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website has changed

edited November 2010 in General Charlton
bollox boo hiss.


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    It's cack.
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    edited November 2010
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    What Welshie said
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    Well, many people said they didn't care what the website looked like.

    Careful what you ask for.
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    Have to say not a patch on the old one. Ho-hum.....I understand the financial reasons for making the change but I'm not happy.
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    I haven't looked at it but I've already decided the lay-out is rubbish and the content much worse than before.

    It is also indicative of our decline and the next step to being a non-league club.

    Also the truism that "I'll believe it when I see it on the OS" no longer applies.
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    As an aside and on a more positive new username works! Woop woop. ;-)
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    i never read the your views thing, but should we be worried?
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    Cant access it from work, doesnt sound as if i am missing much, we seem to have gone down the route of the majority of football clubs with this layout for their websites, looks nasty and cheap, we had our own unique site and was user friendly, easy to read articles.
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    i dont mind it , once you get used to it it'll make looking for stuff on other clubs sites easier .....
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    It's very busy, but whatever.
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    bad news is "Your Views" seems to have gone.

    Admin, please vet any new membership applications very carefully : - )
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    Hopefully Acworth and gray won't be able to find their way to Your Views.
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    Oh my god, that's depressing - Charlton Life it is then.
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    It's blocked at work :0 (
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    edited November 2010
    1st impression shite. as someone else said toooo busy but i'm sure we'll get used to it
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    [cite]Posted By: Valley McMoist[/cite]It's blocked at work :0 (

    Ditto. Real pain the 'arris that and before anyone says anything - I didn't vote for it - I said I would pay to access an club run pay site, so I blame the rest of you tight wads ;-)
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    doesn't bother me what it looks like as long as the content is there !!
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    The sheer volume of floating and moving adverts makes it entirely unreadable on my work pc

    It's still loading the main page after 2 minutes. Funny that the adverts came up first before anything Charlton related!

    I absolutely hate it and probably won't be going there unless I have no other option. I understand the reasoning behind it but this doesn't make it any more palletable imo
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    It's only happened because Parky got us relegated with Pardew's squad.
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    edited November 2010
    Blocked at work as it's streaming media!

    Was thinking when it was going to change as I remember reading somewhere the new design was coming in a few weeks.

    Doesn't really matter though, anything important is usually posted on here anyway and about 2 hours before the OS!


    Saying that just checked it on my phone and it's the usual crap generic football club site, they are horrible to use and get information from.
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    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]I haven't looked at it but I've already decided the lay-out is rubbish and

    Well it is, but we all knew that from seeing other sides.

    Content shouldn't change though, in fact i would expect a ramp up in the short-term.

    People will soon get used to it. You go to the Official Sites to get specific information, and that won't change.
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    Can't open any of the news articles
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    HATE IT!!!!
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    I don't like it just like ever one else site now
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    I don't like it just like ever one else site now
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    I don't like it just like ever one else site now
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    [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]I haven't looked at it but I've already decided the lay-out is rubbish and

    Well it is, but we all knew that from seeing other sides.

    Content shouldn't change though, in fact i would expect a ramp up in the short-term.

    People will soon get used to it. You go to the Official Sites to get specific information, and that won't change.

    Can I take my tongue out of my cheek now?

    It's not good but that's the generic FLI design.

    Even FLI don't like I heard but they are stuck with a contract with the designers/website geeks or whoever it is for another year or two.

    Your Views was a useful Broadmoor like holding place for the more loony followers of our Club but they will now be roaming around looking for someone else to vent their spleen. Please not here.
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    Half of the links don't work, there's ruddy videos of other teams on the RHS - why would I want to watch that? And too many irrelevant adverts!
    Its got a video on QPR playing at the moment - next thing you know, it'll be Crystal Palace or Millwall!
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    You know if it wasn't called cafctv I would be able to access it at work. Just got on the Peterborough site fine as it's
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