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Michael Slater's Programme Notes

edited February 2011 in General Charlton
Interesting writing style - a couple of jokes and cheeky references to other well known names in football. Came across as honest and down to earth.
Probably not everyone's cup of tea, but I liked it.


  • edited February 2011
    anyone fancy typing it up/scanning for us faraway Addicks?
  • sorted his hair out as well
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: allez les addicks[/cite]anyone fancy typing it up/scanning for us faraway Addicks?[/quote]

    seconded ..... please kind people...
  • If you think I'm gonna sit here and type all that up you must be some sort of nut nut.
  • As requested, Michael Slater's programme notes for the Colchester United match, 01/02/11

    [cite]By Michael Slater[/cite]
    It's now a month since we completed the takeover of the club - and what a month!
    As the new owners, we are businessmen and football fans. Businessmen can talk in terms of assets and cash flow, but a football club is more than bricks and mortar and balance sheets.
    A football club is the collective memory of the supporters from one year to the next, one decade to the next, and often one generation to the next. Over the seasons, different players pull on the shirt, but it's the fans who mark the time. It's your club.

    We came with the view that, to achieve our long-term objectives, evolution was better than revolution.
    After the obvious media interest following the completion of the takeover, our intention was to keep a low profile and review the landscape - but after only a few days, we felt we had to act decisively and make the changes that were necessary.
    It's sometimes hard to know why a team appears to lack confidence and isn't fulfilling its potential.
    Everyone at the club told us that Phil Parkinson, Tim Breacker and Mark Kinsella were decent, hard-working and thoroughly professional guys, but we felt a change was needed. We wish them well in the future.
    We are grateful to Keith Peacock and Damian Matthew for stepping in to hold the fort in the short term and taking charge at White Hart Lane and Hillsborough.
    For the long term, however, a new, inspirational manager was the key. We've found one.
    We don't need to tell you how highly regarded Chris Powell is in English football, and at The Valley in particular. He has the support of the board and we've tried to meet his requirements in terms of strengthening the squad.

    Nathan Eccleston arrived before Chris' appointment, but he was a player who was already on his radar. In Bradley Wright-Phillips, we've signed the leading goalscorer in League One.*
    Since returning to the club, Chris has spoken of making The Valley a fortress again, and a big part of that is down to the fans. You can make a difference.
    It's been a difficult few years and we understand the frustration of relegation. But this is a new year, a new decade, and the club can now start the long march back to where we belong - the top flight of English football. There will be no quick fix for the sake of it, however, and no unrealistic timelines.

    Let's get behind the team and the manager. You will not see me 'doing a Delia' and haranguing you during the half-time interval, and my fellow board members are not going to sing to you à la Phil Brown.
    We'll leave the decibels to you. The noise levels were noticeably higher during the Plymouth Argyle match, and we're not alone in sensing a change in the atmosphere on matchdays.
    It won't be all plain sailing. There will be setbacks along the way - but isn't that just part of the journey, and doesn't that make it all the more special when success is achieved?
    It's been an interesting first month, one we'll never forget, and we thank everyone at the club - for making us feel so welcome. Onwards and upwards!
    *This article went to print before the transfer window closed, so if we've since signed Lionel Messi, I apologise to Lionel for not saying nice things about him.
  • [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]If you think I'm gonna sit here and type all that up you must be some sort of nut nut.

    Wibble wibble.
  • [cite]Posted By: lordromford[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]If you think I'm gonna sit here and type all that up you must be some sort of nut nut.

    Wibble wibble.

    Ha ha!

    Well done you. I would've let the buggers send off for their own programmes!
  • i did crack up readn my program when i read the comment about messi
  • Interesting read .....quite liked his style of writing.
  • Great stuff he sounds like one of us...
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  • yea, his spelling seems to be in order too so thats a big bonus for me!
  • Its a shame the Messi deal didnt succeed"!! :-)
  • [cite]Posted By: lordromford[/cite]As requested, Michael Slater's programme notes for the Colchester United match, 01/02/11

    Thanks a lot for that.

    Agree with your first post, very entertaining read, and all round positive stuff. Personally, I haven't heard one statement from the guy that I don't like
  • Thanks Romford. Can't believe the Messi deal escaped Sky's radar.
  • Friend of mine know's a bloke who drinks in the pub with the woman who iron's the numbers on before kick off and apparently she said that the Messi deal didn't come through because there was a disagreement over the colour of the T-reg Renault Clio the club were providing. Anyway she did say that there are rumblings that it could still happen in the summer, especially if we're playing Championship football. Messi loves a good old rivals game and he said El Classico doesn't compare to Millwall v Charlton on a cold Tuesday afternoon.
  • Thanks for posting. Answers a couple of big questions for me. Parky and his team were solid and professional but was obvious within a few days that confidence around the club was low and a change was needed to give everyone a boost. Secondly i like the 'no unrealistic timelines' line. We're back to being a normal club. We'll go up when we have a team good enough to do it. In the meantime lets just enjoy the ride.
  • Is he a lawyer?

    Nice, friendly article but says nothing.
  • [cite]Posted By: johnny73[/cite]Parky and his team were solid and professional but was obvious within a few days that confidence around the club was low and a change was needed to give everyone a boost.

    I also believe Slater and Jimini Cricket were stunned by the hostility towards Parky from the crowd.
    The team was playing scared and within themselves.

    They want bums on seats....... and considered that keeping Parky wasn't going to help grow the club.
  • As a Parky supporter, and somebody who felt he was harshly treated, i have to say that I beleive we would have lost one and drew one of our last 2 games under him. Not becuase of his failings but that there is a much better atmosphere about the place with supplied us with the confidence and patience needed to ultimately win through. Slater, pretty much confirmed that the board felt they needed somebody inspirational to lift things and that is looking like a decent decsion at the moment. Had we not won the last 2, the play offs would be looking a fair way off and automatic impossible, whilst we still have realistic hopes of both.
  • Thanks for the transcription, M'lud.

    I like the cut of that man Slater's jib. He'll need that sense of humour now he's involved with Charlton!
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  • So far Mr Slater appeals to me. As Borat would say "I Like".
  • Almost too matey, but I'll let it go this time.
  • Am I just an old cynic in thinking that this is another example of Mr Slater's newly hired PR man's 'wordsmithing' ?

    Hmmm, so what, I say to myself, he wants bums on seats and happy days so give him a chance - with a pinch of salt.
  • Buy a programme like everyone else!
  • Ooops bit harsh of me , but it used to wind me up that someone i knew never used to buy a programme ( went to the match and could afford to buy one) but would then ask info about what was in it!
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