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  • Finally watched Batman vs Superman.

    I liked it, much better than I was expecting after reading a lot of the bad reviews it got.

    I watched the extended cut which is a little over 3 hours and around 35 minutes longer than the cinema version. Yes 3 hours is quite long for a film but having watched it I'm not sure where you could cut a total of 35 minutes from without missing parts of the story. There never seemed too long a scene that was either needless or dragged on a bit. Certainly not 35 minutes worth.
    I can only think that perhaps the editing process cut a few necessary pieces out and that was a contributing factor in what led to the less than favourable reviews.
  • Hmmm. I watched the extended edition, and thought it did little to fix the fundamental issues that movie has. If you enjoyed it, you win really. But there are a LOT of problems with that film, if you care to look.

    I can enjoy Affleck as Batman, which was taken in a suitable direction post-Nolan. The rest of it... what a colossal mess. I will never watch it again for one reason alone - Jesse Eisenberg. Holy shit that's the most irritating performance I've ever, ever seen. And I include the walking wooden plank that is Olga Kurylenko in that claim.

  • JiMMy 85 said:

    JiMMy 85 said:

    Just sat through The Secret In Their Eyes. Nowhere near as bad as I figured it would be when I first heard the 2009 movie was being remade. In fact it's quite watchable, especially if you've not seen the original.

    That said, it's really bland. It's got a slower pace, less flair from the director and only Chiwetel Ejiofor compares to the original cast. Roberts does her best, Kidman is uninspiring. Hank from BB is...Hank from BB. The best thing about the original was the leads, who were utterly compelling and believable.

    Ultimately, if you're ok with watching a movie with subtitles, there's no reason to watch the remake instead of the original.

    I loved the original. I don't think I could stomach another American remake .
    I've not watched the original but the trailer for the remake looked interesting to me though. Is it out on DVD/Blu-ray?
    The remake is just in the PPV window ( rent or buy in Sky Store or iTunes) or DVD/ Blu Ray in shops.

    It'll be on Sky Cinema in the autumn I suspect.

    I can't find the original on Sky or Netflix, so it might be Amazon. Certainly worth looking for that first!
    The original was available on some Chinese website if I remember correctly. I reckon it's still there. I'll take a look some time later.
  • Finding Dory

    I was looking forward to this, as I loved the original, nd anyway I'm always happy to let my childrens enthusiasm carry me along. besides, it has rave reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. But....... Okay, it's a really good film by Disneyt standards, but Pixar are generally the next level up, and while it was cute and quite funny, it seemed to me to spend too much time trying to tie up bits and bobs from the Nemo film. All good fun, but Finding Nemo had some real stand out moments of screaming humour, while this was just.....nice.

  • I watched a film called 71 the other night about the British Soldiers in Belfast.

    Apologies if already been mentioned on here but a decent watch
  • Timothy Spall is brilliant in 'Denial.'
  • edited July 2016
    The Nice Guys

    It's been a while since Russell Crowe made a good movie. He's not quite on the Robert De Niro / Al Pacino spiral of stinkers but he's getting there and with The Nice Guys he continues on his own little run of movie dross.
    This is about a pair of 1970's private detectives who are hired to find a missing girl who is caught up in corruption involving the porn industry and people high up in office.
    That may sound interesting but believe me it's not. I found the whole plot of this film utterly dull and If that isn't bad enough the chemistry between Gosling and Crowe was non existent. I didn't laugh once.
    This film tries so hard to be a Lethal Weapon or a 48 hours and never comes close.
    The one plus point from this film is 14 year old Angourie Rice who plays the clever kid really well.

    4 out of 10
  • I watched a film called 71 the other night about the British Soldiers in Belfast.

    Apologies if already been mentioned on here but a decent watch

    I saw that a while ago, thought it was excellent.
  • Watched Tarzan last night, very different from how I remember Tarzan films. Samuel L Jackson played his part well, very watchable....
  • T.C.E said:

    Watched Tarzan last night, very different from how I remember Tarzan films. Samuel L Jackson played his part well, very watchable....

    Went and saw that on Friday and thought it was excellent, much better than the Disney one I was used to when I was young.

    All the main actors I thought were very good especially the bloke who played Rom. Made me hate him.

    Margo Robbie is just unreal
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  • Saw now you see me 2 the other day, it wasn't as up on itself as the first one ,an alright kind of film , 7 out of 10.
  • Re. The Nice Guys, the reason it comes across like Lethal Weapon is the writer/ director, Shane Black.

    Black wrote the LW movies (you'll recognise him more from his slightly bizarre casting in Predator), he also wrote The Long Kiss Goodnight, The Last Boy Scout, The Last Action Hero and Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang. Those films all have one thing in common: the two leads are love/ hate buddies. That's his schtick. (He also writes good kid roles in most of those films).

