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Just seen the second goal

Yep am going through the Skyplus motions, great goal, my goal of the season, 12 passes from one side of the pitch to the other with a quality finish to boot, if it was Premier League or international they would be creaming over it.


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    Seen their goal?

    Rymans League.
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    Just, it was worse than I remembered.

    Whole midfield jogging back, old man Burton sprinting alongside him tracking him back, to be fair Llera should have gone ball.
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    It was a cracking goal. We sat on the lead in the 2nd half and should have gone for the winner.
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    [quote][cite]Posted By: ct_addick[/cite]It was a cracking goal. We sat on the lead in the 2nd half and should have gone for the winner.[/quote]

    We did then Bailey gave the ball away :-)
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    Their goal sums up the season - we don't get beaten by 30 yard stunners or well crafted goals like our second, but by scrappy goa;ls that bobble in past a couple of defenders !
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    [cite]Posted By: Charltonparklane[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: ct_addick[/cite]It was a cracking goal. We sat on the lead in the 2nd half and should have gone for the winner.

    We did then Bailey gave the ball away :-)

    Bailey gave it away, but we massively over-committed ourselves on that attack. No way should Semedo have been joining in. Wagstaff yes - but at 2-0 up, 15 minutes to go and opposition has 10 men Semedo should have just sat in front of the back 4. Only mistake Semedo made all night though to be honest.

    Agree that our second goal was fantastic.
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