Im going away ski-ing in march for the 1st time! i got stitched up so have brought the brightest Ski Jacket as was told beginners have to wear bright colours....i know only me lol
Anyways i thought i would maybe get some tips from you Lifers, Im thinking of going for looking like a tit and bit of a laugh really so i have the jacket which hopefully appears, what you reckon of the trousers & hat to go with, remember this is only a laugh so any other suggestions let us know
also any tips will be handy as im the sort of person who will come back with broken bones
My tip is to get some of theat neon faceblock for your nose.
I love it, i dont care if it stands out and will make me look silly! as long as i like it
May have to have a look at the neon faceblock
Oh, obviously hat & gloves too !
Sking is the 'best' holiday you'll ever have....hope you're going for two weeks(or more) because when you're learning a week is not enough, simply because you just start to pick things up and get more confident and then find yourself frustratingly on the flight home.
Besides, two days are spent travelling, so you only get 5 days on the pieste.
Another tip....if you have any ski boots put them on for a few hours at home and clomp around in's a strange feeling and wearing them will be one less strange sensation that you have to think about once you're there.....and lord knows there are some to take on board.
Once all the bits and pieces start to come together and you can get off on your own there's no thrill like it....because of my heart condition I haven't been for some years....I miss it more than I can say!
I may just do that mate, im in bluewater today so maybe worth a look. although got a few mates that are older who been plenty of times so may borrow googles & gloves from them, as it does all start to add up
Going for a week away, only in austria so shouldn't be too much travelling but im guessing i probably will wish when im going back that i had booked longer. we are staying at someones friends so have only had to pay for flights and obviously the gear and ski pass & lessons when over there, i will let you know how it goes as i have had some brilliant holidays so its got alot to live up to toe be the best
Thanks mate, thats what im going for lol not one to worry about standing out!
Think this maybe my first post no-one has taken the mick and got serious answer, is everyone feeling all right??? lol
I am working on it Johnny, give me time ;-)
This could take a while.........suprised oggy the local comedian hasn't popped by yet :0)
P.S. could you ask them if they do them colours in golf gear ; )
2. Gloves, and hat with ear cover. And good ski socks
3. Suncream (for face & lips)
4. Golfy is a bit behind the times suggesting salopettes. It's hard to get all-in-ones these days. Your jacket and a proper pair of (bright yellow!) ski trousers will do fine. He's right about the thermal vest idea though.
5. Is there a zip up pocket on that jacket? If not, make sure there's one on the trousers otherwise you'll be worrying about your keys or whatever falling out.
6. If you intend to picnic on the slopes then you'll need a handy small backpack.
7. Skiing can vary a lot on the weather of course. I find it best to go a bit over the top on layers of clothing and then if necessary take off a layer or two and put them around my waist.
8. Make sure you know your weight in kg if you're going skiing in Europe.
9. Re: ski insurance. Most places can add this on to the price of the ski-pass
Where are you going by the way?
Having never been skiing, but assuming wherever you go is covered in snow, how can wearing black make you hard to spot?!
Because boulders, trees, bushes and other stuff are pretty drab/dark coloured as well I guess especially in overcast conditions.
Anyways update on ski-wear i have bought bright yellow trousers to go with my funky coat, can always post pictures when back