Baby ben being born in jan.
Derby away.
Watching england v austrailia at lords (thanks again mog)
Being made redundant in may
Having bank card cloned and losing 300 quid.
Get the job fulltime at easter
Healthy son
Promotion back to championship
Good luck and love to all my family and friends.
Low was having some nob with a flag disallow it (WSS)
Hopes the said nob never lines a game again ;-)
Mrs NLA falling preggers after so fooking long and after what happend last year.
Losing the best puppy in the world ever FACT RIP JJ boy
the new one is a little shit
Losing my job
Getting a Not Guilty at court next May
Getting a job
Winning promotion
Staring the Knowledge
Selling my flat for a profit
My old mans degenerative neurological disease
Cracking on with the Knowledge asap
Moving into a new home early next year
Spending as much quality time with my old man as I can
Holidays with GF
Great Grandma not dying even tho it looked certain
being offered a chance for promotion at work
Derby away
Lack of jobs within the police
Great Grandma nearly dieing
get a job in the police
get promotion
move in with girlfriend :oS
Trips to Amsterdam
Trips to Paris
Derby day
The season so far.
Uncle dying of Cancer
Best mate stabed to death
Better/happier family life
Progress in the job.
shit that fuking sucks and really is sad
Yep that was in May in Canterbury true mate that is one of the worst things to happen to me ever. I mean someone close to you dying is hard work at the best of times let alone of its one of your best mates.
(1) Divorce (started 2008 and still ongoing but will be absolute 2010 now). Have never known anything quite as stressful with the time and money it costs.
(2) Everytime my little Princess asks me "Daddy, why dont you live with us anymore?"
(3) Losing a mate over something quite riddiculous.
(4) Discovering I had a "lump" and had to go through weeks of tests before I got the all clear.
(1) Every minute I spend with my little Princess. She's the only reason I'm here. Cant fail to be happy around her.
(2) The very first beer after completing the London to Southend bike ride in September.
(3) When I got the all clear after the tests.
(4) When the Police found my missing brother twice this year (oh the joys of Bipolar disorder!)
(1) To finally get a roof over my head with most importantly a bed (after spending 18 months on a sofa!)
(2) To complete my next physical challenge on the bike
(3) We manage to get my little Princess into our School of choice.
(4) That my family remain healthy...
and (5) that Spurs finish in the top 4 (ok I can hope but I really dont expect miracles!)
starting new job in feb wih some old colleagues
Finding out the true nature of my wife's facebook "daliances"
starting divorce proceedings knowing that my 3 kids are going to be heartbroken when they have to leave their lovely house and live elsewhere without daddy............relegation's a doddle after that !
That I "do" all 46 league games this season...........apart from the kids there isn't much else
That the divorce goes through quickly - not easy still living in the marital home wih a women who wants to be with someone else.....
We get promotion - can't suffer another Yeovil drenching next season !
Mate's wedding in November
Imortal reaching the Algarve cup final.
Suicide of a friend in September
Business, lack thereof.
Couldn't afford to come back and watch Charlton this year.
No one close to die next year
Charlton to get promoted
Imortal to stay up
Business to pick up
England to win world cup (boost to business and personal happiness)
Highs - My oldest passing his 11+ with stunning results
Being told that my youngest is following in his brother's shoes
Hopes - Win the lottery and promotion as Champions
Our son getting Married back in September, I love my girls but it was somehow special and into a "Charlton Family"
Meeting my sister again for the 1st time in 30 years.
Running my 2nd Half Marthon despite various set backs beforehand.
I have my wife, 3 beautiful children and 5 beautilful Grandchildren and I'm as fit as a butchers dog
My mum who has been housebound for years, will eventually see whole her family together.
To run again in next years RTTB in 2 hrs 15
England winning the Ashes
David Haye winning the WBA Heavyweight crown
Losing a very good mate (my mate Dave thread)
Relegation (again)
A fair few other things that I would rather not reveal
A bit of good luck
A dose of self respect and maybe a small rectal absyss for my housemate
The main good thing was my youngest gaining the A levels she needed for her first choice university and she seems to be enjoying it there.
Hopes for 2010 health, wealth and happiness for family and friends. Promotion for Charlton.
