My aunt is 94 and lives in Woolwich in a sheltered accomodation. In 1938 ( ish ) she was courting a Charlton player called Sid Hobbins. She remembers he got signed on professional forms and as they were walking through Eltham High Street and everyone was coming up and shaking his hand. Now 94 and as sharp as ever she remembers how he told her he was better than Sam Bartram and would prove it. He was at Charlton for 10 years making 2 appearances.
Bit like Bob Bolder at Liverpool.
was amazed how the ground had changed, may get her down for a game when she reaches 100. She mentioned her old boyfriend Sid Hobbins again, anyone know what happened to him, very little available online.
Maybe MOTD should give it a try?......................
Sailor Brown and Eric Lancelotte survived well into their nineties I believe but that's as much as I know.
Is Arthur Turner still alive? I read a while ago that he was the sole survivor from the 1946 and 1947 FA Cup teams.
If he is he must be 90 plus I would have thought.
Still, 99 is a fantastic innings. Sounds like a great lady.
All the best