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Would You Live..

edited June 2010 in Not Sports Related
In South-East London if it wasn't for family / Charlton?

Also interested to hear from those of you who've moved away..


  • No...

    If I was to live in Europe again Id live in Barcelona for sure...
  • Sunny Thamesmead for me all day long... Its like being in Lagos, but without the weather.

    Spent a short time in Romford, but it wasnt for me. Full of numptys, who think they're hard, till you square upto them and then they run like little girls.
  • edited June 2010
    I lived in merthyr tydfil for a few years but didn't settle now back in sarf london..and i don't think i'll be straying to far in the near future as i'm still single and have no woman wanting me to move miles out to the middle of nowhere.

    I'll never say never but it wil be the same day pigs are spotted flying over the frozen lakes of hell.
  • No. Born and bred in charlton 22 years then moved to plumstead now in erith with the mrs and adam jnr. We want to move out of london as soon as possible. She wants to go to oz but I said not until (sounds awful comming up) our parents have passed away couldn't be that far away from them. We decided on kent or east sussex, will mean new jobs and new nurserys ect. Looking to be near the sea for the kids either broadstairs, dymchurch or rye area would be ideal some good price property down there too at the mo. I want to go tomorrow but the mrs likes the idea just keeps comming up with excuses not to start looking. Oh and has to be somewhere with a good train service or where the valley express stops.
  • No, eventually I'd like to live in France, my missus prefers Italy. Would find it very very difficult to move away from friends and couldn't even think about moving new grandaughter away from our parents.

    We lived in Muswell Hil in North London for a few years and although it's a nice place I never felt at home (probably something to do with all the spurs & gooner fans)

    Always missed the ability to get home after a crappy day at work, ringing mates up and going for a beer at short notice. As much as I love my wife it's not the same going for a drink with her.
  • South East london?
    I would have to narrow that down to a small bit of the Bromley area, then yes if ou could call that SE London.
    I was born in Plumstead, lived most of my youth in Chislehurst but my first flat was in Charlton.
    Lived in Petts Wood for the last 20 years.
  • Its a no from me, now I have sampled semi rural life in Kent I would never go back.

    I was born in Woolwich, lived there until I got my first flat, also in Woolwich, then moved to a flat in Plumstead when I got married, bought our first house in Welling, moved to Bexleyheath and we now live just outside of Sevenoaks.

    This time last year when we lived in Bexleyheath the police helicopter hovering overhead searching the ground with his spot lights was a nightly event, add in the boy racers screaming up and down in their sooped up bangers and the sirens from the police, fire and ambulance stations and it was no wonder we could not wait to get away.

    I have not heard a siren, boy racer or helicopter since I have moved and every time I hear someone speak it is with an english accent, which along with the bird song and the sound of horses hoofs clip clopping up my lane is music to my ears.

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Bliss
  • Cant imagine myself living anywhere else. And im really not that fussed about hearing people speak with foreign accents either.
  • Well, I did move away ........ 25 years ago now, still in the same Cornish village, minutes from the sea.
    It's a different way of living - matey, proper community spirit and low crime.

    Great place for kids to grow up - and safe too.

    Plymouth ...... the big city lol, is within arms reach; near enough and far away enough, as we say.

    Only downsides
    ...... don't expect the choice of amenities you get in the suburbs of London.
    Average wages just don't compare to London. Nor choice of jobs and lucrative career opportunities.
    And it's a long way back to SE London/Kent - either by road or train.

    Only regret: it's a long way from family and friends "up the line" (as they say down here).

    Despite all the regular family visits, both ways - inevitably grandparents don't see their grandchildren as much as they would otherwise. But then instead of visiting once a week on a Sunday afternoon as you would if you loved locally, each visit turns into a long weekend or even a week, and you get real quality time together.,

    All in all, it's a beautiful place to live - and a good way to live too!
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  • Do not think I would want to return...... '
    Charlton born and bred, Mother lived till 10 years ago on Springfields, and in the past have lived in Coxmount Road, so literally I could not be more local. 'Born in the sound of the Valley roar'.....

