You think you might spend a bit of time outside in the fresh air relaxing or, if working, open the windows and some selfish git makes a racket with a chainsaw/strimmer/lawnmower/cement mixer/ hammer etc delete as appropiate!
I am not a violent man but I am on the verge of walking down the road from my office and placing the chainsaw which has been making a racket for at least 6 hours where the sun definitely does not shine!
Am I an unreasonable miserable old git or have I touched a chord others might empathise with?
That is a depressing thought!
As a semi pro perv I for one am enjoying the recent warm weather, I nearly crashed my golf yesterday driving back from asda in charlton!! Walking up church lane, jesus!!! Skirt the size of a melteeser wrapper and see through and low cut teeshirt..
made me laugh out loud that comment.....must admit the city is great today !
Bit out of order on a Sunday morning, I reckon on starting anything like that after 10am, I would have had a word.
Tit Monday
Ditto, hate the bloody game.
next door started mowing his lawn at 830 tonight and finished at 920
a little unreasonable I thought
they Hoover on a Friday night at 830 too!
Next day the local farmer apparently had a quiet word and reminded them about his shotgun.
Haven't seen them since...