    He spent years in the Hollywood wilderness, after Long Kiss Goodnight bombed (Last Action Hero wasn't entirely his fault but didn't help). He's spent more time tidying up other people's scripts than writing his own. He made a comeback with Kiss Kiss, where he hooked up with Downey Jr. who got him the Iron Man 3 gig. (Again, there's a wisecracking kid and a bit of a love/ hate buddy thing between them).

    I think a lot of people hoped Nice Guys would be better than it was, but Black isn't in the wilderness again - he's been charged with reviving the Predator franchise...
  • edited July 2016
    Just watched The Invitation and really enjoyed it. One of those films where you are constantly questioning what is really going on, thinking you have it twigged and then it gets a bit more twisted and your mind runs wild again with thoughts of how the story is going to unfold. Well made, suspenseful thriller that will have you gripped to the end.
  • JiMMy 85 said:

    Re. The Nice Guys, the reason it comes across like Lethal Weapon is the writer/ director, Shane Black.

    Black wrote the LW movies (you'll recognise him more from his slightly bizarre casting in Predator), he also wrote The Long Kiss Goodnight, The Last Boy Scout, The Last Action Hero and Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang. Those films all have one thing in common: the two leads are love/ hate buddies. That's his schtick. (He also writes good kid roles in most of those films).

    He spent years in the Hollywood wilderness, after Long Kiss Goodnight bombed (Last Action Hero wasn't entirely his fault but didn't help). He's spent more time tidying up other people's scripts than writing his own. He made a comeback with Kiss Kiss, where he hooked up with Downey Jr. who got him the Iron Man 3 gig. (Again, there's a wisecracking kid and a bit of a love/ hate buddy thing between them).

    I think a lot of people hoped Nice Guys would be better than it was, but Black isn't in the wilderness again - he's been charged with reviving the Predator franchise...

    Black is a bit of a one (maybe two) trick pony - the love/hate main pairing and lots of wisecracks. Often but not always a child character at least as smart as the adults. It's not really a bad trick and he does it pretty well but it's always variations on this exact same theme...

    I thought Nice Guys was decent but it's mostly because Gosling and Crowe turned out to be a better pairing than expected rather than any brilliance of direction/scripting.
  • I actually liked the nice guys.

    More funny moments than I expected. Lost its way a bit about 2/3 through but as a bit of escapism for a couple of hours it's worth a go imo
  • I actually liked the nice guys.

    More funny moments than I expected. Lost its way a bit about 2/3 through but as a bit of escapism for a couple of hours it's worth a go imo

    Same here, your review is short, but spot on.
  • edited July 2016
    The legend of Tarzan.

    I grew up as a kid watching Tarzan on telly , I took my son aged 5 at the time to se the cartoon film 15 years ago (his first ever film), and loved both.

    The film however... what a turkey of a film, despite the presence of Samuel L Jackson, this film literally is all over the place, ( I know it's meant to be through the trees) and a big let down, could have been so much better, preferred the new Jungle book a lot more.

    4 out of 10
  • Star Trek Beyond

    I'm a big fan of Star Trek (2009) and while I understand Trekkers' issues with Star Trek Into Darkness, I thoroughly enjoy watching it.

    The third outing promises to be a bit closer to the original series, in that it's set far from Earth during the five-year mission to boldly go....

    Simon Pegg's script is witty and sharp, some of the plot beats are really well realised. Some of them are repetition of the first two movies, for both good and bad.

    It is, however, still an action movie. There are few, if any character arcs, interesting potential subplots around aliens don't materialise and there's even less relationship stuff than before. Director James Wan does an impression of JJ Abrams, occasionally brilliantly (he has a lot of fun shooting the Enterprise) and sometimes incoherently (some moments were impossible to follow).

    Seeing Anton Yelchin is eerie, while the rest of the cast do well enough with what they've got, which is disappointingly simplistic by the final act.

    Finally, the 'sabotage' sequence is brilliantly stupid. It shouldn't work but it does.

    I liked it, but it's the weakest of the three.

  • Saw the new Ghostbusters movie with the Missus and daughter.
    It's all women with 'Thor' as the Bimbo.
    Totally absurd of course but I did laugh out loud and my wimmin loved it!

  • 13 Hours The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi

    Lets face it , it's very easy criticise Micheal Bay and he's movies. He's made some real stinkers in recent years but credit where credits due , even though 13Hours The Secrets Soldiers of Benghazi is by no means perfect it's not terrible either in fact I quite enjoyed it.
    This is the true story of the attack on a U.S. embassy outpost in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012, which killed four Americans (including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens) .
    The bad out of the way first , its 45 minutes too long and it is a little bit flag waving at times but i was impressed the cast , especially John Krasinski who I would never have seen in this role but it works. James Badge Dale and Pablo Schreiber are good too. The special affects are pretty good as well and thankfully not a transformer in sight!.
    Not bad at all.

