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Llera and "Concentration"

edited December 2009 in General Charlton
Was just looking at the raffle prize for Thursday's Bromley Addicks meeting which is a signed 2010 calendar.

Llera is featured on the page for May.

What struck me is that he has the word "concentration" written across the thumb and forefinger of his left hand.


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    He has it to keep reminding himself that he needs to carry it out during a match.

    I think Dailly will get booked against Stockport resulting in Llera playing against Millwall. And scoring.
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    Concentration was clearly lacking on Saturday by myself and the management team. He decided to warm up towards the end of the game when Sam Sodje had treatment and had to temporarily leave the field. The only problem was we had already made 3 subs ....doh. Would have been interesting if Sam had had to come off, to see if we tried to sneak Llera on :)
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    Sorry my concentration is even worse LOL should have read by himself :)
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    Reminds me of when Djimi Traore had ' breathe in' and 'breathe out' written on his palms.
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    McLeod has "don't fall over" on his palm :-)
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    McLeod with a picture of the goal on his wrist!
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    edited December 2009
    i think this one could run and run.

    What would other charlton players have written on their hands?
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    edited December 2009
    Flanagan had "Derek Hales" written on his right hand.
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    Bailey has, "phone drama teacher; no more lessons needed".
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    dickson had 'close down defenders'
  • Sponsored links:

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    Kiely had 'Kick it in a straight line'
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    Killer : "Put fag out before kick-off"
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    Iain Dowie, "Advance the Addicks"
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    dennis had 'put a f******* tackle in'
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    Amdy Faye "we're in Red"
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    [cite]Posted By: The Red Robin[/cite]Kiely had 'Kick it in a straight line'

    But he always wore gloves over it.
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    Pardew had a line of something there...
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    Diawarra: "put gloves here"
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    Andy Todd: Use this to punch your team mates... (allegedly)
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    Keith Jones - pass forward
  • Sponsored links:

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    Ambrose: 'Bum Thumb'
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    Mooney ...."don't pull down shorts and bend over"
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    One game at a time irrespective of the opposition as they are both league games with 3 points at stake.

    We will be lucky to win the Millwall match purely because of the special factors that surround a Derby or game with "edge." The Southampton game was a far milder example than Millwall will be of what I mean.

    On the other hand, with a proper professional approach, we have a good chance of picking up 3 points away at Stockport and that is what we should try to do.

    The Millwall game will take care of itself.
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    Hello, Len ..... have you wandered over to the wrong thread?

    Perhaps it's not just Llera who needs the word "concentration" written across the thumb and forefinger of his left hand?

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    edited December 2009
    [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]Hello, Len ..... have you wandered over to the wrong thread?

    Perhaps it's not just Llera who needs the word "concentration" written across the thumb and forefinger of his left hand?


    Looks like it! :-)

    I could have sworn there was a thread talking about dropping Dailly in case he got booked and missed the Millwall game. Thought it was here but evidently not!

    EDIT: Found the right thread now and posted the message above!
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    wss has 'sink'

    Mcleod has 'keep shirt on'
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    Dowie: 'Dont look in Mirror'

    S.Sodje: 'Sam'....A.Sodje: 'Akpo'...etc etc.
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    edited December 2009
    Omo Suzuki is a bit confused though.

    He's got "Right" written on his left hand. And "Back" written on his right.
    And then he's "left back" on the bench.
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    Kiely also had 'Hit me' on his front two teeth. ;-)
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    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    Mcleod has 'keep shirt on'

    The problem is he read this as an instruction never to score again.
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