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Charlton 3-2 Peterborough - Player Marks



  • Elliot - 7.5
    Francis - 8
    Dailly - 6
    Doherty - 7
    Bessone - 6
    Fry - 6
    Wagstaff - 6
    Semedo - 7
    McCormack - 5
    Jackson - 6
    Wright-Phillips - 7
    Eccleston - 6
    Abbott - 7
  • Elliot 6 decent
    Fancis 9 Best game for us
    Dailly 7
    Doherty 7.5
    Bessone 6
    Fry 6.5
    Wagstaff 5
    Semedo 8.5 Mr consistent
    McCormack 7 Poor first half but got better as game went on
    Jackson 6.5 Good goal but a bit quiet
    Wright Phillips 7 Gold dust
    Ecclestone 8 Electric in second half
    Abbott 9 -MOM- Changed the game- couldnt see what Powell was thinking so the boss deserves a 10
    Reid 7 Decent for short time he was on- did very well to relieve pressure at the death.
    Hope the ref is OK.
  • Fancis 7.5
    Dailly 6.5
    Doherty 7.5
    Bessone 6.5
    Fry 6.5
    Wagstaff 6
    Semedo 8.5
    McCormack 7
    Jackson 7
    Wright Phillips 8
    Ecclestone 8
    Abbott 9 Muttley said : -"MOM- Changed the game- couldnt see what Powell was thinking so the boss deserves a 10" spot on.
    Reid 7
  • Rodders we did really well to win today especially without a keeper.
  • Ha ha. Elliot 8. ;-)
  • Yes I should have given Robbie a 7 not a 6, thinking about it
  • Elliot - 8 Great handling and brave at the feet of strikers. Playing really well at the moment.
    Francis - 8 Quality run and cross for Jackson. Good to see him use his strength and power. Stuck to his defensive duties well.
    Dailly - 7.5 Battled gamely.
    Doherty - 8 Won the headers, got the tackles in and did the blocks.
    Bessone - 6 Not sure about him defensively. Tries to use the ball wisely, carries it well and has a good touch.
    Fry - 7 Defensively sound. One superb header out under pressure late on.
    Wagstaff - 4.5 Sadly a non-entity.
    Semedo - 7.5 Again only the forward part of his game is missing. The rest is great.
    McCormack - 6 Struggled but didn't hide. Defended well late on but will be lucky to keep his place.
    Jackson - 7 Has a striker's knack for positioning & finishing. Mucked in well with the other stuff.
    Wright-Phillips - 7 Needs a partner and got one with Abbott. Another good finish.
    Eccleston - 6.5 Not in it up front. Great work for 2nd goal and a threat but left Francis with two men so many times 2nd half (including their 2nd goal).
    Abbott - 9 Won headers, laid the ball off superbly, chased hard and got a good shot off for the goal. He was the difference and showed that we need to play with a proper target man.
  • Elliot - 7.5 alert when needed, some good claiming of the ball. Impressive
    Francis - 7.5 fouled but at fault for 1st goal. Involved and doesn't hide. Really glad he's winning people over
    Dailly - 7.5 some superb blocks
    Doherty - 7.5 as Dailly. If he was more mobile he'd be awesome
    Bessone - 6.5 not bad. There's a good player in there but needs to get fit
    Fry - 6 I like him but pacy winger gave him some grief
    Wagstaff - 5 should prob get rested. Eccles on the right for a few games
    Semedo - 9.5 stunning. Carried the whole midfield in 1st half and absolutely rock solid in 2nd. One of my all time favourite Addicks.
    McCormack - 5 spent 1st half hiding and watching Jose do everything. Mildly better 2nd half. Racon back in please
    Jackson - 6 quiet and off the pace until his goal. Livened up thereafter
    Wright-Phillips - 7 quiet but scored again and that's what he's paid to do
    Eccleston - 8 average first half but came alive in 2nd. Start him on right next game
    Abbott - 8 woefully slow and unfit but physical presence, touch and brain made the difference today. Great technique for goal once again
  • Elliot - 8
    Francis - 7
    Dailly - 6
    Doherty - 7
    Bessone - 7
    Fry - 6
    Wagstaff - 5
    Semedo - 8
    McCormack - 5
    Jackson - 7
    Wright-Phillips - 7
    Eccleston - 7
    Abbott - 8

    n/a Reid - 6
  • Elliot - 7.5
    Francis - 7
    Dailly - 7
    Doherty - 6.5
    Bessone - 6
    Fry - 6
    Wagstaff - 4.5
    Semedo - 8
    McCormack - 6.5
    Jackson - 6.5
    Wright-Phillips - 7
    Eccleston - 7
    Abbott - 8 - changed the game
    Reid - 4.5
  • Sponsored links:

