Anyone used these before? I need to dust up on my Spanish but I don't really have the time to go to scheaduled classes. I'm not interested in buying them brand new, but I have seen a few good offers about second hand.
Are they really worth it? Or would I be better off finding the time to go to classes which would probably be a lot more expensive for a lot less learning time?
I'll settle for "blokes spanish" CA. We were doing changing money and hiring a car today. Doing my head in!
We must be not too far away from each other. We have a place just off the N432 near Alcala La Real. Hoping to get down there again soon but most of my mates, who live there full-time, are olive picking at the moment plus the weather hasn't been too great. Fair weather Spaniard I'm afraid.
They might help you brush up on your English too ..... sorry!
We must be not too far away from each other. We have a place just off the N432 near Alcala La Real. Hoping to get down there again soon but most of my mates, who live there full-time, are olive picking at the moment plus the weather hasn't been too great. Fair weather Spaniard I'm afraid.[/quote]
Alcala is really nice, really like the castle and the square with the kids playgrounds in. We are further west along the N432 (toward Córdoba, funnily enough) in Zuheros. The weather has been truly bloody awful and as you know it can get pretty cold round these parts. Are your mates working in the fields spanish or British? As thought it was quite unusual for Brits to get involved? Whats your teacher like, some of them can teach in such a boring way (which is how they teach English in schools), if you are not good at languages, a boring teacher can really put you of for life. Be nice to meet up when you are down, although I should point out that I am from the Guardian reading, back Parky, glass half full, climate change is real wing of the Lifers fraternity.
Practice Makes Perfect: Complete Spanish Grammar (Practice Makes Perfect Series)
Only 4 quid on Amazon at the moment.
Amazon Link
Covers pretty much everything. Also, try listening to the footie commentaries on La Liga, if you understand that, you'll be fine!
Hi CA. To be fair the teacher (he comes from Chile) is ok and it is more my language skills that are the problem. I put it down to my age and fading memory abilities!
My mates in Castillo de Locubin (where the house is) doing the olive picking are Brits. My best mate, Steve, has been there over 2 years now and because of a combination of factors is struggling a bit. Plus by doing the olives he is formally on the Spanish labour statistics (and paying a bit of tax) which means his youngest qualifies for a free pre-school place (saving him 100 euros per month). He says it's hard work but also helps with integrating with the locals. A lot of the others are scratching around for work with the slump in the tourist and building sector. Exchange rate isn't helping either as you will be all too aware.
Certainly would be interesting to meet up. You are on safe ground politically etc. I have been well and truly placed in the Guardian camp by our Daily Mail reading fellow lifers. On Parky I was sceptical to start with but he's made a decent fist of things considering. Just hope he can see the job through.
Let's keep in touch and hopefully meet up when the weather gets warmer!
'Dos cerveza, por favor...'
Anything else is a complete waste of money....