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Chris Powell - The Manager



  • [cite]Posted By: heavenSE7[/cite]

    but it will bring back a lot of fans who were fed up with the boring, dull and negative atmosphere at the Valley.

    Hear! Hear!
  • [cite]Posted By: PaulCAFC[/cite]
    [cite aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0]Posted By: dickplumb[/cite]Sorry to p*** on everybody's parade, but i think this is the wrong decision. The Board have gone for a popular figure with the fans as a sop to the fans. Don't get me wrong i really liked him as a player and he is a very nice man. I would have liked to have seen a more experienced man in charge. I would have been very happy with Chris as our number 2.

    Totally agree - can we stop the hysteria and the 'love in' for a minute - we need an experienced manager and not a legend.

    So, was "Our" Chris 1 of the 6 on the "shortlist" ?
    Don't get me wrong, I think CP IS a LEGEND, but, not sure He is the right choice at the moment: Would love to be proven wrong.....
    [cite]Posted By: Mike_CAFC[/cite]Miserable cunts.

    [cite]Posted By: Mike_CAFC[/cite]This is the best moment as a Charlton fan in years, sort your fucking life out!

    Gosh, you can spell swear-words ! We'll done you.
    edited January 2011
    Good choice and hopefully will unite the fans, but I do wish people would stop with the "Sir" this and Sir that's just plain corny.
  • Not felt this good about my club since the boxing day immediately before Parker left.
  • Don't really see why it matters that he hasn't had a lot of experience, he's played footy all his life so that will give him some, he was the first-team coach at leicester, he was caretaker when Sousa left them and Roberto di Matteo got MK Dons promoted in his first season of football, the fans will be on his side from the start too. I think we should see how this goes before we pass judgement to be honest.
  • Excellent decision. Chris Powell loves Charlton and will work his socks off to make us a success. He has loads of contacts from his work with the PFA and is a popular figure in the game. He has coached and has all the badges from doing so and has worked under numerous fantastically well qualified managers.

    Does he have experience, no. But then nor did Klinsmann before he became Germany manager and he did alright, nor did the Guardiola at Barc but he has done well, nor did Parky at Colchester but they were promoted, nor did Curbs before us but he was one of the most successful ever.

    Every decision on a manager is a gamble but the fact he is so popular with fans, so well conected and so bright gives him every chance to be a success here. I am sure that the board would have interviewed him and no matter how popular with the fans he is would not have taken him on if he did not come across well.

    I shall be celebrating tonight and looking forward to the w/e - i may even have to go to Sheffield now and after the Swindon game I was planning on not going to Charlton even at home for a few weeks because i was so miserable!
  • edited January 2011
    So a few doom and gloom merchants writing Chris Powell off already - pathetic! He sweated blood for us as a player, is rightfully considered a Charlton legend and is coming home to manage us.

    Knowing the integrity of the great man he would never take on this job if in any doubt of his own ability.

    Nearly 30 years in football, PFA chairman, a legend at at least 3 clubs, coaching badges, glowing endorsements from those in the game. Not experienced - your'e having a laugh!

    Do us a favour, lay off with the negativity for a few weeks huh, he deserves at least one game before you start panicking just yet!
  • Powell is just 2 years younger than Parky.

    And 7 years older than Curbishley, when he became manager.
    Or the same age as the much vaunted Eddie Howe is right now.

    Experience? ......... you get that by getting games under your belt - the first one on Saturday.

    He won't be manager just on his own. So who will his management team be?
  • edited January 2011
    [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: heavenSE7[/cite]

    but it will bring back a lot of fans who were fed up with the boring, dull and negative atmosphere at the Valley.

    Hear! Hear!

    Truth hurts ;-)

    In terms of his management team I can see Matthews being involved somewhere otherwise the club would have got rid? I can see an experienced head along side him, maybe KP but rumours on twitter suggest Deano? What about Matty Holland involved somewhere? Was rumoured to be taking a position with the Ipswich vacancy, don't know if he did or not.
  • [cite]Posted By: dickplumb[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: PaulCAFC[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: F-Blocker[/cite]They know how important it is from a financial point of view that we get promoted - they wouldn't have taken this gamble if they didn't think he could do it...

    Really? The same people that gave Parky the vote of confidence one day and sacked him the next - on the the strength of a crap performance by 99% of the team.... who are still there!!! I might be in the minority here, but forgive me for not cracking open the vintage Bollinger yet!

