Hey everyone,
I play in sevenoaks snooker league, we are at sundridge tonight(which is 10 mins from sevenoaks)
Basically in short one of our regular players is sick so cannot play tonight, we have two back ups who also cannot play :-(
so if anyone is free tonight and if you cannot get there let me know as i may be able to pick you up if not too far away
doesnt really matter about experiance, preferably if you have played before or if you play then more likely
Whisper me Asap please and will come back to you at some stage today as i have also put facebook call out & sent a few messages, so not definate at mo
If you do play starts 8.15pm, usually done around 10ish and food included. afterwards have to play 1 or two courtesy frames usually but that depends on timing etc
let me know asap!