us, hard to believe he is 37
    Sam - 7 Made the goal, better in the second half.
    Racon - 6 Not Semedo, has skill but not his best ever game.
    Bailey - 7.5 Captain, once again took responsibility.
    Burton - 8 MOM for me, great leading the line, good goal, massive respect.
    Wagstaff - 6 Someone said he is a work in progress, i agree.
    Mooney - 6 Missed a good opportunity, still a better option than Izale
    Basey - 7 Outpaced once, might be better in the centre, but an intelligent performance.
    Omozusi - 7 Good half, crucial intervention.
    A. Sodje - 5 Not great this time.
    Spring - 6.5 Steadying influence.

    Parkinson 8 because we won, could've scored higherfrom me tho'.
    Southend team 7, respect to them and Tilson
    Southend support 7 turned up in numbers.
    Our crowd 5.5 not brilliant this time, need to do much better on the 19th.
  • Options
    edited December 2009
    Elliot - 8 - On the basis that his 1st half save may have won us the game
    Richardson - 6.5
    S. Sodje 7
    Dailly - 7
    Sam - 7
    Racon - 6
    Bailey - 8
    Burton - 8.5
    Wagstaff - 7
    Mooney - 6
    Basey - 7.5
    Omozusi - 6.5
    A. Sodje - 6
  • Options
    Elliot - 7.5 (extra half point for his behind his back catch...)
    Richardson - 6
    S. Sodje 8
    Dailly - 7
    Sam - 7
    Racon - 6
    Bailey - 7
    Burton - 8
    Wagstaff - 7
    Mooney - 6
    Basey - 7
    Omozusi - 6.5
    A. Sodje 5
  • Options
    Elliot - 6
    Richardson - 5
    S. Sodje 5
    Dailly -7
    Sam - 7
    Racon - 6
    Bailey - 6
    Burton - 8
    Wagstaff - 5
    Mooney - 6
    Basey - 7
    Omozusi - 6
    A. Sodje - 5
  • Options
    Elliot - 7
    Richardson - 6.5
    S. Sodje - 7.5
    Dailly - 7.5
    Sam - 6.5
    Racon - 6
    Bailey - 7
    Burton - 8
    Wagstaff - 6
    Mooney - 6.5
    Basey - 7
    Omozusi - 7
    A. Sodje - 6
  • Options
    Elliot - 7
    Richardson - 6.5
    S. Sodje - 8
    Dailly - 7.5
    Sam - 7.5
    Racon - 6
    Bailey - 7.5
    Burton - 8
    Wagstaff - 7
    Mooney - 6.5
    Basey - 8
    Omozusi - 7
    A. Sodje - 6
    Spring - 6
  • Options
    Elliot - 7.5
    Richardson - 6.5
    S. Sodje - 6.5
    Dailly -7
    Sam -6.5
    Racon - 4
    Bailey - 7.5
    Burton -8
    Wagstaff - 7
    Mooney -5
    Basey - 7.5
    Omozusi - 6.5
    A. Sodje - 6
  • Options
    Elliot - 7.5
    Richardson - 7
    S. Sodje - 8
    Dailly - 7.5
    Sam - 5.5
    Racon - 6.5
    Bailey - 7
    Burton - 8.5
    Wagstaff - 6.5
    Mooney - 7.5
    Basey - 7
    Omozusi - 6.5
    A. Sodje - 6.5
  • Sponsored links:

  • Options
    Elliot - 8
    Richardson - 6.5
    S. Sodje 7
    Dailly - 7
    Sam - 6.5
    Racon -5.5
    Bailey - 6
    Burton - 8
    Wagstaff - 6
    Mooney -6
    Basey -6.5
    Omozusi - 6.5
    A. Sodje - 6.5
  • Options
    Elliot - 7
    Richardson - 6.5
    S. Sodje - 7
    Dailly - 7.5
    Sam - 6.5
    Racon - 6
    Bailey - 7
    Burton - 7.5
    Wagstaff - 7
    Mooney - 6
    Basey - 6
    Omozusi - 6
    A. Sodje - 6
  • Options
    Elliot - 7 - Dealt with crosses well apart from one flap and did brilliantly with Southend's one real clear-cut chance.
    Richardson - 6.5 - Solid on his return.
    S. Sodje - 7.5 - Won everything in the air and made one fine last ditch tackle.
    Dailly - 7 - steady eddy as usual.
    Sam - 6.5 - bit in and out but our best midfielder on the day (going forwards at least)
    Racon - 5 - Too many needless fouls perhaps trying too hard to be Semedo - seemed to give up part way into 2nd half out of frustration.
    Bailey - 6 - Solid but was expecting more from him against his old club.
    Burton - 8.5 - Was superb for 65 mins, often winning headers when marked by 2 players much taller than him. Hold up play was great as was movement and took his goal really well. Best all round performnace from a striker at the Valley for quite a while imo. Would have had a higher score if he'd kept it up for 90mins, but in fairness not really his fault we lost the ability to pass straight.
    Wagstaff - 5.5 - He's a willing runner, but looked a boy amoungst men yesterday and was totally outmuscled nearly everytime he got on the ball. Only once managed to get away from his marker.
    Mooney - 6.5 - Bit of a mixed bag, a few good touches and a few bad ones - not sure how he manged to miss that first half chance. Never stopped running though and looks to be building an understanding with Burton.
    Basey - 7 - Got turned and sprinted away from once, but otherwise played very well - his positioning is pretty solid and he looks a cultured left back - never panics.
    Omozusi - 6 - Did nothing wrong defensively but didn't get forward as much as I'd have liked to see.
    A. Sodje - 5 - First time I've seen him and was expecting big things but he barely had meaningful touch, although he didn't get a great deal to do things with after he came on.