    The only place i would consider is returning to Blackheath, but it has a strange bunch of people passing through there now-adays!.

    Live as my name states in Bexley, and that is a no as well!..... Although Greenwich park, the Greenwich market, and the pubs etc still hold a charm, too many memories, best left.......

    Love the idea of Salcombe,but too expensive. Fancy the idea of a lake and friendly locals...... and I do not mean Southmere park thanks!

    Been looking for years! too bloody fussy........
  • Moved away from Greenwich when I was 3. Obviously come back regularly for the Footie, but it'd take a lot of money to tempt me back permanently. London as a city has some great things to offer, but the negatives of living their all the time (traffic, pollution, cost, crime etc) out weigh those positives imo. I love visiting, but wouldn't want to stay for too long. I prefer the wide open spaces of the countryside although I do live in a small town.
  • Have lived in Eltham, Sidcup, Bexley area all my life and whilst it's not paradise it ain't bad. Where i live at the moment is fantastic - proper community spirit, very sociable. If i started reading the Daily Mail then i'd probably want to emigrate tomorrow although i can appreciate there are some areas not that far away that i would want to escape from. Life is all about friends and family really - as the saying goes - it's not where you are, it's who you're with.
  • I think regularly about moving abroad but that's mainly money motivated (UAE). But more often I do find my mind drifting to maybe looking at a longer term re-location, possibly Australia or USA.

    It's not that I want to get out of SE London, but just to experience somewhere else whilst I can and for the opportunities that may arise.

    As I'm in my mid 20's SE London is great and if I'm staying in London I'd be happy to stay in SE London. When I'm ready to start a family (touch wood) then I think I'd seriously consider moving away as I just can't see crime improving and the standard of living in London reducing due to overcrowding and lack of services.
  • I certainly would. Absolutely love it. Family are from Charlton but I've lived in New Cross and Deptford for the last 4 years. Bit of a Millwall area, but loads going on, friendly people. Possibly a bit rough and ready for some, but having done most of my growing up in sleepy Sevenoaks it's perfect for me. Moving in with my missus in Hither Green in the next couple of weeks. She's from South West London - have spent the last year doing a South East London promotional campaign on her, good job it worked, no way I was going to move to Tooting!
  • [cite]Posted By: Sparrows Lane Lion[/cite] When I'm ready to start a family (touch wood)

    I think you'll find you have to get, not touch wood to start a family!!
  • lived in Forest Hill till I got married, then moved with job to Stevenage, then Hull and then Birmingham, then back to S Norwood, when my parents died bought the house I was brought upo in now been back in Forest Hill since 1990 and the house has been in my family since 1958
  • i used to live in SE9 and i loved it!
    moved away when i was 11 to go to spain , but returned 3 years later
    i know live in kent , but i rly miss london and it takes me a while to get tothe valley know :(
  • Nope. Grew up in Deptford (shithole), currently live in Croydon (shithole). If it wasn't for the wife you wouldn't see me for dust - I'd live in Valencia, Sevilla or Canada. If I had to stay in England I'd move to Surrey - somewhere round Cobham or Clandon.
  • Lived in Plumstead for 21 years, worked away a lot but was always happy to get back home...

    In 1976, for some strange reason, I moved to Sunderland, my first impressions were 'Fcking hell, what a dump, I could never live here', 34 years later I couldn't imagine living anywhere else...

    A few years ago I went back to Plumstead for a bit of nostalgia and I thought, 'Fcking hell, what a dump, I could never live here'...
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  • I moved away from Bexleyheath when I was 26 to buy a place in Surbiton with the Mrs. We're now lucky enough to live in a place called Claygate, near Esher in Surrey. My M&D still live in Bexleyheath and so I go back every few weeks. Every time I go back I notice how rough and run-down looking the place has got. It's funny to think that we moved to Bexleyheath in 1975 from Silvertown (mainly for schools) and at that time it was perceived as moving out to the country. But it seems that over the years the urban sprawl of London and suburbs extends wider, and wider, and wider. There is no way I'd move back and I very much doubt that I'd still be there had I not moved when I did.
  • I grew up within walking distance of Selhurst Park - now that is a sh1thole area I never want to go back to! I'm quite happy in Bexley for the time being - if (when) the kids move out ( no rush lads!) my feelings may change.
  • Oh south london, is wonderful!

