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BBC South East today - Charlton cup final feature

edited August 2010 in General Charlton
Doing a feature on our Cup final in 46 on tonight's show, just started.


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    Just seen that couple talking about benefits. Jesus...
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    It was hard viewing!

    'my stereo i've had since i was 12''

    That makes it ok!
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    Les Fell - legend!
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    [cite]Posted By: Screamer[/cite]Just seen that couple talking about benefits. Jesus...

    I happen to know him and he is one of the friendliest down to earth person you could ever hope to meet. His parent's died young and for a 19 year old to go throuugh some of the stuff he has i won't stand for anyone taking the piss.
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    I'm sorry that he's had some tough times but it doesn't mean he can't get off his backside and get a job rather than sponging off the state.
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    I was commenting based on what I saw.

    I saw two people using it to their advantage, with no plans to work. That's wrong. Plenty of people have issues such as bad childhood and other problems but still work.
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    [cite]Posted By: Screamer[/cite]I was commenting based on what I saw.

    I saw two people using it to their advantage, with no plans to work. That's wrong. Plenty of people have issues such as bad childhood and other problems but still work.
    Plenty don't...

    Part of the successful transition from teenager to adulthood is often dependent on having parents to guide them...

    If this important element of that bloke's childhood was missing it can often lead to them living 'undesirable' lives...
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    [cite]Posted By: CafcAndy[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Screamer[/cite]Just seen that couple talking about benefits. Jesus...

    I happen to know him and he is one of the friendliest down to earth person you could ever hope to meet. His parent's died young and for a 19 year old to go throuugh some of the stuff he has i won't stand for anyone taking the piss.

    I'm sure he wasn't, but does it prevent him working ?
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    I can tell you now, he is working every single day cash in hand, and i know this because i drive past him in his overalls at 9 o clock in the morning every day of the week. Nobody will contract him because his less than desirable past. I would be the 1st to agree if i didn't know them, but this case is very different without going into detail. I agree, there are pure spongers that have no intention, but knowing some people in this situation, you can sort the two different types of people on benifits.
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    [cite]Posted By: CafcAndy[/cite]I can tell you now, he is working every single day cash in hand, and i know this because i drive past him in his overalls at 9 o clock in the morning every day of the week. Nobody will contract him because his less than desirable past. I would be the 1st to agree if i didn't know them, but this case is very different without going into detail. I agree, there are pure spongers that have no intention, but knowing some people in this situation, you can sort the two different types of people on benifits.

    sorry, but how is that a defence?

    So he's working, dodging tax and NI and claiming benefits. Not sure you are doing him any favours "outing" him like that on here either
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    hahaha Is this for real?

    Is there anywhere i can see this clip - the poor tax dodging lamb who works very hard.

    Also the charlton any good?
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    [cite]Posted By: CafcAndy[/cite]I can tell you now, he is working every single day cash in hand, and i know this because i drive past him in his overalls at 9 o clock in the morning every day of the week. Nobody will contract him because his less than desirable past. I would be the 1st to agree if i didn't know them, but this case is very different without going into detail. I agree, there are pure spongers that have no intention, but knowing some people in this situation, you can sort the two different types of people on benifits.

    come on this has got to get quote of the year award.

    Anyway nice clip of the Addicks and Les Fell.
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    [cite]Posted By: CafcAndy[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Screamer[/cite]Just seen that couple talking about benefits. Jesus...

    I happen to know him and he is one of the friendliest down to earth person you could ever hope to meet. His parent's died young and for a 19 year old to go throuugh some of the stuff he has i won't stand for anyone taking the piss.

    We all have our difficulties mate, unfortunately that is life and it shouldn't stop you living your own life.

    Anyway, didnt expect this thread to go this way!

    Some good footage besides the result
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    edited August 2010
    [cite]Posted By: CafcAndy[/cite]I agree, there are pure spongers that have no intention, but knowing some people in this situation, you can sort the two different types of people on benifits.

    Apparently you can. One lot sponge off the taxpayer, the other lot sponge off the taxpayer and take the fucking piss out of them into the bargain. Tell you what - why don't you let me know where he's working so I can pop down and have a chat with him about his hardships growing up. I'll take the DSS with me as well, I'm sure they'd like to hear his story. After they cart him off to the nick, like.
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    edited August 2010
    I have had two bouts of unemployment over the last 4 years, I never 'signed on' or whatever it is called, I got out and found casual work.
    If the government said that in 2 years there are going to stop all unemployment benefit for people who have been out of work for over 2 years then the lazy gits would soon stop sponging, same thing for child benefit, you should only get 'benefit' for the first child, and I'm speaking as someone with 3 kids, why should the country pay for my kids, and yes my ex does claim child benefit!!


    Hang all benefit cheats!! Vote for me!
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    hahaha this thread is hilarious.

    from the 1946 FA Cup final to tax dodgers within 16 posts. Man i love this forum.
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    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: CafcAndy[/cite]I can tell you now, he is working every single day cash in hand, and i know this because i drive past him in his overalls at 9 o clock in the morning every day of the week. Nobody will contract him because his less than desirable past. I would be the 1st to agree if i didn't know them, but this case is very different without going into detail. I agree, there are pure spongers that have no intention, but knowing some people in this situation, you can sort the two different types of people on benifits.

    sorry, but how is that a defence?

    So he's working, dodging tax and NI and claiming benefits. Not sure you are doing him any favours "outing" him like that on here either
    Not all work attracts NI and tax and it's not illegal to work and claim benefits either...
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