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Jerome Thomas in the papers...stumbling out of a club



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    Wasn't JT allegedly (sorry Chirpy / DJ Davey Dave) arrested outside a club a while back? I seem to remember reading something.

    In most cases I subscribe to the view that what players do in their own time is their business. However JT definitely looks a lot heavier this season and I'm not convinced it's all muscle! He also looks slower to me. If the off pitch lifestyle impacts on performance then I think we have a right to comment.
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    its the weight of that stupid tache he's got to carry round. he should stop the slug balancing act and get rid imho
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    Just a comment about JT, have to say I met him at the training ground a few weeks back before Xmas when I was there with a school team I organise, and he was really nice with the kids, when a few went up to ask for his autograph. I had a chat to him about his injury etc. and he did not come across as a Charlie Big Potatoes, as Arfur would say :) He ended up with about 30 kids round him in the end, all wanting him to sign CAFC lunch boxes!
    So, you can only speak as you find...... it must get irritating if you get strangers regularly coming up and having a go at you when you are out socially, however much money you take home.
    And JF was probably just getting a bit of heading practice :)
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    not all premier players wanna play big shot. used to knock about over a fews years with a group of lads that included Kevin Davies (Bolton) during his Chesterfield, Southampton days. he used to drink in his old local and go down town with the lads. no heirs and graces and the lads shard out the beers as they always did. he never had a chance to get ahead of himself. imho a nice down to earth sort (liked his beer) but was an absolute babe magnet. i saw him pull two latino type lasses one night. then again i think i'd have been lord of the manor if i was on £13,000 a week (5 years ago) and could invite some young lass back for a 'pool party'. i'm not saying money is everything but these model type lasses can sniff it out and target these young lads. i wouldn't turn em away, would you?

    as for jerome if he does it onthe pitch, i couldn't care a less.
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    [cite]Posted By: falconwood_1[/cite]I'd never approach a footballer when out. Especially Charlton ones ffs!

    I approached Kish once in Bromley, ran up to him and shouted "Kish" all excited and shook his hand, he looked a little startled - my girlfriend reckons I behaved like a small child!
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    [cite]Posted By: NorthStandUltra[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: falconwood_1[/cite]I'd never approach a footballer when out. Especially Charlton ones ffs!

    I approached Kish once in Bromley, ran up to him and shouted "Kish" all excited and shook his hand, he looked a little startled - my girlfriend reckons I behaved like a small child!

    lolololol. that has tickled me.
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    Ha ha Curb it, I know exactly how he felt !
    For a while I was interviewing players at the training ground as part of this sports show I had a small bit to do with, and each week I had to turn up on the press day.
    I'd never done anything like this before and they were all my heroes anyway, so I was pretty nervous about it.
    Anyway, the first one I had to do was Deano, and I didn't realise you were only supposed to ask them a couple of questions, so I kept him for about 20 mins! I could see him thinking, when are you going to f*** off and let me have my dinner!
    Then I made the mistake of asking him about his goal kicks and saying how they had improved that season. I suddenly got a cold chill all round me, and tumbleweed went past.
    "I just kick it where the manager tells me. " came the icy reply.
    I was tempted to ask how often Curbs told him to kick it into c block of the West stand but something in his face told me it was better left.....
    But the one that probably meant the most was interviewing Peacock.
    When I asked him if he knew his nickname was Pee Wee to the fans, he said the players knew him as "Snatch".
    Apparently because of all the tap ins he nicked off them......yeah right:)
    But he was as you would want your legend to be, really friendly and pleased to chat.
    The worst one was probably asking Curbs a question which was on the spur of the moment when I had no prior notice. It got all lined up in about 10 seconds. Two other serious journos were ahead of me, and the first one asked the question I had just thought up, then the next one asked the question I'd thought up to replace that one. I then asked him some old b****cks which made him look at me slightly puzzled for a moment before he went into media speak about 3 points away from home being nice or something etc
    I was gutted afterwards, there was so much I could have asked him if I'd just calmed down.
    But I blew it.....
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    i remember Brian Cole's interview on the pitch with Curbs at the end of one season, when it seemed likely that 'curbs would be off to his true love WHU

    weren't there a few tumbleweed moments during that one??

    anyone remember?
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    [cite]Posted By: Oakster[/cite]i remember Brian Cole's interview on the pitch with Curbs at the end of one season, when it seemed likely that 'curbs would be off to his true love WHU

    weren't there a few tumbleweed moments during that one??

    anyone remember?

    I remember that. Curbs was caught on camera mouthing a few expletives to Merv about Mr Cole.....!

    Brian is on here now isn't he? Brian - what happened that day from your point of view?
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    nice one 3 blokes. i have done some embarrasing things in the past. when i met powelly in the millenium lounge i grabbed his cheek and told him that i loved him... and that i was so proud of him when he came out in the england shirt against spain... he just laughed through the whole thing nervously adding that he was sorry that they had only drawn today. love him.
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    2nd nicest current footballer behind Powelly without doubt is Kevin Campbell.

    Met him twice the year we 1st went up, recommended the best places to go in Nottingham and was spot on when we bumped into him in the lounge after we tonked Forest 4-2 (Morts genius that day).

    He was very funny and was telling us to keep it down as his missus was behind him!!

    As for biggest knobhead, by far - Pierre Van Hooidonk (spl), total and utter c*ck.
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    [cite]Posted By: falconwood_1[/cite]2nd nicest current footballer behind Powelly without doubt is Kevin Campbell.

    Met him twice the year we 1st went up, recommended the best places to go in Nottingham and was spot on when we bumped into him in the lounge after we tonked Forest 4-2 (Morts genius that day).

    He was very funny and was telling us to keep it down as his missus was behind him!!

    As for biggest knobhead, by far - Pierre Van Hooidonk (spl), total and utter c*ck.

    Kevin Campbell top bloke

    Meet him in Prague and he got us all in the VIP bit of some club , he did tell me he was coming to Charlton though
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    echoe that, i met kevin Campell at lilleshall when i was there on a school trip when i was 15! He was top man, didnty mind talking to us runts! Also John Durnin was there and he shouted at my mate he was miserable prick. Also met Darryl Powell who was again a top geezer! A few of us found out which room he was staying in and knocked on his door! He was vertually next door to us!

    Whilst there we also had beef with the england schoolbiy team who lived there, they were throwing tennis balls at us from there 5 floor windows, mugs!
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    ive changed my account pic as its one of my fave pics. im not the blond sorry guys.
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    He looks a bit Pie Eyed were you getting him drunk Curb_it ?
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    no idea what he was drinking. someone said he looks more like sammy davis junior in that one.
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    sammy davies Jnr, quality!
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    I bet she slipped ketamine into his drink.
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    I reckon that one's worth a caption competition
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