Living in Kent i know a few Gills fans and had a very good time when we went away there earlier in the season. Since then they have slumped and are looking likely to get relegated. I have to say i hope they dont go down, other than when we play them i want them to do as well as possible. Their chairman is clearly the sort of idiot who buys and English football club just as a comodity (when out on his yacht with all the other millionsaires in Dubai he can flash about saying he owns an English football club and the others dont). Scally slagged us off prior to the game but was not prepared to come Gillingham for the game why who knows.
Recently he wrote a piece in a programme prior to a league match (after they were knocked out of the FA cup by Accrington Stanley) damming the players and manager and how he was so dissapointed in the result and i think he even had a go at the fans too. Great for morale seeing as once again he couldnt be bothered to turn up to that game why i can only think its because he doesnt care for the club and is just a money driven t**t. Really anooys me this as when i went there there are a good lil crowd of Hardcore Gills fans who live in the area and clearly love thir club and he couldn't give a hoot. I know they are not the only club with an owner like this but i do feel for them big time.
Scummy club.
While i agree they are nothing to us and the fact they call us a derby is just laughable. However i have nothing against them its their chairman who is the looser here not their fans.
same as know a couple of supporters also, but im not hoping they stay up. all irrelevant to me mate, as long as charlton get promoted thats all that matters at the mo
However, i always keep a lookout for the Gills results (and indeed Ebbsfleet [Gravesend and Northfleet]) in general i wish them well.
Obviously when we play them i want only a Charlton victory.
Don't care for Scally one iota though........
He may have just been having a bad day, maybe he'll write a piece congratulating them all when they next lose to Millwall
Fuller is loved there and he is one of the most positionally inept full backs I have seen. Only Jackson (who is overrated) looked like he had anything about him at all, the fans who did try and gee the team up were laughed at and abused (by a couple of blokes I know are Manyoo fans) a errr 'special' looking fan down the front was offered out by some carrot who succeeding in ensuring he is laughed at for the rest of his life and remembered as the bloke in a suit who started on a mong. Div. If we don't put a few past them at our place I will be quite surprised. They were shockingly bad.
We truly were having an off day down there.
spot on
Jesus i thought being in the away end was bad enough. What a horrible day out that sounds like.
No wins and just 4 points from 16 away games this season certainly backs this up!
sounds like charlton are prime for a home defeat then if they still havnt won away by then :-(