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craig bellamy- have a look

To all those that think that Bellamy is more of a Bellend-amy, take a look at this website:

and facebook page:!/album.php?aid=437875&id=227543310292

Yes, I know he's not the first or only person to do stuff like this but for every one person that does there are many more that don't and can't be bothered.


  • Very impressive.
  • Didnt post on the other thread as i dont think he is a twat. Obviously got a screw loose at times but knew about his charity stuff and as a footballer i think he's quality.
  • Heard about this before and have had admiration for him ever since. Whatever he does on the pitch/ in the dressing room doesn't effect anyone in a big way, this does
  • [cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite]Didnt post on the other thread as i dont think he is a twat. Obviously got a screw loose at times but knew about his charity stuff and as a footballer i think he's quality.

  • Our own Johnny Robinson used to play with the same passion, I dont remember anybody calling him a twat?
    He deffo has a screw loose thou VG
  • theres a whole thread on it mate from when he gave JJ a bit of stick
  • yeah....

    I gotta say that I think he's alright

    can see why some people are wound up by him.... he's alright in my books

    the other thread does seem a bit OTT

    fair play to him for going back to his home town club to be near wife & kids too
  • Don't care what this Thread says, the actual words Bellamy said to Dean Keily over a penalty incident at the Valley after the game if I remember correctly were 'I hope you wife gets cancer'. I know this cos the steward escorting the ref off the pitch overheard it. The geezer is a Bell end End of story, who says stuff like that FFS
  • that would be a very stupid thing to say.....
  • Fricken fair f***king play.....

    totally changed my view...

    I really like him now....


    good stuff mate...
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  • I still dislike him but well done Craig.
  • [cite]Posted By: revellinit[/cite]Our own Johnny Robinson used to play with the same passion, I dont remember anybody calling him a twat?
    He deffo has a screw loose thou VG
    I don't recall him going for a team mate with a golf club, feigning injury and storming out of training, being charged with a public order offence or taunting an opponent over his pay. His charity work is fantastic, and until recently it's been very low key, but he's consistently been one of the worst behaved footballers in the country for years.
  • Just read on Wiki that Adolph Hitler did charity work, just goes to show how easy it is to misjudge people...
  • I've always had a bit of a soft spot for Bellamy. Clearly a difficult character to work with, but he speaks his mind and he's a committed and very talented player. I sense he'd be an excellent friend, but a nasty enemy - his post match interview after the Man City vs Chelsea game last season (post the Bridge/Terry hoo-ha) was quality. His charity work is certainly impressive.
  • It's called PR. Remember, it's the meek who will inherit the Earth!
  • You can imagine Bellamy lining up with the meek hissing, "not a fukking word out of ya, I do a lot for charity"
  • Bellamy has now taken the Cardiff captaincy off Hudson;,19528,11688_6324720,00.html

    For me, he was the worst captain we've had in my 30 years of supporting Charlton.
  • quality player, lucky cardiff. guaranteed promotion to The Prem awaits
  • Didn't have me ROFL
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  • ROFL i was LMFAO :)
  • Ha never doubt Jonatan Johansson
  • Good for him.  Always thought he's the sort of bloke you'd love if they were in your team and hate if they were playing against you.  
  • Classic interview seems like he's down to earth. "as you could see none of us have a glimour of hope of qualifying " !

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