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How well Travellled are we? World Cup Special



  • Options
    * Australia
    * Japan
    * Ghana
    * Nigeria
    * South Africa
    * United States
    * Denmark
    * England
    * France
    * Germany
    * Greece
    * Italy
    * Netherlands
    * Portugal
    * Serbia
    * Spain
    * Switzerland

  • Options
    10 for me
  • Options
    15 for me.
  • Options
  • Options
  • Options
  • Options
    * USA
    * Brazil
    * Denmark
    * England
    * France
    * Germany
    * Italy
    * Netherlands
    * Portugal
    * Spain

  • Options
    * United States
    * Denmark
    * England
    * France
    * Germany
    * Greece
    * Italy
    * Netherlands
    * Serbia
    * Slovenia
    * Spain
    * Switzerland

    12 for me, but I visited Serbia and Slovenia when they were still part of Yugoslavia (I hope that counts).
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    Korea DPR.
    New Zealand.
    England :-)

    13 if you count England :-)
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    17 the best so far
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  • Options
    * Australia
    * United States
    * New Zealand
    * Denmark
    * England
    * France
    * Germany
    * Greece
    * Italy
    * Netherlands
    * Spain
    * Switzerland

    12, have been to Croatia though, does that count as Serbia? ;-)
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    edited June 2010
    ha, 4 for me!

    England, USA, France & Netherlands

    Any other ecowarriors that can beat that?
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    19 Rupert, not 17
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    12 for me
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    [cite]Posted By: Leroy Ambrose[/cite]19 Rupert, not 17

    OK, but you've got to scan and upload all the stamps on your passport to prove it ;-
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    Haha. Most of those were from two passports ago! Do they even stamp passports anymore? Last place I went that I hadn't been before was Australia and New Zealand and they didn't bother there.
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    * Australia
    * Japan
    * Korea Republic
    * South Africa
    * United States
    * New Zealand
    * Denmark
    * England
    * France
    * Germany
    * Greece
    * Italy
    * Netherlands
    * Portugal
    * Slovakia
    * Spain
    * Switzerland
  • Options
    10 only for me.

    I used to think I was well travelled and to prove it I bought a map of the world, with the intention of highlighting all the places I'd been. the result was pathetic, so I screwed the bloody thing up and binned it!
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    11, but all North America and Europe.
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    Come on - there's got to be someone who's been to more than 19 - I'm in danger of winning something here! There must be an ex-squaddie on here who's been to some of the further flung places...
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    24 for me, or 25 if you include one leg and one arm passing some documents to a North Korean delegation across the table at Panmunjom, where half the table is in each Korea.
  • Options
    * Australia
    * South Africa
    * Mexico
    * United States
    * Brazil
    * Paraguay
    * New Zealand
    * Denmark
    * England
    * France
    * Germany
    * Netherlands
    * Portugal
    * Spain
    * Switzerland

  • Options
    [cite]Posted By: Floyd Montana[/cite]24 for me, or 25 if you include one leg and one arm passing some documents to a North Korean delegation across the table at Panmunjom, where half the table is in each Korea.

    Did your foot hit the floor? If so, it counts.
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    10 for me, which surprised me it was that many.

    Fair play to the lads who have been to Ghana. Absolute shathole of the highest order from what I hear!
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    Sadly Jimmy, too wary to put my foot down, so I rule it out.
    There was just a line of raised bricks dividing the hut, shown here
    - you can see the raised bricks

    I see it is now a tourist site you can see the room itself
    - back in the 80's it was a very tense place as negotiations continued over the shooting down of a KAL plane and the Olympics were a week away.
    I was told the N Korean (and many Chinese) guards were issued with shoes too small so they grimaced through all the meetings!
    The worst thing was a week later I had to sit through rehearsals by Gloria Estefan and Bob Hope - excruciating
  • Options
    I've been to 13 of them.
  • Options
    * Australia
    * Mexico
    * United States
    * England
    * France
    * Germany
    * Greece
    * Italy
    * Netherlands
    * Portugal
    * Spain

    11 for me.
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