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Swisdoms note to League1 clubs and fans

edited August 2010 in General Charlton

That was much fancied Leyton Orient beaten at home by 10 man Charlton. The same Charlton that beat Bournemouth at the weekend with only 10 men.

This "new" Charlton had 2 players from our last game last season - that's right it's a new team that hasn't yet gelled and hasn't yet completed a game with 11 players on the pitch

This "new" Charlton was marshalled superbly by a colossus called Doherty at the back
It had two central midfielders that most clubs in this division would envy
A left winger far too good for this division - and he had a poor game
A chap called Lee Martin who hasn't done much yet in his career and who seems keen at attain cult status before September is out

I could go on to mention arguably our most important player - jose the beast semedo but I'll leave that to another day. Your central midfielders will get munched by him in due course.

I could go on but I don't want to scare you - all I'll say is BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAID. THIS COULD BE THE REAL DEAL!



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    well said !!
    cant wait until oldham, hopefully we can keep 11 men on the pitch and demolish them
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    You forgot Llera - don't upset me, you have been warned!
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    Love it, Swizzo ...... though some people might suggest you take a cold shower!

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    YES MATE....

    Im feeling the same!!!

    in the words of Wagstaff "BUZZING MATE!"
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    edited August 2010
    [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]Love it, Swizzo ...... though some people might suggest you take a cold shower!


    No way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    A proper marker put down to all clubs in this league... some clubs will watch that and be nervous of playing us...
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    Maybe this should be a rallying call to all our fair weather fans out there.....This could be the start of something BIG !
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    Guys, I'm as happy as the next fan, but don't forget,

    This is Charlton we're talking about!!!!!!!!
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    This is Charlton we're talking about!!!!!!!!
    Well said that man
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    Enjoyable as it was its just two games and people are getting a bit carried away. Forgotten about Tuesday assume.

    Also talking in the third person is a bit of a cringe.
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    [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]Enjoyable as it was its just two games and people are getting a bit carried away. Forgotten about Tuesday assume.
    People were getting a bit carried away on Tuesday as well!
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    Who wasn't with us last season in actual fact?

    Martin, Abbot, Docherty, Mcormack, and Francis, still impressive though, particularly the younger players stepping up
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    I thought there was a lot of team spirit last season, lots of times they came back from going down to come back to win or draw, same with getting results when going down to ten/nine men. But yeah, the spirit last night was brilliant, made my night and i'm still buzzing from it. It's great to be able to sit back and enjoy today's football knowing the boys did the business last night!
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    The positivity might do us some good, you never know!!
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    I'm not getting carried away but that team spirit is awesome and it's about time we got behind our team and, most importantly the chap pulling these guys together and his team. Clearly Parky has a great rapport with his colleagues as Chapple seems to know what to look for and it's working nicely.
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    I have to say, we seem composed and like a TEAM that has played together for years. Weird that, for a Charlton team. On the other hand, it's only Orient and Bournemouth. But with 10 men!

    Also feel we are a far better team without lazy Loyd on the wing.
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    [cite]Posted By: Danny Addick[/cite]Also feel we are a far better team without lazy Loyd on the wing.
    I'd say in the Leyton Orient game Sam would have probably done more than Wagstaff did in the first half, but he wouldn't have had the fitness to do what Wagstaff did in the last minute (then again he is one of the fittest players in the entire squad).

    Don't want to keep going on about Sam, but he can't be called lazy. Nothing like Wagstaff for energy and running but he worked much harder than Thomas, Rommedahl, Bouazza etc ever did.
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    so far so good but lets not get too highs with the highs or too low with the lows.
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    Ok Curbs :-)
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    [cite]Posted By: Scoham[/cite]I'd say in the Leyton Orient game Sam would have probably done more than Wagstaff did in the first half, but he wouldn't have had the fitness to do what Wagstaff did in the last minute (then again he is one of the fittest players in the entire squad).

    They both would have worked hard to cover in front of their fullback ..... but Sam would have 'shown' more in the first half.
    But then Sam would have been subbed by Waggy on 60/65 mins, and Waggy would have been the impact sub.
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