    Nuff said
  • Born in Lewisham. Lived in Catford, Welling, Bexleyheath, Belvedere and Erith over the years.

    I moved down to the South Coast 10 years ago and would never move back to any part of London, it's bad enough having to work there. I have 2 young boys and we live 10 minutes walk to the beach and a 5 minute drive to the South Downs. Great place to bring up kids,so why would I want to move back.

    The only place I like to be in South London is the Valley.
  • [cite]Posted By: adamtheaddick[/cite]No. Born and bred in charlton 22 years then moved to plumstead now in erith with the mrs and adam jnr. We want to move out of london as soon as possible. She wants to go to oz but I said not until (sounds awful comming up) our parents have passed away couldn't be that far away from them. We decided on kent or east sussex, will mean new jobs and new nurserys ect. Looking to be near the sea for the kids either broadstairs, dymchurch or rye area would be ideal some good price property down there too at the mo. I want to go tomorrow but the mrs likes the idea just keeps comming up with excuses not to start looking. Oh and has to be somewhere with a good train service or where the valley express stops.

    have only just seen this thread. My thoughts :

    Adam, it'll be a wrench, but if you have the chance move to Oz then go for it. In the long term it'll be better for you, the misses, Adam jnr and any future other jnr's. Surely they are your concern now. I understand the point about your parents but my mate has been saying exactly the same for ten years, he and his wife want to move to Cyprus, but his parents are still alive and he's nearly sixty now. A few more years and it will be too late for him. Then his parents will pass on and he'll be 'what if' and 'should have done it while we had the chance' and instead he'll have to see out his days here which isn't what he wants.

    Personally, we will be moving within five years to East Sussex, Battle area I expect, downside is the Mother in Law is in poor health and will have to move in with us but upside is we will be able to buy a bigger/better properly by pooling our money. I'd really consider France myself as some decent properties available at very reasonable prices although I'd have to learn both French and how to ride a cycle with a string of onions round my neck. My misses isn't keen but once we have seen jimmymelrose in September down in the Vendee she could be persueded otherwise.
  • Cheers large, well when I win the euro millions tonight I can bring my parents and the mrs parents with us to oz. I lived out there for nearly 2 years and loved it. Got tons of family there already my mums irish family emigrated there in the late 50s so would have aunts and uncles and tons of cousins. Would prefer perth myself second melbourne and lastly sydney, gold coast to hot for me. Either that or new zealand which is supposed to be amazing.
  • P.s. am I the only person who thought this was would you 'live' hoping for a link to live webcam in the female changing rooms in top shop bexleyheath...
  • With me, it's age. Born in Woolwich, lived in Eltham and New Eltham for 46 years and have spent the last 4 years in Swanly. If I was 20, without any parental responsibilities, I'd be off like a shot. Canada, probably. As it is, It's South London / Borders 'til I die, probably.
  • [cite]Posted By: WestSussexAddick[/cite]Born in Lewisham. Lived in Catford, Welling, Bexleyheath, Belvedere and Erith over the years.

    I moved down to the South Coast 10 years ago and would never move back to any part of London, it's bad enough having to work there. I have 2 young boys and we live 10 minutes walk to the beach and a 5 minute drive to the South Downs. Great place to bring up kids,so why would I want to move back.

    The only place I like to be in South London is the Valley.

    where abouts on the south coast? how long does your commute take you if you travel into london every day?
  • [cite]Posted By: adamtheaddick[/cite]Cheers large, well when I win the euro millions tonight I can bring my parents and the mrs parents with us to oz. I lived out there for nearly 2 years and loved it. Got tons of family there already my mums irish family emigrated there in the late 50s so would have aunts and uncles and tons of cousins. Would prefer perth myself second melbourne and lastly sydney, gold coast to hot for me. Either that or new zealand which is supposed to be amazing.

    was disappointed with Perth although loved Fremantle. Melbourne I agree for climate, amenities, lifestyle etc.
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