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Lest We Forget

edited November 2010 in General Charlton
11.00 am


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    RIP Indeed.
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    Well said.
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    edited November 2010
    On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, we shall remember them.

    Respect to the Fallen.

    Wear your poppy with pride.
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    They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old.
    Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
    At the going down of the sun and in the morning
    We will remember them
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    We Shall Remember Them.
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    Remember all Service men and women who served in both wars and all conflicts that we are involved in today.
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    perhaps no posting things for two mins at eleven. we shall remember them
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    Thanks to everyone for not posting during the two minutes silence.

    Never forget, never again.
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    the ignorance of some people in my office knows no bounds !!
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    I hope you were able to show your respects in your own way, we will remember them.
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    have to say it was very well observed in my work building.

    Never Forget
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    I went outside and sat in the car for two minutes so don't know what everybody else did or didn't do.
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    We had one imbecile who chose to make a personal call during the silence, to say he got slaughtered after is an understatement, just heard him mumbling in the kitchen that he cannot understand why people get uspet, so I just sent him an picutre of my Uncles grave in Italy, he has fallen very quiet.
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    I was at home on my own....stood to respect the 2 mins. Couldnt believe the people who just carried on with their day walking past the house....such a shame....but as i said on a previous thread nothing suprises me anymore. Is it too much to ask people to give up 2 minutes of their day? Others gave up their entire life.....nuff said.
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    Less said about the Muslim protestors in London, the better.
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    never read that poem before Bibble , very touching
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    Well for me todays two minutes of silence was better observed than at the barnet game.
    A couple of idiots in the charlton end last weekend just couldnt stop talking amongst themselves, thankfully the majority told them to shut up.
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    disgrace the lack of poppies in canterbury. Been in Uni, not seen one other person with one on
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    Yeh I work on a building site so no quiet to be had there. Went to the library thinking that was bound to be quiet but the idiot librarian talked all the time.
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    [cite]Posted By: Mike[/cite]disgrace the lack of poppies in canterbury. Been in Uni, not seen one other person with one on

    There's been a dismaying lack of poppies at my uni as well. Might not bode well for the future of remembrance day.
    [cite]Posted By: bibble[/cite]Remember all Service men and women who served in both wars and all conflicts that we are involved in today

    Thanks Bibble, wonderful poem.
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    Last weekend I was browsing the All Blacks RU website. they have a pen portrait of every player who has ever worn the All Black / Silver Fern strip either in a test or just a tour/non-cap game.
    What horrified me was the number of players who died fighting for Britain during (especiallly) World War 1. Let's remember all the brave Empire soldiers of all castes and creeds who have given their lives to ensure that we continue to live in a free and prosperous country and do our best to ensure that they did not indeed all die in vain.
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    edited November 2010
    And if anyone who works in town gets the chance to visit the Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey, I would urge them to do so. Its in place until the 21st November and is an incredibly moving place to visit. You can also place a cross of remembrance to any family members or loved ones in the appropriate place for their regiment, unit or even for the civilian war dead - let us not forget the 60,000 civilians in the UK killed by enemy air attacks during WW2, of which about half were in London.
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    A national holiday in Bermuda. I don't know why other countries don't adopt it - 11/11 brings more cultures and generations together than most religious holidays.

    My blog post today:
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    edited November 2010
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    edited November 2010
    Kinda annoys me there is nothing done in Ireland (or I guess the south) for today, considering the amount of Irish soldiers who fell in Belgium and France it's a shame they aren't officialy rememberd.
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    Was working in Disralli Close Thamesmead:
    Stopped work at 10:58 and listened to the 11o'clock Bells on GLR/Radio London and respected the 2 minutes silence.
    Shame 2 472 bus drivers and a police car sreaming past didn't...........
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    [cite]Posted By: Miserableold-ish git[/cite]Was working in Disralli Close Thamesmead:
    Stopped work at 10:58 and listened to the 11o'clock Bells on GLR/Radio London and respected the 2 minutes silence.
    Shame 2 472 bus drivers and a police car sreaming past didn't...........

    I was very aware that I was driving on blues at 11am on thursday. Not a lot I could do about that unfortunately. Crewmate and I paid our respects with a silence when we finished that call...
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    We shall Remember Them.
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