This afternoon I got a message up on a couple of channels saying that they couldn't be received and to turn the box off and unplug it for a while. I did this then plugged it back in and turned the power back on: the red light came on and I let it warm up. Now nothing at all happens: the remote flashes but there's no response from the box at all: just the constant red light. Anyone got any ideas- is it a gentle tap with a hammer job or something more technical? Thanks.
They will get you a new box and throw in free movies for month
Then switch on and leave for several mins
Then turn on by pressing sky button on remote
Lots of people rush the reset process
Fingers crossed
Unplug the Sky box at the mains
Press the left and right navigation buttons on the front of the box whilst plugging into the mains again. Do NOT release the buttons until the green Play light comes on ~ 30secs.
Press Select. The play light will then rotate clockwise for about three minutes whilst the box resets itself. The box will go into Standby.
Leave for 2-3 minutes whilst the hard drive reformats and then proceed as normal.
We (and our neighbour) had the same message but then cleared the dish of snow and it was fine....this was last Thursday though!
The dish can't be seen from the ground Arry, but there's still quite a bit of snow/ice out here in the sticks so it's quite possible that started the problem. I think the box should still turn on though, and if we do get it going I'll get the ladder out!
Up, Up
Down, Down,
Left, Right,
Left, Right,
B, A,
Should clear it '-)
Sent the wife out with a toffee hammer and hey presto, footie was back!
I changed the batteries, twice, then as I was on hold waiting for sky, I tried one of their tips
You apparently remove one battery and then press every button one at a time in order and it worked!
Felt a right plonker when the girl asked what the problem was and I said, erm, nothing! thank you goodbye!
They gave me a new box and an engineer on a Sunday, all for no charge.
I believe they will do the same for everybody, just to keep your custom
Couple of things I am keen to point out here - first off, this is paranoia of the highest degree. Most of the calls anyone gets about coverage for the box are from third party, non-affiliated companies who have nabbed the Sky database through one of many (probably illegal) means. So it's not in Sky's interest for you to pay them money. Also, I am not sure which department this falls under if it is true. It's certainly not in my PDP this year to make sure 100 boxes break for no reason!!
The other is, contrary to popular belief that call centres are a source of revenue, each call ultimately COSTS Sky £3.50. They are desperate to make things easier for people so that the call centres don't have to keep expanding.
Given the snow/ice still in March's area, that's what my money is on. My dish is just three feet off the ground, so when rain or snow bother it, I just take a tea towel outside and dry it off. Works every single time!
I put it down to the weather although it was particularly bad last night and most of the snow is gone.
Dish is on the roof and there's no way I'm getting up there !
Send the wife up there!
I thought about uprading to the terrabyte, but winced at the price. Also I tend to delete as I watch so I rarely have an issue with space.
Give it a couple of years and Sky will be giving them away to their most loyal customers(all of us that moan). I have to say, I have never had a problem with Sky. Always willing to keep my custom unlike Nynex (old cable company merged with many others) many years ago.
I also had that fault. I never have any of the pay per view so I dont really need the phone plugged in.
I bought a new sky + box off the net and set it up and didnt bother putting the phone line in and last week we got a letter for sky saying one of your boxes dont have the phone line connected. Was suprised cause I didnt think they even knew if the phone line was in or not.