I was on the Greenwich Phantom site today and they had old photos of this beautiful row of terraced houses that use to stand on the site where the horrible flats, below, now stand in Pelton Road in Greenwich. You can see the Royal Standard pub at the end of both pictures. Apparently one of the houses sustained some bomb damage during the war. Some bright spark in the LCC probably decided 'we might as well take the opportunity to knock the whole block down and build some modern dwellings'!
Very interesting about the name changes - seems to have happened all over London. Does anyone know why so many London street names changed in 1912 and 1929? Seems a bit strange the number that changed and how they were often completely different from the previous name.
Too many duplicates names that confused the post office and the fire brigade when going to fires.
A lot of those houses look great now but had been neglected for years and then had structural damage from the bombing.
Not that some couldn't have been preserved or renovated, as seen in Notting Hill, but others were real jerry built slums and needed to go.
Shame that too often the replacement buildings were also jerry built but at the time things like indoor toilets, kitchens bigger than a box and your own front room were a big step up for many.
Im trying to find the story about the Blitz Walks in greenwich - thought that woudl interest you Henry.
It would. Post up a link if you find it, please B
Cant see many doing the 18th June one somehow.
Sorry...didn't see it.