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Britains Got Talent

Starts tonight at 8PM on ITV. Whos watching it?


  • Me and my youngest daughter, as her mum is out boozing!
    Amanda is gorgeous!
  • Chipmunk cheeks!
  • Dog sh*t TV at its very worst.
  • The only thing britain has a 'talent' for these days is making completely shyte television programmes.
  • [cite]Posted By: carly burn[/cite]The only thing britain has a 'talent' for these days is making completely shyte television programmes.

    Oh right, like "Wonders of the Solar Sytem" you mean?
  • edited April 2010
    [cite]Posted By: carly burn[/cite]The only thing britain has a 'talent' for these days is making completely shyte television programmes.

    Very very hard to disagree with you Carly!
  • If you don't like it - don't watch it

    if you don't want to read about it - don't open the self explanatory titled thread

    I watched it but not much of note apart from drummer boy and that backwards dancer guy. Both very talented individuals IMO
  • [cite]Posted By: Swisdom[/cite]If you don't like it - don't watch it

    if you don't want to read about it - don't open the self explanatory titled thread

    I watched it but not much of note apart from drummer boy and that backwards dancer guy. Both very talented individuals IMO

    The drummer is one to watch! Blatently throught to the live finals!
  • Dancing dog was the nuts
  • [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]Dancing dog was the nuts

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  • edited April 2010
    Who says we watched it or didnt watch it? Just an observation on Tv in general at the minute. Nothing wrong with opening any of the threads to offer an opinion,either pro or con in my view, that's the beauty of this most wonderful of forums!
  • [cite]Posted By: Swisdom[/cite]If you don't like it - don't watch it

    if you don't want to read about it - don't open the self explanatory titled thread

    If you don't like my post don't read it then, if you want it that way. Don't dig my post out for offering an opinion.
  • I'm with you on this one, off_it.

    Arsewit TV at its worst.
  • I can't watch this sort of programme as I think it's crap...but that's just my opinion
  • Cant stand the programme but caught a bit of the final this afternoon.

    Act call Twist & Pulse. Two lads from the Bexley area street dancing/comedy. You Tube it, i think its quality.
  • hate the freak show of the early parts of this and have to walk out when it was on (Lady Irving and Henry jnr love it).

    Lady Irving insists it's not a freak show as the people willingly put themselves up for it knowing what it is but I still think it's a freak show.

    Once it got to the final there was some decent acts although no one other than the winners really stood out as special. Shame the old girl got out of sync with the band.

    Take away the judges playing their roles (Mr Gushing, Mr Nasty, Ms Nice) and all the back story (If I'd heard one more person saying "it's going to change my life" my foot was going through the telly) then you are left with a bit of a musical hall variety Show meets New Faces/Opportunity Knocks.
  • Excellent final with some real talent on show, thoroughly enjoyed it!
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]hate the freak show of the early parts of this and have to walk out when it was on (Lady Irving and Henry jnr love it).

    Lady Irving insists it's not a freak show as the people willingly put themselves up for it knowing what it is but I still think it's a freak show.

    Once it got to the final there was some decent acts although no one other than the winners really stood out as special. Shame the old girl got out of sync with the band.

    Take away the judges playing their roles (Mr Gushing, Mr Nasty, Ms Nice) and all the back story (If I'd heard one more person saying "it's going to change my life" my foot was going through the telly) then you are left with a bit of a musical hall variety Show meets New Faces/Opportunity Knocks.

    The 'freaks' don't really know what they're getting themselves into at all. It's hardly like there's full disclosure that they're going to be mocked and edited unflatteringly to make good telly. Most of them have already been through 3-4 pre-audition phases where the production team will tell them they have potential or have what the judges are looking for.

    You're right about there being a big hullaboo about very little though. All the talent is in the production and editing, which to be fair to them, is superb
  • Sussex, can you ring my wife and tell her? : - )

    At the end of last night they had a quick re-cap of the "freaks" and I just think that either they really think they have talent or that they will do anything to get on the TV and be "famous".

    There can be no reason, IMHO, that those people get through all the auditions that they do other than the producers are looking for a quota of different types. So they need so many freaks, a few novelty acts (dogs, wood cutting), a boy band, some dancers, a few singers, at least one camp act, an older person and some cute kids. If not they got very lucky last night.

    OK, it's Saturday night TV, it's allowed to be a bit of slob out, non-taxing programming but why not just have a variety talent show?
  • Not really my "thing" but the wife likes it so it is on.

