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Dog poo



  • Loads along my walk to work, I call it dog shit lane as there's so much of the stuff. It stinks through the summer. Still, it's Dartford so what can you do!!
  • Agree on foxes, detest them and thinking about buying a gun to blow their stupid fox arses off.

    In the last two weeks they have shat on a small trampoline in the garden, all over the patio and on the 2nd step of a plastic kids slide. Tell me the slide one's not deliberate. How does a fox position it's stupid arse so that it unloads on the 2nd step up (about 2 feet up). Unless its other poxy friends were holding him up at the time.
  • [cite]Posted By: Wilma[/cite]Loads along my walk to work, I call it dog shit lane as there's so much of the stuff. It stinks through the summer. Still, it's Dartford so what can you do!!

    Ha ha - "dog shit lane" was just down the road from me when I was a kid - ran alongside the running track in Ladywell Fields. There used to be tons of the stuff down there.
  • I think there must be a dog shit lane in every town the country!

    What gets me is that there are about 3 or 4 bins for them to use - which must be as invisible as the signs warning them of fines if they don't bin the crap.
  • [cite]Posted By: Macronate[/cite]Agree on foxes, detest them and thinking about buying a gun to blow their stupid fox arses off.

    In all honesty mate, there's no point killing a fox. Besides the fact that you'll have to tidy it up and dispose of it, if you live anywhere within about 20 miles of London or any other major conurbation, as they are territorial animals, a vacuum area will be created and you'll get another fox replacing it before you can say "piss off". Much better to get a deterrent which will deter it from your garden/land. Think of it like burglary prevention, you've got to make your neighbour's gardens seem more attractive to the buggers than your own.

    Have a read of this
  • Scatter orange and lemon peel (or any citrus) around the garden to deter the cats.
    Shoot the dogs and their owners too.
  • As someone who does occassionally get involved in litter/dog fouling investigations (yes I know but it's not a highlight of my career but what can you do) I can tell you that not every 'Richard' out there is due to some chavvy runt not caring. When I've been out on these sort of enforcement exercises a lot of the people that get caught are what you'd consider 'normal'. The problem being that they often have 2 dogs or more. I've seen people walking 6 or 7 and there's is no way on earth you can keep an eye on every dog for every second it's off the lead. Especially when you're too busy talking to your mate Doris about last nights Eastenders or admiring her schnauzer (that's not a euphamism btw!).

    You would not believe the amount of grief that this causes Safer Neighbourhood Teams despite, IMO, the situation getting better all the time, especially out of London.

    On a personal level, as a regular runner, I've developed a 6th sense on the subject and I reckon I could sprint up dog shite alley blindfolded in a ninja stylie with no turd surfing at all.

    Ya gotta love Charlton Life eh!
  • [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]Is it just me or is there less of it on the streets these days?

    The roads surrounding The Valley are full of dog shit !
  • Sometimes the pitch is full of it too!
  • [cite]Posted By: Red5[/cite]Sometimes the pitch is full of it too!

    Some of it has had good money spent on it!
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  • This is a true story

    My mate Danny lives about ten minutes walk from my house. A family moved in next door to him and had a Staffordhire Bull terrier, the thing could shite for England. The thing shat so much outside Dan's house as soon as it began walkies that the neighbour would leave it until he came back to pick it up or just leave it.

    Dan trod in a pile of staffy shite once too often on his way to walk, he subsequently trod it into his van and had to spend the first part of his day at work scraping dog shit off his boots and the floor of his van. He asked the neighbour to not let his dog crimp onto the pavement outside, the bloke explained how he leaves it until they get back from the walk as it is minging and warm and soft when it is fresh (as if you would actually answer a request with this explanation!) so he picks it up when they come home.

    Danny was not satisfied with this so picked the shit up and hooned it at their house. The pair of them had a a slight disagreement over this, the altercation involved Danny being one of the very first inmates down Medway police station with hands still covered in dog egg, and suffering from more than a couple of nasty staff bites.

    The neighbour then just let the dog crap all over Dans front grass and pavement so Dan posted it back through the letterbox, left on the kitchen windowledge and on the doorstep. I've not seen him for a while but I assume all hostilities are ongoing.
  • So in reading this i think we can say in answer to the first question is NO.......Thereis still tonnes of the stuff about.
  • Ah, there might still be tonnes of the stuff about uncle, but is it any more or less than in the past?

    When I was a kid you'd never see anyone picking up there dogs cack, but now you always see people doing that embarrassed little stoop with a plastic bag in their hand as their dog nonchalantly strolls off with a glance over the shoulder as if to say, "now pick that up, it's a real stinker"!
  • I once picked up a turd in a plastic bag and handed it back to my Mum's neighbour as he opened the door. When I say 'handed it to him' I mean it - I opened the bag and dropped it in his hand.
  • we have to be on guard over hear for grizzly bear poo, if you see a pile of still steaming grizzly poo you are in big trouble, the kids are educated in school to recognize bear poo & to gauge how fresh it is
  • Had this conversation with a fella at work yesterday.

    He's just texted me to say that a pile was hiding under some leaves and his trainers are now covered in it!
  • We aint all bad dog owners
    We are in the process of training our dog and a plus is he seems to prefer crapping in our garden!
    We tried the getting him to the kerb bit, but he looked at you in a sort of "Feck off I'm not sticking my ar5e out in the that busy road" sort of way. He much prefers to wait until he gets home and has a dump on the gravelled front garden, which is removed straight away unless its dark!
    the big pluses are.
    Its easy to pick up and wash away.
    The children can play safely in the back garden.
    And the best one is the delivery people have stopped skipping over the walls rather than using the gate through fear of either meeting Bailey mid dump or landing in something that ressembles a mini roundabout. ; )
  • When the local hounds unload on the pavements around charlton church lane, the council spray-paint stenciled yellow warnings onto the pavement when they clean it up. Thought this was a decent idea actually, as no doubt the owners of the muts will walk past the crime scenes again one day, and be reminded that they are indeed: Sub-human scum.
  • I own 4 German Shepherd dogs that are trained working and show dogs we always clean up after our dogs and always have, it is only right to do so FFS!!! But it pisses me off when I see other dog owners who walk past my house and let their dogs crap and just walk off or in the park when our 4 are running around and other dogs jsut crap and the owners bugger off. These people give dog owners a bad name and I dont want to be associated with them thank you.
    Trouble is dogs crap so much these days because of the processed 'crap' (excuse the pun) they eat. My dogs are fed 'raw food only' - and this has cut down their waste by 75% and is so much cheaper to buy ad better for the dogs health. If more dog owners did two things - namely pick up after thier dog(s) as soon as it has finished craping and secondly change their dogs diet to 'raw food' then the non-dog owning public can enjoy their walk/run in a far healthier and safer environment. As for cats.....well thats another story, but needless to say none come in my garden anymore.....cant understand why!!! LOL
  • This has got to be the worst dog owner:

    He picks it up but then....

    Incidentally, this issue is a real hate of mine, perhaps because I live in France.
    Does anybody know where I can buy some of that paint to spray on dog poo? Is it just normal spray paint or a special type of paint?
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