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'Goals' in todays Sun



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    it is a bit unfair to have any feeling towards ID without knowing all of the facts which is why ive totally erased that period of CAFC from my memory
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    Maybe getting rid of Murray and Varney might be not quite right and harsh but I would have to say that I don't have quite the same respect for them I previously had and do fear that the club is going back to time when it was really bad. I don't think it is just the incompetent idiots that turned out on the nottingham pitch on Saturday. I also think the supporters can do their bit - perhaps some new songs. I did make a suggestion here.

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    How can you get rid of the effective owner of the club and his Chief officer anyway?
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    Funny how somebody is "moronic" just because they have a different opinion....or am I just being "childish"?...
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    Perhaps with the benefit of hindsight to some extent admittedly, in my opinion the Board was too quick to oust the last regime completely. Curbs still had a year to go so why didn't they make him stay whilst taking time to appoint the right man as his successor?

    Alternatively if it was considered that the spectre of Curbs would loom too large, why didn't they appoint Keith Peacock (or Merv) as caretaker in the way Blackburn often did with Tony Parkes when between managers? I remember posting that suggestion before Dowie was appointed.

    I have to say that the one thing that has left a nasty taste in my mouth over all this is the way a magnificent Club servant like Peacock was treated. He ruthlessly had his contract terminated as part of the flotsam and jettsam of Curbs' departure.

    I don't doubt that the Board did what they thought was right though and as fans we should back them. There are far worst boards about.
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    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Solidgone[/cite]I still point the finger at those passionless prima donnas on the pitch.

    As for Varney/Murray et al, I have nothing but my continued respect (and Curbs/Reed - judge still out on Dowie until more information is released) - if they have made mistakes, so be it - we have all made them in our time. But there is one thing I am sure about, and that is whatever decision whether it turned out right or wrong, they have given the club 100% - unlike those ungrateful bastards on the pitch.

    I agree entirely, Solid, except on ID where my mind is made up.

    Roy Arnold/Sheffield Eagle = unfunny wind up merchant banker. Please make him go away someone. The only problem is not him but that it would be good to have a rational debate about what has gone wrong, why and what can be done to do it better next time and to be able to share that with the board. moronic comments like his make that nigh impossible and will only make it less likely for the board to listen to fans with an open mind. If we want them to go in a bunker then this is just the way to go about it.

    If this is true its such a shame that what potentially could have been a great topic has been spoilt by someone with an agenda / or just purely on a wind-up.

    I was kinda hoping that this sort of thing had been left behind on Netaddicks.

    For what its worth - Yes the Board have made mistakes that may lead to our relegation but I know who I'd rather have in charge when attempting to bounce back if we do eventually end up in the CCC.
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    edited January 2007
    [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]I have to say that the one thing that has left a nasty taste in my mouth over all this is the way a magnificent Club servant like Peacock was treated. He ruthlessly had his contract terminated as part of the flotsam and jettsam of Curbs' departure.

    I don't doubt that the Board did what they thought was right though and as fans we should back them.

    But with all due respect, the board have made numerous crass decisions which also leave a nasty taste in my mouth. And therefore make it extremely difficult to back them. Come to think of it I can't think of many at the club who are worth backing.
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    If the manager only has one year left on a contract which everyone knows will not be re-newed, then they become lame ducks. Look at Keegan at City, Robson at Newcastle and Blair at UK!
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    edited January 2007
    I agree with boards deicsion to oust Curbs, however they simply made the wrong choice with Dowie, and gave Reed a chance.

    The real failure here is long term building of the squad, through failure of our acadamy to produce enough talent, and our purchasing of future prospects - although who is actually responsible is another issue, I guess ultimately the board.

    Add to that purchasing in general, it is unclear to me who actually identifies the targets, Mills presumably just does the paper work/negotiation?

    Can someone actually post a link to the article?
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    [quote][ For what its worth - Yes the Board have made mistakes that may lead to our relegation but I know who I'd rather have in charge when attempting to bounce back if we do eventually end up in the CCC.[/quote]

    Who? Les Reed?
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    [cite]Posted By: DJ Davey Dave[/cite]
    [ For what its worth - Yes the Board have made mistakes that may lead to our relegation but I know who I'd rather have in charge when attempting to bounce back if we do eventually end up in the CCC.

    Who? Les Reed?

    Les has left mate. Do try to keep up
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    Well you did say on a thread last week that out of Pardew/Curbs you'd rather have Les Reed. Rather fickle aren't you?
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    [cite]Posted By: DJ Davey Dave[/cite]"I agree entirely, Solid, except on ID where my mind is made up."
    Says Henry Irving
    You keep slaging off Dowie, on here and in your column. I think it is time you said more about your reasons or just lay off him.
    I think he is a decent bloke who got mugged.
    Please do not come back with the old...."I'd like to say more but I can't" trash. Either say why you hate him or shut up.

    There are undoubtedly legal reasons which prevent Henry from elaborating on the specifics of Dowiegate and we need to respect that.

    However I don't think it would compromise Henry's position if he was to clarify whether he is speaking as a Board member, fan or both when he states that it was right to sack Dowie.
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    edited January 2007
    [cite]Posted By: DJ Davey Dave[/cite]Well you did say on a thread last week that out of Pardew/Curbs you'd rather have Les Reed. Rather fickle aren't you?

    It was a joke......... Give it some thought next time Dave
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    Sorry don't know how to add links.
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    [cite]Posted By: DJ Davey Dave[/cite]"I agree entirely, Solid, except on ID where my mind is made up."
    Says Henry Irving
    You keep slaging off Dowie, on here and in your column. I think it is time you said more about your reasons or just lay off him.
    I think he is a decent bloke who got mugged.
    Please do not come back with the old...."I'd like to say more but I can't" trash. Either say why you hate him or shut up.

    You say I keep slagging him off and that I hate him. I Don't think so. And don't tell me to shut up. I've as much right to say what I think, within the law, the guidelines of this site and common respect for other people, as you have, thank you very much.

    I'm pleased he's no longer manager as IMHO he spent our money badly, failed to improve the squad very much and failed to produce winning football. Remember we were bottom when he went. He was dismissed for gross misconduct most of which is now in the public domain but which no I'm not going to comment on because, as you know, I can't.

    You think he's a decent bloke who got mugged. Fair enough, that's your point of view but I think you are wrong.
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    [quote][cite]Posted By: DJ Davey Dave[/cite][url][/url]

    Sorry don't know how to add links.[/quote]

    I'm taking a wild guess, but I think Dan was being sarky
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    The lowest form of wit.
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    Don't try and argue with the clique...
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    [quote][cite]Posted By: Oracle[/cite]Don't try and argue with the clique...[/quote]

    Such a victim
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