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  • Detroit. Hard to watch at times, but a really well made no nonsense gritty film based upon the riots in Detroit in 1967 and no flowery Hollywood ending or over sentimentality...just told as it was. 8/10 and my second best film of 2017.
  • Stronger.....another film based upon a true story, but sadly the story teller decided to go full on "God Bless America" on us and it really ruined what could have been a better told story. 4/10
  • edited January 2018

    The Salesman

    I decided to watch The Salesman when I found out that it beat the brilliant Land of Mine to best film in a foreign language at last years Oscars. Was it as good as Land of Mine ? well maybe not quite but I'm really pleased I watched it.
    It's the story of a couple are forced to leave their collapsing apartment building, when a friend offers them a flat to live in but he doesn't tell them this it was formerly inhabited by a prostitute. While home alone at night and taking a shower, the wife is attacked, and has difficulty coping with the aftermath.
    This is a film set in Iran but it could be set anywhere. The people in this film are just like you and me and although there are cultural difference you wouldn't really know it in this film.
    Writer and director Asghar Farhadi has made thought provoking film about disgrace , revenge , and pride and the cast do him proud.
    The Salesman is available on Amazon.

    8 out of 10
  • Unlocked. Another Noomi Rapace film, she was a busy girl in 2017. In this one she plays a sleeping CIA agent racked with guilt over a terrorist attack in Paris. Lots of twists and turns with cameos from the excellent John Malkovich, Michael Douglas and Orlando Bloom. Shot mostly in London tinged the film in nostalgia for me, but it was indeed a good film albeit (as with most films these days) a bit predictable in places. A solid 7/10 from me...worth a look.
  • JamesSeed said:


    If there was ever any doubt that Netflix was a big player in the movie industry it's been confirmed with this big budget film and I for one am pleased they are because if the future of film watching is the latest blockbusters being streamed to your home instead of horrible cinema experience then bring it on!
    Set in an alternate present-day where humans, orcs, elves and fairies have been coexisting since the beginning of time, this follows two cops from very different backgrounds. Ward, a human and Jakoby, an orc , embark on a routine night patrol that will alter the future of their world as they know it.
    The first thing you notice about this film is how great it looks. The make up and special affects really are stunning. The second is how old Will Smith is looking.
    The film itself is pretty good. I'm not a big lover of fantasy movies but because this is set in a modern day, gritty world it feels more relative.
    I did prefer the first half where we follow the cops and they experience the prejudices amongst the public and their own colleagues more than the second half which is where the fantasy action goes into overdrive. Bright feels like a a cross between the 1988 film Alien Nation and the Underworld series of movies.
    If I had to criticise it , I would say it has too many clichés that get a little corny after a while but overall I enjoyed it.

    7 out of 10

    Like Netflix a lot, but love going to the pictures more. As an over 60 (you'd never guess of course) I get to be a member of the Picturehouse Silver Screen Club. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I get to see a movie with free coffee (or tea) and biscuits for £6.50

    I go at least once a week. The last film I saw there was The Death of Stalin which I really enjoyed. 8/10

    It helps to be able to walk to the cinema (it's just across Clapham Common from me). Helps to get me out of the house in all weathers.

    Watched Bright yesterday with Mrs D. Completely crazy movie that made some good points about prejudice and racism. 7/10

    I'm waiting for the next series of Man in the High Castle on Amazon Prime. Should be out sometime in the new year I think?
    I’d go to the cinema more often I I had a decent independent one near me . The closest is Cambridge which is 45 minutes away .
    Sadly I have to put up with the usual multiplexes who show the same film ( usually Marvel or DC ) on half of the screens and think it’s a good idea to sell Nachos to customers to crunch during a film . The people running these places have no idea .
    Not sure where abouts in Beds you live @Bedsaddick, but I'm in south Beds and my nearest cinema is actually great independent one in Letchworth (The Broadway), would definitely recommend it!
  • edited January 2018

    City of Ghosts

    City of Ghosts is a documentary feature film that goes behind enemy lines in Syria to follow the citizen journalist collective Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently as they attempt to expose the human rights violations by ISIS and fight the terrorist group's misinformation campaigns in their home country. This group of people face the realities of life undercover, on the run, and in exile, risking their lives to stand up against one of the greatest evils in the world today
    I was putting off watching this documentary because I wasn't sure the extent of barbarism that was going to be shown on screen and when you think about it that is ridiculous. We should all see what is happening in Syria but sadly most of us turn a blind eye to what it happening.
    As it happens this film isn't too graphic. It doesn't show the ISIS videos of beheadings or anything like that instead it focuses on this amazing group of people.
    What I find incredibly sad is that not only are friends and family of this group dying all the time but when some of them escape to Europe to continue their online fight with ISIS , they are treated like lepers by far right wing groups.
    The documentary itself does fall off a bit in the last third and is a little bit self congratulatory but to be honest these people deserve all the credit they might get.

