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Or are we just being kind

edited February 2011 in General Charlton
Terriffic player,always giving 100%,very loyal and charlton through & through,so will he be a good manager.
Had a great start with 3 wins,but tuffer tests to follow,starting saturday.
Been prity lucky upto now,with some big decisions going our way,ok we say about time,but that will change,then we will see how they cope.Don't get me wrong I think bringing Powel in was brilliant and a good ploy by the board,will give them some breathing space,they know that the fans will be more patient this time around...same as Kenny & Liverpool.
Just hope CP can keep it going and win games with good football not luck,after all Parky was soon gone and he had us 5th with no money,I would hate to see CP go the same way.


  • That hurt my head trying to read it........................:-(
  • I am as big a CP fan as anybody, and I am delighted with his start, but read the Yeovil report and you come away thinking we could have lost quite easily. We need at the moment to be judging CP by his actions off the pitch as well as on. His signing of BWP was a great bit of business, three clean sheets seems like good organisation, good judgement and coaching. He has put together his management/coaching team carefully, and I detect a really good spirit within the camp. All this has been done in a short space of time, and best of all I think he might just be a lucky Manager, a great asset.
    A note of caution, the visit of high scoring Peterborough will test our defence on Saturday. COYR
  • Lets just be happy and enjoy the ride. We don't play that well and we win three games on the spin! We have 20 games left and its going to be like a roller coaster

    Come on CP!
  • I think to be fair to any incoming manager you need a good few games to get used to your players, even some new managers get an awful lot more time than CP has had, so bearing that in mind he's done well and deserves a good period of 'getting to know you'. If we can win games albeit conservatively and with a bit luck mores the better.
  • Man Utd have played well like once or twice this season and got the results? As long as we are winning who cares? Clearly at half time SCP said something to the players to boost there confidence a bit.
  • Jesus 3 wins no goals conceded.

    We are not playing like barca and no one should expect us too. But we have tightend up we are building results based i on a strong defense. Listen to his interviews it will answer all your questions

    Rome wernt built in a day .
  • [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]We are not playing like barca and no one should expect us too. But we have tightend up we are building results based i on a strong defense. Listen to his interviews it will answer all your questions

    Well said, NLA.

    We're putting in gritty battling performances against teams who are themselves determined to get a result against us.

    It's not expansive, flowing football. And we're not tearing opponents to pieces in a free scoring frenzy.
    But we are working hard for each other, and playing like a team.

    Work in progress.
  • [cite]Posted By: Addick4ever[/cite]Terriffic
    [cite]Posted By: Addick4ever[/cite]tuffer
    [cite]Posted By: Addick4ever[/cite]prity
    [cite]Posted By: Addick4ever[/cite]Powel

    Most browsers come with a spell checker these days, try Google Chrome for instance.
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