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Orient v Charlton - POST MATCH VIEWS

edited August 2010 in General Charlton
All post match views here. A player ratings thread will follow later


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    go on Large son give to em mate.Wagstaff played well, and Solly who I cannot believe was dropped scored a big em.Play the properCharlton boys, by the way Martin was top drawer.
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    edited August 2010
    I have never recalled me shouting/cheering so much in my front room more than i did tonight. Fantastic performance and credit is due to Parkinson, could have easily taken off Waggy instead of Reid and in the end he made the right decision. FANTASTIC :)
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    A few of the anti-Park brigade should be tucking into large helpings of humble pie.
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    [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]one win wont change my opinion on him promotion might

    How about if he gave you a hug and a big sloppy kiss?
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    [cite]Posted By: Chizz[/cite]A few of the anti-Park brigade should be tucking into large helpings of humble pie.
    not until we are up which is fair enough
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    Martin looked terrific, Racon did his job very well (their goal aside), Doherty had a good game, but I think Waggy's contribution was decisive.
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    [cite]Posted By: Chizz[/cite]A few of the anti-Park brigade should be tucking into large helpings of humble pie.

    no chance...

    A night for the positives!!
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    I thought Parky made a mistake leaving Waggy on instead of Reid but I was pleased to be wrong!
    Thought Waggy had a blinder, Martin is quality, Pawel led the line well, Racon did well in place of Semedo, Doherty was immense, McCormack had a good game & Llera won every header after he came on.

    Robbie's handling was excellent.

    Don't think I've left anyone out!!
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    So proud of the boys, credit to Parky for having a effective plan B and for signing Abbott, Martin and McCormack.
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    [cite]Posted By: Dazzler21[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Chizz[/cite]A few of the anti-Park brigade should be tucking into large helpings of humble pie.
    not until we are up which is fair enough
    Well I'm pretty satisfied that, right now, we're top, with a 100% record and three points clear. I feel sorry for any "fans" hoping for a slip up so they can jump on Parky's back again.
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    Total quality and roll on Oldham...

    fancy Pavel to get one.....

    I am totally chuffed...

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    Solid in defence
    Defenders brilliant with blocking
    Midfielders in orients faces all game
    Martin ran his nuts off
    Abbott a very good target man

    But most importantly - Parky knows what he wants in a player and has done a superb job getting this squad together. I doff my cap to you sir
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    [cite]Posted By: Chizz[/cite] I feel sorry for any "fans" hoping for a slip up so they can jump on Parky's back again.

    Lets draw a line and quit the trying to needle both sides of the fence, shall we. It ain't the sharks v the jets.


    Lets concentrate on the match. Please
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    To a man,Excellent.
    The happiest and most enthusiastic i've been watching Charlton for years!
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    hahaha they did that stupid celebration for nothin
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    [cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite]go on Large son give to em mate.Wagstaff played well, and Solly who I cannot believe was dropped scored a big em.Play the properCharlton boys, by the way Martin was top drawer.

    Martin is "loan" player! Not "proper Charlton"!
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    [cite]Posted By: Chizz[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Dazzler21[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Chizz[/cite]A few of the anti-Park brigade should be tucking into large helpings of humble pie.
    not until we are up which is fair enough
    Well I'm pretty satisfied that, right now, we're top, with a 100% record and three points clear. I feel sorry for any "fans" hoping for a slip up so they can jump on Parky's back again.
    They just want Parky to prove what he can do and this is his team with his choice of players so lets see if he can satisfy them COME ON YOU REDS!
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    Good win. Just glad the players didn't adopt the attitude of some on page 4 of the match thread. Parky out...? Hang your head.
    Back to the game though. Great to see youth players doing so well.
    Bring on Oldham
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    Aving that! No more red cards please Parky, ave a word will ya!
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    I enjoyed the game team has great spirit and some very good players we do need more players to give back up but tonight Waggy did well and the back four were solid and Abblet and Martin look like we have somethinh which will get better with games.
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    Doherty was awesome! Top defensive performance and yet another quality finish from Waggy. I've said it before and I'll say it again, he's better than Sam.
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    [cite]Posted By: Chizz[/cite]A few of the anti-Park brigade should be tucking into large helpings of humble pie.

    Very happily!

    Wasn’t happy with Solly being dropped but it appears to have worked well, so credit to Parky there! Still, I wonder what will happen to Solly now....

    A great performance showing real commitment and passion, nervey as hell to watch but very enjoyable, all worth it in the end!

    Wagstaff was blinding tonight, absolutely top draw.... Lloyd Sam who?

    Parky has done well over the summer, built a real good team, let’s hope we can get the players in to create the squad promotion requires.
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    Delighted, Robbie, Waggie, Martin, Doherty all superb. Thought it was vital for Parky to keep cool and not induce self destruction after the equaliser and sending off, espeically after Tuesday and he did it.
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    Thought we were average first half but nicked a goal. Could have easily been 1-1 but we had a bit of luck. Second half we absolutely committed suicide the first 10 minutes then Wagstaff decided to proved a lot of people (myself included) wrong with two moments of genuine class.
    Fantastic win and the good it will do that dressing room is priceless! Martin deserves a mention, absolutely brilliant!

    Come on you Addicks!
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    Llera was top class when he came on, Doherty was quality apart from the goal, Racon was quality as well, wagstaff, martin and abbott were really, really good. Wagstaff's goal was a thing of beauty
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    thought we played excellent. was worried when we went down to 10 men but it actually did us a favour. Waggy's goal was top draw and he did really well to the set-up the third. we should have had a penalty when martin was brought down... but then they had a case for one when Mac blocked that shot. the only negative was Elliot's kicking, just awful. but who cares, we're top of the league!
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    What a perfect reaction to a sending off! Elliott was possibly the only player to dissapoint for me. Poor attempt to stop a simple shot.
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    I mean Abblott I am tired only 2 hours sleep and now a full day of work but well worth it
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    For me, the most telling part of the evening was the three or four minutes immediately after the final whistle. The way the "old", "new" and loan players celebrated together was a really good sign of the team spirit that's being built up.
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    Fantastic, it's been a while since you can see every player on the pitch wants the win and will do anything to get it. Showed by McCormack getting his face in the way to block the ball and Martin chasing back every time. All the new signings look really good, McCormack got a goal and was tackling all night, Francis brilliant cross for the goal, Doherty got in the way of everything and Abbot held the ball up when we were under the cosh. All signings you have to give Parky credit for.

    Have to say I felt Wagstaff should of been dropped but delighted to be proved wrong, really impressive perfomance by him and a magnificent goal. MOTM is a close call between Doherty,Wagstaff and Abbot but would give it to Waggy for the quality goal and brilliant skill and cross for Solly's first goal. Hopefully we can keep this up.
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