    7 out of 10
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  • The walk

    A film about this French lunatic who saw the world in a beatific way. Him and some of his acolytes manged to string up a high wire between the twin towers just before they opened. When I read what the film was about I wondered how they would stretch the film out but it works. Being as ignorant as I am I had no idea if he survived the walk or not. The tension and the way the film was shot gave it a very credible feeling of vertigo. I'm glad I watched it against my better judgement. Very decent film

    8 out of 10


    Very silly, Sacha baron cohen does what he does and it was fun. Some absurdity and some real stupidity but I live his films for all of this. A few scenes had me in tears laughing, one of the scenes, maybe two made me retch whilst also laughing. It will be one on those films I watch whenever it is on the box because of some really funny bits. Like the dictator which I found very funny in some parts but as a whole a lot of silliness padded it.


    The elephant scene and the daniel Radcliffe scene 10/10
  • I was surprised at how much I enjoyed The Walk. Even when Zemeckis isn't at his best, his storytelling is quite compelling.
  • edited July 2016
    The BFG

    Truly wonderful and Mark Rylance delivers Roald Dahl's amazing dialogue perfectly.


  • Youth

    To say that Youth is a little odd would be a bit of an understatement. But not odd in a bad way , odd in a very , very good way.
    I absolutely loved this film.
    This is the story of a retired orchestra conductor ( Michael Caine) on holiday in a lavish retreat with his daughter and his film director best friend ( Harvey Keitel) in the Alps when he receives an invitation from the Queen to perform for Prince Philip's birthday.
    In all honesty this isn't really about the invitation , it's about getting old and how you reflect on life so differently than when you are younger.
    This looks fantastic . Sure it can be classed as a bit arty but director Paolo Sorrentino hasn't gone over the top with it instead he has got Michael Caine , to produce one of the best screen performance I have ever seen him perform.
    There are a few surreal moments that don't quite fit , like the cameo from Paloma Faith which seems to have been shoehorned into the film just to get her on screen but on the other hand I loved the scene with a fat Diego Maradona doing keepy uppies with a tennis ball.
    This won't be everyone's bag but it got me big time.

    9 out of 10

    Just caught this film and as you describe, it is very well worth the watch.
    Superb acting and lush screenplay.

  • Star Trek Beyond

    Star Wars never really did much for me. I was always a much bigger Star Trek fan so I was anticipating this much more than The Force Awakens .
    This the first of the rebooted films that isn't directed by J.J Abrahams so it was always going to be interesting to see if Justin Lin could follow in J.J's footsteps.
    The film was definitely enjoyable . It was absolutely jam packed full of action , so much so that it felt a little too frenetic at times.
    It's also quite dark . Literally . Many of the scenes do not feel lit enough so it was hard to see what was actually happening.
    I loved the continuing character build up , especially with Bones and Spock . It's amazing how these actors feel like a seamless continuation of the original cast.
    The story isn't without gaping plot holes but that doesn't take away from what is two hours of pure Starfleet adrenalin.

    7 out of 10
  • JiMMy 85 said:

    while I understand Trekkers' issues

  • colthe3rd said:

    JiMMy 85 said:

    while I understand Trekkers' issues

  • Ant-man

    Paul Rudd is a good personality, Michael Douglas is smooth and wistful and Evangeline Lily is smoking hit. Michael Pena stole the show as he is well capable of doing.

    I got bored quickly, I'm not a massive fan of the Marvel films. I liked the Ants and the fight at the end was funny, probably the highlight of the film. But overall I wouldn't have regretted now watching this. In hindsight of course.


  • Eye in the sky

    Eye in the sky is about a British colonel (Helen Mirren) who requests a drone strike to take out a group of terrorists in Kenya who are planning a series of suicide bombings. While trying to get political getting permission a 9 year old girl turns up to sell bread right outside the building which they plan to blow up.
    To say this film is dumb is an understatement. It's full of characters who look like they haven't been in their job for more than five minutes despite supposedly being experts in their fields.
    Helen Mirren doesn't look like a Colonel , Aaron Paul is no drone pilot and Monica Dolan is doing her W1A character.
    You also have to wonder if the drone technology is anything like we see in this film. Despite cameras being twenty thousand feet above or inside a mechanical bug ( no i'm not joking) the pictures are in perfect HD quality.
    It's not a terrible film. In fact it is quite watchable but you have to take your brain out before watching otherwise you will find yourself picking holes in it constantly.
    If you really want to see a film about drone attacks , Good Kill starring Ethan Hawke is the much better film.

    5 out of 10
  • JiMMy 85 said:

    colthe3rd said:

    JiMMy 85 said:

    while I understand Trekkers' issues

    Unbelievable trekkers.

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