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Sheffield Wednesday Possibly Entering Administration



  • [cite]Posted By: mascot88[/cite]Im sure Leeds felt the same.......

    Carly , calm down mate....

    We're not the same club as Leeds and we certainly don't have the same circumstances as them!
  • From The Fiver:

    The Co-operative Bank has rescued Sheffield Wednesday in the high court, settling the club's £703,000 debts with the taxman ...

    ... while Conference North side Ilkeston Town have been wound up after failing to pay the taxman £50,000.
  • Ilkeston Town have been wound up?! They were trudging along for a year or so, from crisis to crisis. There were all sorts of stories about them building new dressing rooms, but they got the dimensions wrong, so they were told they'd have to build new, slightly bigger ones. I lived a few miles away from them, and meant to go round to watch them sometime, but always forgot. Eastwood will miss the rivalry, I'd say.

    The Co-op are consolidating their original loan to Wednesday, but surely they have to pay back some of that debt eventually?
  • Teams across the country getting wound up.' Well that's football ' spout the premier league ass licking tv and radio presenters.

    Well it shouldn't be.It's high time that clubs at the top of this trunkless tree started paying into a pot to stop any club going to the wall.Football is fast dissapearing up it's own arse and it's time for the money at the top to go to some real use instead of a new set of gold alloy wheels for Titus Brambles Land Rover sport.
  • Could be Welling next :-(
  • [cite]Posted By: IA[/cite]Ilkeston Town have been wound up?

    Isn't that where Jason 'Pineapple' Lee is playing ......?
  • If a team like southend can keep almost going into Administration and keep dodging the bullet I expect Wednesday will too - at least for a while - no chance of them being wound up - there is always someone prepared to take on a football club if it goes into admin - look at Palace
  • Anyone that's interested, give this video of Howard Wilkinson speaking to protesters after Saturday's home defeat to Southampton a watch. Looks very frightening for Wednesday at the moment. I said at the start of the season they need a massive shot in the arm, a flier of a start and more bums on seats up there to spark some confidence and kickstart any hope of challenging this season. Four consecutive defeats before September is out doesn't suggest they've succeeded in that and that seems the least of their worries.

    Comment #73
  • Direct link to the video

    Very worrying news for Wednesday fans.

    "Where's the Lee Grant money?"

    Do these people watch the news?
  • Fair play to Howard Wilkinson you can see he is trying to reason with the fans bar a few knobends he is able to do it.

    The kid at the front needs a smack and sent to bed with no din dins
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  • edited September 2010
    Thought Wilkinson did a good job there of trying to talk to them; he reminded me of the Barnstonworth manager. I half expected him to break into, "You don't need shorts, throw them away, these are all you need lad...."
  • edited September 2010
    Whats he got his credit card out for?

    Blimey,having seen the whole of it,if I was Wilkinson I'd get out now and leave them too it, what a bunch of tossers.
  • Depressing watching and hearing.Are these people for real?They kept demanding 'INVESTMENT' as if it is a right!How cut off from reality are they?
  • [cite]Posted By: Kap10[/cite]Whats he got his credit card out for?

    Probably to impress that load of underclass infront of him.
  • I hear that Derby may be the next club in trouble. Their American owners are having serious financial difficulties
  • Thought Wilkinson handled it well in fairness. Some people just don't get business though. Thought the steward summed it up best: "do we want to support United? Then we have to stick together"

    Saying that, I'm seriously worried that this could be Murray next season, if our results keep going as they are. It's only because of our DIY administration that it's not us now.
  • Only gone and got themselves another one!

    Jeez.They've had more winding up orders than they have home wins this season.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: carly burn[/cite]Only gone and got themselves another one!

    Jeez.They've had more winding up orders than they have home wins this season.[/quote]
    What winding up order.
  • The taxman has had three bites now, surely a court has to rule in his favour soon.

    Once is stupid, twice a coincidence, thrice is just taking the piss!
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  • HMRC - WUM!
  • Won't happen. You just know if a league club goes to the wall it'll be us.
  • I refuse to believe that a club of their size will go under. There will always be someone to save the day.
    If any league club is to go under it'll be a tiny league 2 club.
  • edited November 2010
    Mandaric has pulled out of the running to invest.

    24 hours to get £600k from on the face of it absolutely nowhere. Big trouble.

    Not looking good for them now.
  • Last time the Co-op bank bailed them out in the belief that they had more to lose from Wednesday falling into administration than by bailing them out. What's changed?

    They're probably quite lucky a lot of their debt is to banks. As shown with Southampton, banks relatively willing to write off football debt rather than be known as 'the bank that brought a great club down'

    Having said all the above, 4.1 on them being relegated is good value.
  • SSN are saying that Mandaric is still negotiating and has made a higher offer. Also reporting that there are four interested parties and that the Co-op bank are willing to write off £18m of debt.
  • [cite]Posted By: IA[/cite]SSN are saying that Mandaric is still negotiating and has made a higher offer. Also reporting that there are four interested parties and that the Co-op bank are willing to write off £18m of debt.

    Shock horror - One of the people with the money will buy the club for a knock down price and the club will get away scott free again.

    Football clubs do like to take the piss don't they
  • Don't you think that the Co-op are taking the piss as well? What do the people who bank with 'em get from all this, or at any other time for being generally good customers and supplying the money from which the interest is gained so that 18m can be written off against a football club that has no money management sense whatsoever? ....sweet F.A!
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