  • edited February 2011
    Elliot - 7.5: Commanded his area really well and watching him in the warm-up, Ben Roberts is focusing on his catching, kicking and his commanding of the area.
    Francis - 8.5: His best game so far, quality today.
    Dailly - 8.5: Shows why his our captain. For a 37 year old his brilliant.
    Doherty - 8: Solid just like Dailly, made some excellent tackles.
    Bessone - 6
    Wagstaff - 6
    Semedo - 9 MOM: Absolutely awesome. I really want to meet Semedo! Powell summed it up for me, his a captain without the armband.
    McCormack - 6
    Jackson - 7: Very brave with his goal, and he didn't score a penalty! Going to be key for us, along with Dailly, Semedo; both leaders of men, and BWP; due to his goals.
    Wright-Phillips - 8: Same with Jacko, his goal killed them. His goals could depend on where we are and whether we go up.
    Eccleston - 8.5: Second half he was brilliant, his pace and awareness to chip the ball to the back post instead of shooting shows his class.

    Abbott - 8.5: Abbott was quality when he came on today, in my opinion he changed the game. Pawel coming on and moving Eccleston to the right was vital.
    Fry - 6: Peterborough's right winger done him for pace whenever he got the ball, shows he is a centre back covering left back.
    Reid - 6: Helped run the clock down and done alright when he had the ball. I think he is going to be crucial for the run in.
  • edited February 2011
    Elliot - 6
    Francis - 7 for the assist.
    Dailly - 6
    Doherty - 6
    Bessone - 6
    Fry - 6
    Wagstaff - 6
    Semedo - 8
    McCormack - 6
    Jackson - 8
    Wright-Phillips - 7
    Eccleston - 7
    Abbott - 8 - changed the game
    Reid - 5

    Wagstaff was playing with concussion and double vision until half time after the knock he got.
  • Elliot - 6
    Francis - 7
    Dailly - 6
    Doherty - 6.5
    Bessone - 6
    Fry - 5
    Wagstaff - 5
    Semedo - 7
    McCormack - 5.5
    Jackson - 6
    Wright-Phillips - 7
    Eccleston - 7
    Abbott - 8 MOM
  • Elliot 7.5
    Francis 7.5
    Dailly 7
    Doherty 6
    Bessone 6
    Fry 6
    Waggy 5.5
    Semedo 6.5
    McCormack 4.5
    Jackson 6
    Wright-Phillips 7
    Eccleston 7
    Abbott 8
  • Elliot -7.5
    Francis -7
    Dailly -7
    Doherty -7.5
    Bessone -7
    Fry -6.5
    Wagstaff -6
    Semedo -8 MOM
    McCormack -6.5
    Jackson -6.5
    Wright-Phillips -6.5
    Eccleston -7
    Abbott -8
    n/a Reid
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: RedRobin-son[/cite]Wagstaff was playing with concussion and double vision until half time after the knock he got.[/quote]

    Waggy must of been clocked on his headpiece before the game then.........truly awful
  • Elliot - 7
    Francis - 7.5
    Dailly - 6.5
    Doherty - 6
    Bessone - 7
    Fry - 6
    Wagstaff - 6
    Semedo - 7
    McCormack - 5.5
    Jackson - 6.5
    Wright-Phillips - 7
    Eccleston - 7
    Abbott - 8.5
  • masicat - Wagstaff gets in the team by working very hard, scoring 9 goals so far and providing 6 assists.
  • Elliot -7.5 Kept us in the game
    Francis -7.5 Great attacking play still a little shaky defending
    Dailly -7 Solid
    Doherty -7.5 Thought Doc was Immense in 2nd half
    Bessone -7 Maybe would play better with Reidy in front
    Fry -6 Solid
    Wagstaff -6 Gone right off the boil
    Semedo -8 Far too good for league 1
    McCormack -7 pretty solid performance
    Jackson -7 Would like to see him in a central role with Reidy out wide, could be the creative one we seek!
    Wright-Phillips -7.5 great player, took his chance well
    Eccleston -8 Different class, this kid will be very special in the future
    Abbott -8.5 MoM Absolutely changed the game, well done Pav!