Publication of When The Robin Stopped Bobbing
Good health, family and friends
Lows: Luckily few and far between (touch wood- still a week to go till 2010)
Hopes: Promotion
A new girlfriend would be nice
continued good health, good family and friends
Also just to be greedy- good Uni grades
Haha not at all, am very single at the moment!
Penguins winning the Stanley Cup
Seeing Faith No More again (both those on the same day!)
Sticking it out at the same job for more than two years (a record for me) and still being happy in it now
Managing to fight through months of will they/won't they divorce stress with the wife (made it nine and a half years, fucked if I'm going to give it up easily)
Beating Palace
Quality TV (Dexter still being awesome, discovering Lost and watching it all in a month)
Winning the Ashes back
The emotional/physical stress of watching my marriage almost fall apart
Relegation (duh!)
Feeling ill & fatigued pretty much all the time with no discernible reason for it
Losing to Palace
Having my best mate at work made redundant
My mother being stupid enough to shack up with my biological father again
Hopes for 2010
My marriage survives - or if it doesn't, I don't go through anything like the stress I have this past year
England or Spain win the world cup
Charlton promoted
England beat the Saffers in Safferland at cricket
I get a nephew/niece from my brother & sister-in-law
Watching my daughter play college football over here
Scoring the tying goal in our over 40 local soccer derby game after returning from ankle ligament replacement surgery (must be the ligament I got from the 25 year old stud cadaver !!!)
Completing the New Your tri-boro 42 mile bike ride in pouring rain
My mothers health after treatment for cancer
Not being there for my mother's cancer treatment in London
Being in a cast for 6 weeks due to ankle surgery
Not being able to afford airfare for whole family to come home for Xmas
Mother's clean bill of health
Continued good health of my family
Not being laid off
Come over and play in a lifers footie game at the valley (even with a dodgy ankle)
Happy Xmas and New Year to everyone !!!!!
Springsteen for 2 nights at the LA Coliseum
Visiting the Great American Beer Festival in Denver
Daughter happy and flying in year 10 at school
Didn't we get relegated in 2009?
Black Saturday (bush fires)
Big project at work falling over and most of the changes having to be undone
Promotion to Championship
Get together with UK-based friends we haven't seen for a while
My Dad continues in good health at 84
Playing regular cricket again in the summer(or trying to)
Seeing my little 'un every month
My brothers marriage falling apart and his struggle with mental illness and parkinsons
Relegation (hardly matters compared to the above)
That my brother gets things sorted as best he can and that two bob selfish bitch of a wife gets whats coming to her(within the bounds of the law or karma)
That Charlton get promoted
and i don't bat like a total cock next cricket season.
Maybe find a better job
Buying my first flat
Not being affected too much by the recession
4 great holidays
Not spending enough time with my Granddad
Nearly loosing a good mate to smack
Loosing the Velodrome job
Some tosser from West Brom
That the new flat goes well, I've taken a big risk in moving to an area where only a few of my mates live in
That a decent job comes along.
Promotion for Charlton
Breaking up with my partner of 5 years at Easter
3 funerals - 3 long-time good friends of mine died within 2 months.
Work went from being successful, to hanging in there just about. Thanks, greedy bankers & politicians.
Oh, it could be worse ..... I'll give thanks that I still have health, hopes and loved ones.
Wild fling with much younger American woman in America
Getting drenched on the Lifer's day out at Yeovil - wicked day with great people. Cheers, peeps!
Still playing football for Charlton Life, despite being well past my sell-by date at the age of ...... (you fill it in, lol)
Knowing that there's a ton of good people who look out for me ...... thanks a million!
My little boy (he's 22) is driving through bandit country for charity, Mauritania and Mali - a little prayer that he gets back home safely.
To become friends again with my lovely daughter after 10 long years, despite her mother's poison tongue.
Spending more time while I can with elderly parents
Winding up Henry Irving ;o)
And hoping everybody I know, including you ugly lot too ......... hoping all your dreams come true!
Splitting up with the missus and sitting here on Christmas eve in a big house on my own, not being able to see my little girl first thing Christmas morning
None when I take into account the above (even though there were some) - nothing else matters to be honest....although I will see my little girl from about 11 onwards tomorrow
To resolve the above and we sort things out (doesn't look favourable at present)
...oh and promotion, but at the moment I couldn't even really give a fcuk about that!
I've been there too.
But all things pass.
And you never know what's round the corner.
Merry Christmas ..... and fingers crossed for you!