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  • OK, not quite a latest film, but just spent a couple of hours at the cinema blubbing through "It's a wonderful life". Must be Christmas...

    Christmas isn't Christmas without it's A Wonderful Life. Fantastic film.
  • Been on a film binge recently. Some of the more recent ones:

    Gone Girl - absolutely fantastic. I'm a big Fincher fan anyway and I think Affleck is brilliant in practically everything he does. Up there with the best I've seen this year. 8/10

    Tusk - well errm, very strange. I'd suggest if you don't know about this (Kevin Smith film who dreamt it up on one of his podcasts after reading a Gumtree ad placed in Brighton) and/or you don't like B horror movies then give it a wide berth. 5/10

    A Most Wanted Man - based on the Le Carre novel. It was Phillip Seymour Hoffman's last role and as usual he was fantastic, such a loss to this world. If you like spy thrillers then go watch it, much much better than Tinker, Tailor imo. 7/10
  • 7500

    If you can imagine a 1970's naff airplane disaster movie with a modern day look , some second rate acting and a lousy supernatural twist then you have 7500 . This has the feel of a poor episode of The Twilight Zone and it's only redeeming feature is that it's only 80 minutes long. Straight to DVD? Straight into the bin.

    2 out of 10
  • edited December 2014
    colthe3rd said:

    Been on a film binge recently. Some of the more recent ones:

    Gone Girl - absolutely fantastic. I'm a big Fincher fan anyway and I think Affleck is brilliant in practically everything he does. Up there with the best I've seen this year. 8/10

    A Most Wanted Man - based on the Le Carre novel. It was Phillip Seymour Hoffman's last role and as usual he was fantastic, such a loss to this world. If you like spy thrillers then go watch it, much much better than Tinker, Tailor imo. 7/10

    I think I'm definitely in the minority regarding Gone Girl. It was rated highly on many websites and I had high expectations. Then watched it ten days ago but somehow felt tired and uncomfortble after spending 150 minutes in front of the computer watching it. I must admit I even had difficulties sleeping that night because of the murder scene towards the end of the film... I much prefer The Social Network, Se7en and Zodiac.

    Quite agree about A Most Wanted Man. Highly recommended. Phillip Seymour Hoffman did a superb job. But I still think Tinker Tailor is better. ;)
  • IdleHans said:

    JohnBoyUK said:

    Anyone seen Horrible Bosses 2 yet?

    Hope its as good as the first one. Jennifer Aniston was bloody sensational in that. Ahem.

    HB1 was possibly the worst most contrived and unfunny film I have ever had the misfortune to waste my time watching - close run thing between that and Death at a Funeral.
    And Jennifer Aniston reminds me more than somewhat of my sister so even watching her in her underwear does not save the film for me.
    Any chance of introducing me to your sister?
  • The interview is available on flixanity now if you want to watch it
  • The interview is available on flixanity now if you want to watch it

    I might check this out later as it's on Google play. Can't abide Seth Rogan but because is topical i'm intrigued.
  • The Interview - absolutely, completely nuts. It's pretty funny, it will shock you and it is probably the most important film this year. Definitely worth a watch.
  • edited December 2014
    The Interview

    I'm still not convinced that the whole North Korean , Sony Hacking story isn't just a very clever marketing ploy to sell this film. Whatever the truth is , the film didn't deserve anywhere near as much column inches that it has got.
    Usually it's Seth Rogan that annoys the hell out of me but in The Interview it's James Franco who takes that role.
    I did laugh a couple of times , especially the bits involving cameos with Eminem and Rob Lowe but for the most part , unsurprisingly , i just thought it was silly and stupid.
    I think we may all have been honeypotted by Sony.

    4 out of 10
  • CAFCsayer said:

    IdleHans said:

    JohnBoyUK said:

    Anyone seen Horrible Bosses 2 yet?

    Hope its as good as the first one. Jennifer Aniston was bloody sensational in that. Ahem.

    HB1 was possibly the worst most contrived and unfunny film I have ever had the misfortune to waste my time watching - close run thing between that and Death at a Funeral.
    And Jennifer Aniston reminds me more than somewhat of my sister so even watching her in her underwear does not save the film for me.
    Any chance of introducing me to your sister?
    I'd have to hate you first
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  • The Interview

    I'm still not convinced that the whole North Korean , Sony Hacking story isn't just a very clever marketing ploy to sell this film. Whatever the truth is , the film didn't deserve anywhere near as much column inches that it has got.
    Usually it's Seth Rogan that annoys the hell out of me but in The Interview it's James Franco who takes that role.
    I did laugh a couple of times , especially the bits involving cameos with Eminem and Rob Lowe but for the most part , unsurprisingly , i just thought it was silly and stupid.
    I think we may all have been honeypotted by Sony.