    SCP - 9.5 for identifying and making the changes when he did, 4/4 long may it continue
  • Elliot - 8 Commanded his box and kept us in it MOM just ahead of Pavel
    Francis - 7 This guy makes mistakes but never hides and a peach of a cross for Jacko's goal
    Dailly - 7 Solid and coped well with arguably the best forward in the division
    Doherty - 7 As Dailly. Only remember him being exposed once in the first half for pace
    Bessone - 7 Good going forward lacked a bit defensively but only his second game!
    Fry - 7 Did what he had to do and slotted in well
    Wagstaff - 6 works hard helping out defensively but offered little in attack today. However everybody except Robbie was poor first half.
    Semedo - 7.5 made up of 6 for the first half and 9 for the second.
    McCormack - 6 made up of 5 for the first half and 7 for the second. He came into it in the last 15 or so
    Jackson - 7 Clinical finish and usual steady performance. I like him
    Wright-Phillips - 7 Clinical finish which is why he was there. Quiet otherwise I thought.
    Eccleston - 7 Great assist for BWP. Poor first half but stuck at it and will have learned a lot today
    Abbott - 8 Changed the game and I hope he eventually gets given his goal.

    n/a Reid 6 Did what he had to nothing of note good or bad
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  • Elliot - 6
    Francis - 8 MOM - quality passing all game
    Dailly -6.5
    Doherty - 7
    Bessone - 6
    Fry -6
    Wagstaff - 5
    Semedo - 7.5
    McCormack -6
    Jackson -6
    Wright-Phillips -6.5
    Eccleston -6.5
    Abbott -7.5 fantastic performance,

    n/a Reid 5
  • Elliot - 7
    Francis - 8.5
    Dailly - 7
    Doherty - 7
    Bessone - 6.5
    Fry - 6.5
    Wagstaff - 6
    Semedo - 8
    McCormack - 6.5
    Jackson - 7
    Wright-Phillips - 7
    Eccleston - 7
    Abbott - 9 MOM

    n/a Reid - 6
  • Elliot - 8
    Francis - 7.5
    Dailly - 7
    Doherty - 7
    Bessone - 7
    Fry - 6
    Wagstaff - 5
    Semedo - 8.5
    McCormack - 6
    Jackson - 6.5
    Wright-Phillips - 7
    Eccleston - 7
    Abbott - 7.5
  • Elliot -8
    Francis -7
    Dailly -6
    Doherty -7
    Bessone -6
    Fry -6
    Wagstaff - 6
    Semedo -9.5 MOM
    McCormack -6
    Jackson -6
    Wright-Phillips -7.5
    Eccleston -8
    Abbott -9
  • Elliot - 8
    Francis - 7
    Dailly - 7
    Doherty - 7.5
    Bessone - 5.5
    Fry - 7
    Wagstaff - 5
    Semedo - 8
    McCormack - 6
    Jackson - 6.5
    Wright-Phillips - 7
    Eccleston - 8
    Abbott - 8.5 (MOM)

    n/a Reid
  • Elliot - 7
    Francis -7.5
    Dailly -7.5
    Doherty -7
    Bessone -6.5
    Fry -6
    Wagstaff -5.5
    Semedo -9
    McCormack -5.5
    Jackson -6.5
    Wright-Phillips -7.5
    Eccleston -7.5
    Abbott -8

    n/a Reid 5
  • edited February 2011
    Elliot - 7.5
    Francis - 8
    Dailly - 7
    Doherty - 7
    Bessone - 7
    Fry - 7
    Wagstaff - 6.5
    Semedo - 7.5
    McCormack - 7
    Jackson - 6.5
    Wright-Phillips - 7
    Eccleston - 7
    Abbott - 8 (MOM)

    n/a Reid - 6
  • These marks pretty much for the second half:

    Elliot - 7
    Francis - 7.5
    Dailly - 7
    Doherty - 8 important blocks
    Bessone - 6.5
    Fry - 6
    Wagstaff - 5
    Semedo - 8
    McCormack - 6
    Jackson - 6.5 - missing apart from the goal
    Wright-Phillips - 6.5 - as above
    Eccleston - 7
    Abbott - 9 - changed the game dramatically, inspired tactical sub by CP

    n/a Reid
  • Elliot - 7
    Francis - 5
    Dailly - 7
    Doherty - 8
    Bessone - 6
    Fry - 6
    Wagstaff - 5
    Semedo - 8
    McCormack - 7
    Jackson - 6
    Wright-Phillips - 7
    Eccleston - 7
    Abbott - 9
  • [cite]Posted By: Green Valley[/cite]
    Francis - 5

    Some people just can't get rid of there prejudices.

    Surely credit where credits due.
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