    That said Spelbound really impressed me and all the others can be proud of their peformances too.
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  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite] why not just have a variety talent show?
    Because ultimately it is all geared toward how many millions can itv wring out of gullible idiots paying 50p a time to make a phone call. The format is dictated by that.
  • Love it or hate it - there is some truly awesome talent on there!

    Those gymnasts are absolutely magnificent
  • [cite]Posted By: Swisdom[/cite]Those gymnasts are absolutely magnificent

    They were very good, I have to ask are they all related to tango man?
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]Sussex, can you ring my wife and tell her? : - )

    At the end of last night they had a quick re-cap of the "freaks" and I just think that either they really think they have talent or that they will do anything to get on the TV and be "famous".

    There can be no reason, IMHO, that those people get through all the auditions that they do other than the producers are looking for a quota of different types. So they need so many freaks, a few novelty acts (dogs, wood cutting), a boy band, some dancers, a few singers, at least one camp act, an older person and some cute kids. If not they got very lucky last night.

    OK, it's Saturday night TV, it's allowed to be a bit of slob out, non-taxing programming but why not just have a variety talent show?

    I can't stand these shows but you have to admire the genius of Simon Cowell in devising this format.

    He delivers the ultimate package for the TV companies....

    1] Free content [none of the performers are paid]

    2] Great fodder for the tabloid press - helps to boost ratings massively.

    3] The phone-voting and merchandising opportunities create huge revenues.

    4] Delivers key demographics for advertisers in big numbers.

    5] Can repeat the same format/formula over and over, year after year!
  • [cite]Posted By: Sussex_Addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]hate the freak show of the early parts of this and have to walk out when it was on (Lady Irving and Henry jnr love it).

    Lady Irving insists it's not a freak show as the people willingly put themselves up for it knowing what it is but I still think it's a freak show.

    Once it got to the final there was some decent acts although no one other than the winners really stood out as special. Shame the old girl got out of sync with the band.

    Take away the judges playing their roles (Mr Gushing, Mr Nasty, Ms Nice) and all the back story (If I'd heard one more person saying "it's going to change my life" my foot was going through the telly) then you are left with a bit of a musical hall variety Show meets New Faces/Opportunity Knocks.

    The 'freaks' don't really know what they're getting themselves into at all. It's hardly like there's full disclosure that they're going to be mocked and edited unflatteringly to make good telly. Most of them have already been through 3-4 pre-audition phases where the production team will tell them they have potential or have what the judges are looking for.

    You can't tell me that some of the acts that go on the early stages and are downright useless, have no idea that they are exactly that and will be laughed at. I'm convinced that certain 'acts' do such a thing just to get on tv.

    Having said that i thought the final was brilliant, any one of about 5 or 6 acts were good enough to have won. The gymnasts were quality, the bald singer will have a career in musicals now, the little drummer was great as well and Twist & Pulse who (as mentioned above) are local lads were something else. How they remember those moves in sync with each other is brilliant.
  • [cite]Posted By: creepyaddick[/cite]Me and my youngest daughter, as her mum is out boozing!
    Amanda is gorgeous!

    Talking of Amanda Holden did anybody else watch The Grindleys (?spelling) a few years back?

    It was set in the seventies and she was a schoolteacher. A geeky 6th former called Gordon had the hots for her as did the PE teacher (Brian Conley).

    Quite an amusing comedy in my opinion.
  • "Britain's Got Talent ?"

    Where is it then ?
  • [cite]Posted By: Swisdom[/cite]I watched it but not much of note apart from drummer boy and that backwards dancer guy. Both very talented individuals IMO

    yeah thought they were both very good although Spelbound deserved winners. Don't get that Twist & Pulse duo and amazed they came second. The bald singer was very good too and must get work in the West End after this. Can't understand some peoples aversion to it. At the end of the day it can change soem peoples lives right around and that can only be for the good. Must admit I can't stand any acts that involves dancing dogs.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Miserableold-ish git[/cite]"Britain's Got Talent ?"

    Where is it then ?[/quote]

    Kent's batting order.

    A Mr.Stevens.
  • [cite]Posted By: Miserableold-ish git[/cite]"Britain's Got Talent ?"

    Where is it then ?

    Did you not watch the final? Every single act was amazingly talented.
    [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Swisdom[/cite]I watched it but not much of note apart from drummer boy and that backwards dancer guy. Both very talented individuals IMO

    Don't get that Twist & Pulse duo and amazed they came second.

    They're street dancers, what don't you get?
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