    I think Paul you are entirely right and it has nothing to do with glass half empty or half full. I will support Chris 100% but just because we don't join in the mass hysteria doesnt mean our views should be rubbished.

    Playing devils advocate, if Lord Chris starts off his Charlton career with say 6 games without a win how long before the fickle covered enders start to boo?

    The boos would be ringing out for anyone else 3 games into that hypothetical streak.............I hope that anyone with more than a couple of braincells will give him a chance.
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  • When he won his first England cap the papers said Chris WHO.......
    Okay Chris Powell gave his all for this club in every game he played,has always had the fans backing,a man that you could talk to,along with his work for the players with the problem with any of the above.
    Now the downside No Experience as a manager,will need a man alongside him with that knowledge and depending who comes to fit the bill we might make a fight of it.Will not put to many more bums on sits as it stands at the moment.But to one and all who want this man DO NOT COME BACK TO THIS SITE AND SLAG HIM OFF.
    Chris Powell hope this works out for both you and Charlton ,just think we need a manager with more EXPERIENCE thats all.........Prove me wrong please Chris.
  • I'm surprised at the degree of negativity shown by some. Surely every manager has to have a first job somewhere? And, with respect, thisfirst job will invariably be in the "lower divisions". If the appointment goes through I think it will be a very brave decision by your board, and you should be happy that they are prepared to take such a path.
  • [cite]Posted By: Red5[/cite]So a few doom and gloom merchants writing Chris Powell off already - pathetic! He sweated blood for us as a player, is rightfully considered a Charlton legend and is coming home to manage us.

    Knowing the integrity of the great man he would never take on this job if in any doubt of his own ability.

    Nearly 30 years in football, PFA spokesperson, a legend at at least 3 clubs, coaching badges, glowing endorsements from those in the game. Not experienced - your'e having a laugh!

    Do us a favour, lay off with the negativity for a few weeks huh, he deserves at least one game before you start panicking just yet!

    Yeah as did Alan Shearer, he was a legend! and he did well :/

    I hope he proves me wrong i really do!! Bring on 1win/1 on Saturday!!
  • edited January 2011
    [cite]Posted By: PaulCAFC[/cite]Whilst I am a Charlton fan with 4 season tickets, this is becoming mass delusional hysteria. Get a grip ffs.

    You're not the one who starts all the songs in the covered end then?

    If you cant get any joy out of this I cant imagine what joy youd get out of Charlton.

    Hes not a surgeon in charge of performing life saving surgery hes a well liked and respected ex player who knows what the club means to his fans and his return has brought inspiration and a feel good factor to many of us in a way that we havent felt for years.

    And we have reacted passionately.

    Give me this and Chris Powell and any day over any other unknown gamble experienced or not as thats what they would be and I certainly wouldnt be as inspired as i am now.

    Disneyworld football and im enjoying it. Gary Johnson, Eddie Howe or even Fabio Cappello wouldnt have the same effect.
  • It's not true until it is on the OS ..... and it isn't!

    The OS says:
    "Keith Peacock has confirmed he will again be in caretaker charge when Charlton head to Sheffield Wednesday on Saturday (3pm)."

  • [cite]Posted By: Barr_Cafc[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Red5[/cite]So a few doom and gloom merchants writing Chris Powell off already - pathetic! He sweated blood for us as a player, is rightfully considered a Charlton legend and is coming home to manage us.

    Knowing the integrity of the great man he would never take on this job if in any doubt of his own ability.

    Nearly 30 years in football, PFA spokesperson, a legend at at least 3 clubs, coaching badges, glowing endorsements from those in the game. Not experienced - your'e having a laugh!

    Do us a favour, lay off with the negativity for a few weeks huh, he deserves at least one game before you start panicking just yet!

    Yeah as did Alan Shearer, he was a legend! and he did well :/

    I hope he proves me wrong i really do!! Bring on 1win/1 on Saturday!!

    I refer you to Kevin Keegan at Newcastle 1992.
  • I love Chris Powell, but in amongst all this good news it's the boo boys that are worrying me, I'd be distraught, legends don't get booed do they?
  • edited January 2011
    Get a grip, the lot of you.

    Best day as a Charlton fan in five years - and there are still people moaning.

