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SCP on Talksport in 1 minute.



  • Can we stop this SCP nonsense.
  • why stop it?
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: dickplumb[/cite]Can we stop this SCP nonsense.[/quote]

  • [cite]Posted By: dickplumb[/cite]Can we stop this SCP nonsense.

    I've got so used to it I forgot that Chris wasn't his middle name
  • [cite]Posted By: dickplumb[/cite]Can we stop this SCP nonsense.
  • What did SCP say?
  • [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]What did SCP say?

    I love it when people calle me SCP.
  • [cite]Posted By: Plaaayer[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]What did SCP say?

    I love it when people calle me SCP.

    Silly **** Plaaayer, you mean?

  • So did anyone hear what he said ?
  • edited February 2011
    Fairly lighthearted stuff.

    Didn't apply for position - got a call inviting him to interview as manager - had interview about one hour 15-20 mins - then got call offering him the job.

    Is going to carrying on wearing suits - it was suggested that he might have seemed more like a tracksuit wearing manager but he said he feels comfortable in his suit and it's been lucky so far. Said if anyone in Saville Row is listening and wants to send him a suit he's a 40 regular!

    Enjoyed being at Leicester and was complimentary about Sven but said that most people know of his affinity with Charlton.

    Spoke about the Colchester non-goal and said that he brought it to the 4th official's attention that he would like it explained how the goal could stand after the whistle has been blown to stop the game. Said he sympathised with Colchester manager and that he spoke to him and said he hadn't seen anything quite like it and this was only his second game in charge

    Probably a few other bits but nothing especially interesting
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  • He's a 40 Regular.
  • whats the regular bit? as opposed to long or extra long?
  • Calm down, Curb_It, calm down...
  • [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]whats the regular bit? as opposed to long or extra long?

    I couldn't possibly ask him such a personal question, Curb_It.
  • [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]whats the regular bit? as opposed to long or extra long?

    Yes, in jackets it describes the length of the jacket and sleeves, trousers the inseam
  • edited February 2011
    [cite]Posted By: dickplumb[/cite]Can we stop this SCP nonsense.

    How about Lord Chris Powell then?


    King Chris?

    Prince Chris?

    Baron Von Powell?

    Any of these better for you Dickie?

  • better than CRP, that's only a letter away from looking bad.
  • Sporadic got down everything I can remember.

    Came across as I would expect - a thoroughly decent bloke.

    Re the refereeing incident, I posted on another thread that getting the 4th Official to speak to the Ref was the difference between winning and possibly losing that game. He asked precisely the right closed question which he knew the answer to and the 4th Official had no choice but to contact the Ref. You have to win not just by playing well but by also being smart.
  • edited February 2011
    [cite]Posted By: bingaddick[/cite]Sporadic got down everything I can remember.

    Re the refereeing incident, I posted on another thread that getting the 4th Official to speak to the Ref was the difference between winning and possibly losing that game. He asked precisely the right closed question which he knew the answer to and the 4th Official had no choice but to contact the Ref. You have to win not just by playing well but by also being smart.

    That's a great point. After Powell asked that question, they really had no option but to disallow the goal. You can't tell players on the one hand to always "play to the whistle" only to then allow a goal to stand after he blew the whistle.
    Also being the former chairman of the PFA and so highly respected within the game must hold a lot of clout. Who know's we may even be successful in making an appeal now!
  • I think you maybe overplaying CPs role in changing the decision as the 4th official must have already known the decision was wrong and had to intervene.

    However as I have said before Powells experience as a union leader and politician should not be underestimated as part of the skill set that he brings to the Club.
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  • If the ref had allowed the goal could we have got the game replayed.

    There surely would've been a case to answer.,
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]I think you maybe overplaying CPs role in changing the decision as the 4th official must have already known the decision was wrong and had to intervene.

    However as I have said before Powells experience as a union leader and politician should not be underestimated as part of the skill set that he brings to the Club.

    Perhaps, but it's the first time I recall us ever getting any decision against us overturned. The irony is that he looked well onside and had the ref not blown it should have been a goal.
  • [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]If the ref had allowed the goal could we have got the game replayed.
    Nope. Not once the referee had restarted the match, according to the laws of the game.

    [cite]Posted By: queensland_addick[/cite]The irony is that he looked well onside and had the ref not blown it should have been a goal.
    By freezing the frame, the angle from TV video footage indicates the Colchester forward was marginally offside, at the moment the ball was played.

    But perhaps the assistant was better placed actually in line, hence no flag .......who knows?

    Appears to be a very close call, one way or the other.
  • [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]If the ref had allowed the goal could we have got the game replayed.
    Nope. Not once the referee had restarted the match, according to the laws of the game.

    [cite]Posted By: queensland_addick[/cite]The irony is that he looked well onside and had the ref not blown it should have been a goal.
    By freezing the frame, the angle from TV video footage indicates the Colchester forward was marginally offside, at the moment the ball was played.

    But perhaps the assistant was better placed actually in line, hence no flag .......who knows?

    Appears to be a very close call, one way or the other.

    Well I rang Sian Massey and she said he was on.
  • [cite]Posted By: queensland_addick[/cite]Well I rang Sian Massey and she said he was on.

    Can you imagine the furore if Sian Massey had actually been the referee in question? The anti PC brigade would be creaming themselves and misogyny and sexist banter would be lighting up football fora/message boards across the country and beyond.
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