    7 out of 10
  • JamesSeed said:


    If there was ever any doubt that Netflix was a big player in the movie industry it's been confirmed with this big budget film and I for one am pleased they are because if the future of film watching is the latest blockbusters being streamed to your home instead of horrible cinema experience then bring it on!
    Set in an alternate present-day where humans, orcs, elves and fairies have been coexisting since the beginning of time, this follows two cops from very different backgrounds. Ward, a human and Jakoby, an orc , embark on a routine night patrol that will alter the future of their world as they know it.
    The first thing you notice about this film is how great it looks. The make up and special affects really are stunning. The second is how old Will Smith is looking.
    The film itself is pretty good. I'm not a big lover of fantasy movies but because this is set in a modern day, gritty world it feels more relative.
    I did prefer the first half where we follow the cops and they experience the prejudices amongst the public and their own colleagues more than the second half which is where the fantasy action goes into overdrive. Bright feels like a a cross between the 1988 film Alien Nation and the Underworld series of movies.
    If I had to criticise it , I would say it has too many clichés that get a little corny after a while but overall I enjoyed it.

    7 out of 10

    Like Netflix a lot, but love going to the pictures more. As an over 60 (you'd never guess of course) I get to be a member of the Picturehouse Silver Screen Club. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I get to see a movie with free coffee (or tea) and biscuits for £6.50

    I go at least once a week. The last film I saw there was The Death of Stalin which I really enjoyed. 8/10

    It helps to be able to walk to the cinema (it's just across Clapham Common from me). Helps to get me out of the house in all weathers.

    Watched Bright yesterday with Mrs D. Completely crazy movie that made some good points about prejudice and racism. 7/10

    I'm waiting for the next series of Man in the High Castle on Amazon Prime. Should be out sometime in the new year I think?
    I’d go to the cinema more often I I had a decent independent one near me . The closest is Cambridge which is 45 minutes away .
    Sadly I have to put up with the usual multiplexes who show the same film ( usually Marvel or DC ) on half of the screens and think it’s a good idea to sell Nachos to customers to crunch during a film . The people running these places have no idea .
    Not sure where abouts in Beds you live @Bedsaddick, but I'm in south Beds and my nearest cinema is actually great independent one in Letchworth (The Broadway), would definitely recommend it!
    I'm in Biggleswade and yes I've been to The Broadway before . While it is a nice cinema and has lots of character it still doesn't show that many independent small films and why should they because they need to make money.
  • Just watched The Man with the Iron Heart on Netflix. British made about 2 Czech resistance fighters parachuting in to Prague to kill a senior ss commander, who under Himmler lead The Final Solution purge against Europe's Jews.

    Very good with another excellent performance from Jack O Connell. Some horrible gut wrenching scenes of Nazi extermination behaviour.

  • The Salesman

    I decided to watch The Salesman when I found out that it beat the brilliant Land of Mine to best film in a foreign language at last years Oscars. Was it as good as Land of Mine ? well maybe not quite but I'm really pleased I watched it.
    It's the story of a couple are forced to leave their collapsing apartment building, when a friend offers them a flat to live in but he doesn't tell them this it was formerly inhabited by a prostitute. While home alone at night and taking a shower, the wife is attacked, and has difficulty coping with the aftermath.
    This is a film set in Iran but it could be set anywhere. The people in this film are just like you and me and although there are cultural difference you wouldn't really know it in this film.
    Writer and director Asghar Farhadi has made thought provoking film about disgrace , revenge , and pride and the cast do him proud.
    The Salesman is available on Amazon.

    8 out of 10

    Stuck that on my watch list on Amazon Prime. Saw Moonlight last night which was pretty good.
  • Just saw "Molly's Game." Darned fine movie. Typical snappy dialogue by Aaron Sorkin. Jessica Chastain is quite good. So is Idris Irba. A bit long at 2hr, 20min. I really dug her character and the ups and downs she faced. I think Aaron Sorkin suffers from one thing, he always has to bring his scripts around to some big reveal as to a main character's motivation. In this case it feels forced. But other than that, I really liked the flick. A lot more than Star Wars or Ladybird, that's for sure.
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  • Watched an interesting on the other day, apologise if its has been mentioned already.
    The Book Of Henry - 7.5/10 - Thought it was very heartfelt, about a boy who is a genius at 11 he lives with his single mum and younger brother. Helps his mum out with accounts/ investing and then becomes ill. I wont give any spoilers but its quite emotional/sad film but a good story to go with and well worth the watch. Acting isn't brilliant but not bad, the main lady is Naomi Watts (i think) she was very good, as was Henry who was quirky.
  • edited January 2018
    Watched Mollys Game last night. Was expecting it to be reasonable but I really enjoyed this one.
    A longish film at about 2:20 and thoroughly absorbing and entertaining.
    Jessica Chastain is very, ahem, watchable. Idris Elba also very good support.
    Agree entirely with @NapaAddick
  • Just watched "Hostiles". Enjoyed the film but the detail was historically inaccurate. Nevertheless, a good story
  • Land Of Mine which was recommended on here. And a damn fine film it is.
  • edited January 2018


