All a bit depressing on here at the mo, so lets kick this one off:
1. Shrewbury's most famous celebrity fan is former TV personality Lloyd Grossman, who since retiring from the business now runs a small tea room in the shadows of Shrewsbury Castle called 'Shrew the Keyhole'
2. Shrewsbury were forced to move from their previous home Gay Meadow following continuous complaints from other clubs to the Football League with regards to its sticky surface.
3. Evolution expert Charles Darwin was born in Shrewsbury in 1809, and in 1826 won Shrewsburys coveted Most Stylish Resident of the Year award, thanks largely to his renowned designer genes.
4. Shrewsbury has always been situated 7 miles east of the Welsh border, but in 2006, an ill-fated curry week coinciding with an easterly wind led the town to be situated 9 miles east of the Welsh border. English Nationalists on the council have been furiously campaigning for a curry month to no avail.
And their nearest coastal resort, Rimming on Sea
But rat-arsed supporters shouting, "Come on you Vermin", didn't have the right ring to it, so their nickname was soon changed to "The Shrews".
He inherited his allegiance to the Town and his musical talent from his father Derek Smalls, bass player in the rock band Spinal Tap.
The "shrew" in "Shrewsbury" is not pronounced to rhyme with "true" or "throw" but Shove.
The Ancient name of the town is Salop. This came from the taunting of Welsh raiders. When the taffy's attacked the locals would hide behind their city walls and shout "kam o'er ear and we'll give you a Sa-lap".
So Biggie had a box thee did he? I am guessing then that Spinal tap are from the area or at leasr he was?
Both Shewsbury and Mousehole have great pubs. When in Mousehole always pay my repects up at The Lifeboat Station.
I thought the New Gay Meadow was now called The Greenhouse ..... not The Prostate Stadium.
Can't remember where we drank in Shrewsbury - but last time I was in Mouz'all, we drank in The Ship.
A few years ago now, Lewis.
Ah, even though that Coracle story was really true, did you know....... Shrewsbury are the only Football League club without an Official club website?
Even in the 21st Century and with a New Gay Meadow, they rely on traditional methods of information services, including
Page the Coracle.
And did you know, that same man with lost balls now sells strawberries outside New Eltham station ....?
He's the one who says he's never got any testicles.
The battle of Shrewsbury is famous for the Welsh not turning up as promised (theres a moral in there somewhere).
Anyone asking nievely is it shrewsbury or shroesbury is instantly put in the stocks or deported to Telford.
Chants guaranteed to annoy shrewsbury supporters include, simply baaing in a sheeplike manner, your welsh and you know you are, and just a small club in Telford and wheres your gay ground gone ?
Noone argues with the town crier all 7 foot 2 of him.
Baldrick from Black Adder is a frequent sight stumbling in and out of the pubs of Shrewsbruy.
Thanks for that Mr Shrew. That'll help if we go a goal down.
That's the time when we forget about getting behind our own team.
And our core away support of 14 year olds is more intent in taking the p!ss out of opponents.
You'll occasionally find towns where nobody can agree. Shrewsbury divides the locals into three camps, 'shroze-bree', 'shrooz-bree' and even 'shooz-bree'.