I remember thinking I'd come to a watershed when the Heavyweight Champion of the World was younger than me, Mike Tyson. Then it was England football captain, Platt in '93 and Cricket Atherton.
Now for the first time in my life the Prime Minister is younger than me. That does make me feel old.......
go and do a bottle of vodka in the park and relive your youth, thatll put a smile on your face.....
Talking of which, how old is Nick Clegg?
And he is the grandson of Tony Hateley who I remember seeing play!
I feel about 92.
haha sorry mate.
words of wisdom from rupert, i think you should start your own column instead of dear deidre we can have Dear Ru
Johnny with your business ideas and my comedey we really could rule the world my friend :-). And rather than a pic of an aging women it would be a pic of a lil bear at the top of the column genius mate pure genius.
'Old' is when it takes two days to ache.
With you all the way on that one, Dave! lol
"I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now."
Please tell me it's true .......?
Really old is when the bits that don't hurt don't work.
Don't have that problem yet!
Phrases like 'youth is wasted on the young' always terrify me, because I feel like I'm missing out on some deep wisdom that I'll kick myself later on for not knowing.
Best ten years of your life to come mate. Dont feel like this your 20's are wicked and i have only had 3 and a half years of them and i have already had the times of my life and am continuing to do so now. I think they are the best cos your not expected to behave adult but you get all the benefits of being an adult enjoy your 20's like i am mate and then think about the rest when you turn 30 ;-).
Well, I was 20 once ....... and funnily enough, I'm older than that now.
Looking back, the "best days of your life" come whenever you're open to them, regardless of 20s, 30s, 40s, etc.
However young or old you are, every single day can be the best day of your life - it all depends on your attitude, sense of direction/ambition, ability to laugh at yourself and with others.
And sieze the moment.
Whatever age you are, really it's all a bowl of cherries. Or not.
You decide!
Proper Steptoe tomorrow though!
So right now you're behaving like a 12 year old?
Need to cut down on the Pepsi, Scoh.