    Since the beginning of movie making the story of the native Indian and their struggle with the white American ( or visa versa) has been told verbatim but I haven't seen any that focus on the emotional and mental impact of the death and distruction that surrounds both sets of people .That is until now.
    This this the story of army captain Joseph J. Blocker who undertakes one final mission before retirement. To escort Yellow Hawk , a dying Cheyenne war chief - and his family back to sacred tribal lands. Together they battle against the brutality of men , coming to the rescue of a young widow amidst the carnage of her murdered family. On the journey the two men have to learn to trust one another despite their history.
    To say this film is a little bit grim is to say The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a little bit gory.
    At times this film is so dark it's difficult to watch. The mental torture these characters endure due to their grieving hits you full in the face.
    Christian Bale is fantastic as is Wes Studi and Rosamund Pike and it cannot have been an easy film to make.
    If you are looking for an all action traditional western this is not it. It's what people would call a modern western and while I enjoyed the performances , i can't say the film , because of it's content , was enjoyable.
    In fact I would say Hostiles was very hard work .

    7 out of 10
  • Recently saw The Disaster Artist - a film about the making of a really bad film (The Room). Very funny in places and entertaining with James Franco enjoying hamming it up.

    Doesn't quite live up to its reviews for me. 6.5/10
  • Agree with Beds on Hostiles. I enjoyed it, I thought the acting was great... but if I wasn't in a screening, I probably would have taken a break and come back to it the next day!

    Also, for a film that wants to show it's characters on an arc of forgiveness and redemption (for being racist), it's remarkably simplistic when it comes to the native American depictions.

    Still, a really good western and well worth a watch.
  • Three Billboards, really enjoyed it, Frances Mcdormand and Sam Rockwell were both great, had some really funny moments considering the story.

    Will no doubt win plenty of awards and deservedly so.
  • Three Billboards, really enjoyed it, Frances Mcdormand and Sam Rockwell were both great, had some really funny moments considering the story.

    Will no doubt win plenty of awards and deservedly so.

    Going to see this tomorrow hopefully.
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  • Watched " The Man with the Iron Heart" on netflix tonight.

    Very decent film & worth a watch although Mr F is convinced it's a remake.
  • Watched " The Man with the Iron Heart" on netflix tonight.

    Very decent film & worth a watch although Mr F is convinced it's a remake.

    Yes recommended that earlier on the thread
  • edited January 2018
    Tried the test above and was delighted to find my most appropriate film was the Gay Fisting one - is it on Netflix?

    The Limehouse Golem

    I also gaught the Limehouse Golem this week. No fisting of any sort, but despite some gore, it was a very enjoyable film. I'm a bit of a sucker for these sort of historical movies, which was just another reason I loved the Prestige so much, and this was a good movie. I won't discuss it but I enjoyed everything, the atmousphere, acting, characters and plot.

  • Tried the test above and was delighted to find my most appropriate film was the Gay Fisting one - is it on Netflix?

    The Limehouse Golem

    I also gaught the Limehouse Golem this week. No fisting of any sort, but despite some gore, it was a very enjoyable film. I'm a bit of a sucker for these sort of historical movies, which was just another reason I loved the Prestige so much, and this was a good movie. I won't discuss it but I enjoyed everything, the atmousphere, acting, characters and plot.


    I really enjoyed it.
  • Seen 3 excellent films in the last 10 days.

    3 Billboards - 9/10
    Molly's Game - 8/10
    Brad's Status - 8/10.
  • Just back from Three Billboards and I thought it was a cracking film. Some great acting performances.
  • JiMMy 85 said:

    Agree with Beds on Hostiles. I enjoyed it, I thought the acting was great... but if I wasn't in a screening, I probably would have taken a break and come back to it the next day!

    Also, for a film that wants to show it's characters on an arc of forgiveness and redemption (for being racist), it's remarkably simplistic when it comes to the native American depictions.

    Still, a really good western and well worth a watch.

    I've heard its very gory and that is worrying me about seeing it. How graphic is it?
  • The Post comes out today and I might wanna go see that. Somewhat timely for what we are dealing with here. But I reeeeallly wanna see Phantom Thread with Daniel Day Lewis when that gets wide release.
  • I'm suprised how well people have rated Bright. It's the worst thing I've ever seen on Netflix. I turned it off half way through, brain dead story.
  • The Post comes out today and I might wanna go see that. Somewhat timely for what we are dealing with here. But I reeeeallly wanna see Phantom Thread with Daniel Day Lewis when that gets wide release.

    Apparently Phantom Thread is Daniel Day Lewis’ last film as an actor.
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