    4 out of 10

    This film is going to be slaughtered by a lot of people because it has no chance of living up to the hype - regardless of whether that hype was engineered or accidental.
    Bearing in mind that Seth Rogen and friends are not known for anything other than silly comedy which divides opinion anyway, I can't help but think anyone who thinks this film is going to be amazing is naïve in the extreme.

    Personally, I quite like Seth Rogen, but he's not a genius filmmaker and I think they're on to a hiding here. A very lucrative hiding.
  • The Interview

    I'm still not convinced that the whole North Korean , Sony Hacking story isn't just a very clever marketing ploy to sell this film. Whatever the truth is , the film didn't deserve anywhere near as much column inches that it has got.
    Usually it's Seth Rogan that annoys the hell out of me but in The Interview it's James Franco who takes that role.
    I did laugh a couple of times , especially the bits involving cameos with Eminem and Rob Lowe but for the most part , unsurprisingly , i just thought it was silly and stupid.
    I think we may all have been honeypotted by Sony.

    4 out of 10

    This film is going to be slaughtered by a lot of people because it has no chance of living up to the hype - regardless of whether that hype was engineered or accidental.
    Bearing in mind that Seth Rogen and friends are not known for anything other than silly comedy which divides opinion anyway, I can't help but think anyone who thinks this film is going to be amazing is naïve in the extreme.

    Personally, I quite like Seth Rogen, but he's not a genius filmmaker and I think they're on to a hiding here. A very lucrative hiding.
    Have to disagree with our resident Commode. I really enjoyed it. It's pretty slick and I can see why the NK's are less than impressed. Who ever plays Kim does a top notch job.
  • Dumber and dumber too is on flixanity. Some very funny scenes so not as good as the original still worth seeing
  • Dumber and dumber too is on flixanity. Some very funny scenes so not as good as the original still worth seeing

    It was utterly dreadful watched the first half hour then turned it off, avoid this film at all costs
  • The Wind Rises ...Ghibli Studios make stunning films ...this is one of the best 9/10
  • .

    The Interview

    I'm still not convinced that the whole North Korean , Sony Hacking story isn't just a very clever marketing ploy to sell this film. Whatever the truth is , the film didn't deserve anywhere near as much column inches that it has got.
    Usually it's Seth Rogan that annoys the hell out of me but in The Interview it's James Franco who takes that role.
    I did laugh a couple of times , especially the bits involving cameos with Eminem and Rob Lowe but for the most part , unsurprisingly , i just thought it was silly and stupid.
    I think we may all have been honeypotted by Sony.

    4 out of 10

    This film is going to be slaughtered by a lot of people because it has no chance of living up to the hype - regardless of whether that hype was engineered or accidental.
    Bearing in mind that Seth Rogen and friends are not known for anything other than silly comedy which divides opinion anyway, I can't help but think anyone who thinks this film is going to be amazing is naïve in the extreme.

    Personally, I quite like Seth Rogen, but he's not a genius filmmaker and I think they're on to a hiding here. A very lucrative hiding.
    Have to disagree with our resident Commode.i I really enjoyed it. It's pretty slick and I can see why the NK's are less than impressed. Who ever plays Kim does a top notch job.

  • Just watched Frank. Well recommended.
  • The Interview: Surprisingly i too really enjoyed it 7.5/10
  • Enjoyed Lucy, strange ending though
  • Tracks

    Tracks is the story of Robyn Davidson who walked 1700 miles across the Australian outback with her dog and three camels and wrote a best selling book about her experience.
    This film looks great and the acting is good but it's not exactly the most thrilling film you ever like to see. The problem is , during her trip nothing of any real significance happened . I'm sure the book is better as she could put across her thoughts but in the film that doesn't quite work. I really like the scenes with the Aboriginals as there is something very photogenic about them.

    6 out of 10
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  • Birdman, with Michael Keaton. Excellent acting, much of the film seems to have been shot in one long take, very ingeniously done.
    About a former comic book hero actor trying to establish himself in New York theatre instead of Hollywood movies by producing a play and coping with various internal and external crises. Unusual and enjoyable, stylishly done. 7/10.