    Overall conclusion, Defence still looks solid, even when weakened. Left side of midfiled remains a problem and Semedo's importance to the team becomes more apparent every game he misses - think Basey others a potential solution to both these problems once Youga is fit. We do look like we have goals in us now though and two clever strikers.
  • Options
    Elliot - 8 His save from Barnard kept us in it and, although I don't like punchers particularly, he punched decisively. The catch behind is back or Derek Randall as I call it was worth a mark on its own!

    Richardson - 7 Sam looks better with him there and he did well. I hope they sort the injury soon.

    S. Sodje - 7 Subdued by his usual standards I felt but did a job.

    Dailly - 8.5 Held us together at the back. He has been a great signing not just for his own play but the positive effect he has on the others.

    Sam - 7.5 Stuck at it well and worked hard defensively. Great work for the goal.

    Racon - 5.5 Don't like marking him so low but frankly that is my view. He had little positive impact on the match and stupidly got himself booked despite the ref warning him.

    Bailey - 7 Not so influential going forward and inhibited once warned by the ref but a decent if not outstanding shift.

    Burton - 7.5 Runs all day and his lay offs are first class. Clinical finish for the goal.

    Wagstaff - 7 Tried to mix it physically and worked hard defensively helping Basey out.

    Mooney - 7 Worked hard and was slightly unlucky to be taken off in my view

    Basey - 7 Can't fault the boy's commitment and he tackles and passes well. The fact is though his lack of pace could have lost us at least 2 points.

    Omozusi - 7 Similar to Richardson on the day and encouraging to see the increased confidence to come forward on occasion

    A. Sodje - 6 My default startpoint. Little impact positively or negatively hence my comment that Mooney was unlucky to be taken off.
  • Options
    edited December 2009
    Elliot-7.5 great stop in 1st half
    Sam-6.5 does my head in dont use his ability enough should av had a good go at there left back after he recieved an early yellow card .
    Racon - 5 not his best game for us.
    Burton -7
    Wagstaff- 7
    Basey-6 got caught a few times lacked pace
    A sodje-6
  • Options
    Elliot - 7
    Richardson - 6.5
    S. Sodje - 7
    Dailly - 7
    Sam - 5
    Racon - 6
    Bailey - 6.5
    Burton - 7.5
    Wagstaff - 7
    Mooney - 6
    Basey - 6.5
    Omozusi - 7
    A. Sodje - 6
  • Options
    Elliot - 7
    Richardson - 6
    S. Sodje- 8
    Dailly - 7.5
    Sam - 7
    Racon - 6
    Bailey - 7
    Burton - 8
    Wagstaff - 6.5
    Mooney - 6.5
    Basey - 7.5
    Omozusi - 7
    A. Sodje - 6
  • Options
    Elliot - 7.5 - amazing save from Barnard first half
    Richardson - 6
    S. Sodje - 7
    Dailly - 7
    Sam - 7
    Racon - 4 - constantly fouling, and countless times simple passes disected he and Bailey and a Southend midfielder would be charging towards our defence (Bailey to blame for this as well)
    Bailey - 6
    Burton - 8
    Wagstaff - 6.5
    Mooney - 6
    Basey - 7
    Omozusi - 7
    A. Sodje - 6
  • Options
    Elliot - 7
    Richardson - 6
    S. Sodje - 7
    Dailly - 7
    Sam - 6.5
    Racon - 6.5
    Bailey - 7
    Burton - 7
    Wagstaff - 7
    Mooney - 6
    Basey - 7
    Omozusi - 6.5
    A. Sodje - 6
  • Options
    Elliot - 6
    Richardson - 6
    S. Sodje 7
    Dailly - 7.5
    Sam -7
    Racon -4
    Bailey -7
    Burton -7.5
    Wagstaff - 6
    Mooney -6
    Basey -6.5
    Omozusi -7
    A. Sodje 6
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