    So let's not celebrate, because it ''all depends'' on who his back-up team is? Oh, FFS!

    So Parkinson's failures were due to Breaker and Kinsella? And Pardew's cock-ups were due to Parkinson?

    Sir Chrisy will get in whoever he wants and they will do a job for him.

    But he's the man. He's given us back our soul. 24 hours ago, I thought that promotion was all that mattered. I no longer feel like that. If CP needs another season to get us out of this division, so be it. He's got latitude nobody else would be given. Because what matters is that he will play proper football and do it the proper way and he enables us to be proper proud to be Charlton again.

    Some people...
  • [cite]Posted By: Sam lloyd[/cite]I love Chris Powell, but in amongst all this good news it's the boo boys that are worrying me, I'd be distraught, legends don't get booed do they?

    Haven't seen anyone booing on here - just voicing concern knowing how fickle fans can be with managers. We have all heard the cheers one day and the boos the next.
  • Lennie, Curbs, Adkins, Poyet, Howe, all first job successes so why cant Powell be a success? How do people get experience ? By doing the job. As said before someday he was going t make someone a good manager so why not us and why not now? Anyway I'm happy and I ain't going to let anyone piss on the parade.
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  • [cite]Posted By: PaulCAFC[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Sam lloyd[/cite]I love Chris Powell, but in amongst all this good news it's the boo boys that are worrying me, I'd be distraught, legends don't get booed do they?

    Haven't seen anyone booing on here - just voicing concern knowing how fickle fans can be with managers. We have all heard the cheers one day and the boos the next.

    So who would be your choice Paul?
  • Judging by the reaction on here a very shrewd move indeed by Slater & Co.
  • [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]Lennie, Curbs, Adkins, Poyet, Howe, all first job successes so why cant Powell be a success? How do people get experience ? By doing the job. As said before someday he was going t make someone a good manager so why not us and why not now? Anyway I'm happy and I ain't going to let anyone piss on the parade.

    And the difference between him and say Bryan Robson is that he has played at ALL levels and knows how to communicate at ALL levels. And he isn't having to cut his teeth in the Premier League with all those Billy Big Balls who wave their pay cheque at the Manager when he has an issue with them!

    So why not start with us where he knows he has the vast majority of both the fans and players behind him. That is in my opinion at least half the battle if not more.
  • Heart says YES... Head says NO! But best of luck, Chrissy boy!
  • [cite]Posted By: Oakster[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: PaulCAFC[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Sam lloyd[/cite]I love Chris Powell, but in amongst all this good news it's the boo boys that are worrying me, I'd be distraught, legends don't get booed do they?

    Haven't seen anyone booing on here - just voicing concern knowing how fickle fans can be with managers. We have all heard the cheers one day and the boos the next.

    So who would be your choice Paul?

    Poyet would have been my choice, if he was interested or a higher profile and more experienced coach like Ray Wilkins.
  • Always find a killjoy on this forum.
  • Powell might use wises links and have Wilkins as assistant
  • [cite]Posted By: jazzyjazzyjazzy[/cite]Always find a killjoy on this forum.

    Ignore it, Jazzy. Made the mistake of rising to it myself earlier.

    Be content that those of us who are euphoric about SCP's homecoming are going to have a damn sight more enjoyable evening than those who are shaking their heads and fretting that Slater and Jiminez have made the wrong decision in a cynical attempt to appease the fans. Or whatever it is they reckon is happening...

    Celebration time. We just got our soul back...
  • I'm with the sceptics on this. Personally think we needed a proven manager with a track record. Maybe I'm wrong. Hope I am! Love Chris Powell to bits and hope and pray it goes well for him and us. But I won't be doing cartwheels just yet. It is a gamble.
  • [cite]Posted By: incorruptible addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: jazzyjazzyjazzy[/cite]Always find a killjoy on this forum.

    Ignore it, Jazzy. Made the mistake of rising to it myself earlier.

    Be content that those of us who are euphoric about SCP's homecoming are going to have a damn sight more enjoyable evening than those who are shaking their heads and fretting that Slater and Jiminez have made the wrong decision in a cynical attempt to appease the fans. Or whatever it is they reckon is happening...

    Celebration time. We just got our soul back...

    Yeah I will don't worry.
    And yes... We got our soul back indeed! Enjoy your night :-)
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