    Previewing American Sniper on sunday - think that will be more conventional, somehow.
  • edited December 2014

    The Interview

    I'm still not convinced that the whole North Korean , Sony Hacking story isn't just a very clever marketing ploy to sell this film. Whatever the truth is , the film didn't deserve anywhere near as much column inches that it has got.
    Usually it's Seth Rogan that annoys the hell out of me but in The Interview it's James Franco who takes that role.
    I did laugh a couple of times , especially the bits involving cameos with Eminem and Rob Lowe but for the most part , unsurprisingly , i just thought it was silly and stupid.
    I think we may all have been honeypotted by Sony.

    4 out of 10

    This film is going to be slaughtered by a lot of people because it has no chance of living up to the hype - regardless of whether that hype was engineered or accidental.
    Bearing in mind that Seth Rogen and friends are not known for anything other than silly comedy which divides opinion anyway, I can't help but think anyone who thinks this film is going to be amazing is naïve in the extreme.

    Personally, I quite like Seth Rogen, but he's not a genius filmmaker and I think they're on to a hiding here. A very lucrative hiding.
    Have to disagree with our resident Commode. I really enjoyed it. It's pretty slick and I can see why the NK's are less than impressed. Who ever plays Kim does a top notch job.
    I've now seen The Interview. I have to admit, it's better than I thought it would be - though how much that is due to me tempering my expectations, I don't know.
    It is different to most films, obviously, but it also has a lot of the hallmarks of any Seth Rogen film you've seen before - it's very silly, crude, sweary etc so if you don't mind that sort of thing then it's ok. I agree that the guy who played Kim was good. Eminem's cameo was funny too.
    I don't think it's a BAD film, but it's not great and I still think it'll never live up to the hype.
  • Tracks

    Tracks is the story of Robyn Davidson who walked 1700 miles across the Australian outback with her dog and three camels and wrote a best selling book about her experience.
    This film looks great and the acting is good but it's not exactly the most thrilling film you ever like to see. The problem is , during her trip nothing of any real significance happened . I'm sure the book is better as she could put across her thoughts but in the film that doesn't quite work. I really like the scenes with the Aboriginals as there is something very photogenic about them.

    6 out of 10

    I liked this a lot, 8/10
  • Night at the Museum 3 - film with broad family appeal. Sad to see Robin Williams in his last movie, the monkey is still a highlight for me in this series and it gave a fair few titters along the way. 7/10

    Penguins of Madagascar - kid loved it, I nearly snoozed. A few amusing lines, but could have and should have been better. 4.5/10

    Maze Runner - was not expecting such a good and gripping movie. Was transfixed throughout and would recommend for those that like things like Hunger Games or the TV series Lost. 8.5/10

    Gone Girl up next...
  • Saw Paddington this afternoon, daughter loved it and I quite enjoyed it too.
  • edited December 2014
    Gone Girl

    I'm on a poor run at the moment . 2014 has been a bad year for movies , in fact one of the worst i can ever remember unless your a Marvel fan and Gone Girl opitimises it.
    This film held so much promise. The first ninety minutes was great ( Unlike watching Charlton ;-) ) but then it hit a brick wall. I can't remember a film in recent years that ends as badly as this does, Where is the pay off ? Director , David Fincher seems to be able to do no wrong in the eyes of some critics. This critic isn't buying it.

    5 out of 10
  • Dumber and dumber too is on flixanity. Some very funny scenes so not as good as the original still worth seeing

    It was utterly dreadful watched the first half hour then turned it off, avoid this film at all costs
    This is a bad bad film. Two old farts taking a fat pay cheque. Awful.
  • @IdleHans Looking forward to your thoughts on American Sniper :) I saw the trailer a couple of weeks ago and liked it very much. Clint Eastwood has directed some truly great films over the years and hopefully this is going to be one of his best.
  • Gone Girl

    I'm on a poor run at the moment . 2014 has been a bad year for movies , in fact one of the worst i can ever remember unless your a Marvel fan and Gone Girl opitimises it.
    This film held so much promise. The first ninety minutes was great ( Unlike watching Charlton ;-) ) but then it hit a brick wall. I can't remember a film in recent years that ends as badly as this does, Where is the pay off ? Director , David Fincher seems to be able to do no wrong in the eyes of some critics. This critic isn't buying it.

    5 out of 10

    Absolutely agree that it was good for the majority of the film but then suddenly stopped. Call me an old cynic, but when watching new films, I often find myself wondering if they set up non-conclusive endings purely on the off chance that a sequel could be made.
  • I really like the scenes with the Aboriginals as there is something very photogenic about them.

    Which is a bit ironic as traditional Aborginals dislike cameras as they believe they steal your soul. Judging by the number of pouting & posing morons you see on social media nowadays, I think they have a point...
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