Hello Red army..
Just rolled into town and havent a notion about whats what. Im in the area and rather then be a glory hunter and follow a big club in London i follow and will support my local team. CAFC.
Can anyone give me a summary on the pubs in the area to catch a pre, post game pint. Obviously ill be in the North end upper tonight.
Guide to local stuff on the left of the screen under Valley Ground Guide.
If you wear a red and white bobble hat and shout out "Red Army", everyone will know it's you and tell you to "Siddarn".
Royal Oak can be a bit dodgy Ale-wise and the last time we were there it took 10mins to get served!
Think ill just work my way around in the shadows...
Might give the bugle a crack, kinda on my way down.
I'll introduce you to Nathan Prior. You two sound like you'll get on well.
I think not. They used to meet and get changed there but not where the Club was formed.
Might make that bee...
Considering starting now in every pub in the 4 mile radius O_O
Where was the club formed then? I thought it was a merger of youth clubs in the area which was formalised at the Oak.
Irish - Greenwich to Charlton is a cracking pub crawl. Start off at the Trafalgar (bit posh) or The Yacht overlooking the river, down to the Cutty Sark pub, Pelton Arms is worth a visit then follow Trafalgar Road onto Woolwich Road and take your pick all the way to the ground.
Lookin forward to it though.
First game for the club i intend to follow. Cant beat it man.
The Swan has another new managemene (again) so hopefully there will be an improvement.
Never heard any reference to mergers of youth clubs. The boys were 14 and 15 so unlikely to have been in a pub anyway but they would have to have walked past at least three others before reaching the Oak.
The Rose of Denmark does a nice pint. Friendly mix of home and away fans before the match.
You'll find it and all the others here as Henry said.
Welcome to the Red and White army!
Nice one eaststand im sure it wont be long before ive darkened every pubs door.. lets just hope it not all in the one night or ill be falling over the railings in the north upper.
bartram just keep your eye out for a chap in a red n white beanie.. coming to a boozer near you :D
Not much fun drinking on your own.
LOL ......... I know what you mean,
I'm just the same, always seem to get talking to strangers but never told anyone about the voices, the voices, the voices......
I didn't know I had to be Irish though, ha ha
Never slept with an Irish red headed lass.
Not yet, anyway .....but willing to consider my options.
Thought you were doing your bit for Anglo-French relations?