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What has Mr Powell done?

edited February 2011 in General Charlton
Well I must say that Sir Chris has certainly had a good effect on Pawell Abbott. What a different player he was today. Held the ball up really well, won his headers and scored a goal. Lets hope he keeps it up


  • For me he was the difference, would love him to start with BWP with Nate on the right against the monkey hangers.
  • Thought that BWP and Nate up front was positive but we needed to play to their feet. Never won a header in the first half but pleased with the changes
  • Fair play he was superb in the second half, Ecclestone was also excellent out on the right.
  • So is sir Chrissy a genius or just lucky? cos i didnt see that coming today yet Abbot was superb.
  • edited February 2011
    Scp is what we all thought a great coach, but he is showing potential to be a great mgr. Lucky I don't know you don't win 4 out if 4 by luck.
  • Was quality when he come on... few poor passes, but hold up play was next to none!
  • Well I think he will get the best out of the players. He will get them to be proud to play for Charlton and realise how lucky they are
  • He seems to have lifted everything at the club.
  • It all reminds me of that old saying 'the harder i work the luckier I get'. Four wins on the trot means the luck must be massive...I think it is about fostering an attitude, before Yeovil away Chris said simply he was going there to win, not 'get a result', but to win. I don't know the behind the scenes work of Chris compared with Parky, and Parky also strung a series of wins together... but for a new manager, with players unchosen by him, to walk in to a new situation and win four on the spin, for whatever reason... well that suggests its a tad more than just luck.
  • Some thoughts from a different perspective on Chrissy today Powell clears woesl
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  • edited February 2011
    Brilliant stuff Kap.

    My old man couldnt make it today and funnily enough I told him about Point 5.

    Suaveness personified. The cool side of the pillow.
  • yesterday me and my mates were waiting outside player enterance getting a few pictures and what not, and we saw chrissy powell and my friend said to him 'if we get promoted will you do the run out the tunnel' Chris replied ' When, you mean WHEN we go up' i feel that this statement has real positivity and shows the desire he has to make us a championship club by next season!
  • Under Parkinson we were playing badly, but managing to get results. When he left we were 5th.
    Under Powell ......................................................................................were 5th.

  • Under Powell we have a 100% league record, under Parky we had less than 40%?
  • The difference between the two 5th places is that we now have the games in hand (providing we take advantage of them) to move up to 2nd in the table.
  • [cite]Posted By: cafcpolo[/cite]Under Powell we have a 100% league record, under Parky we had less than 40%?

    Yes but Parky was in charge for nearly 2 years, Powell has been in charge for 4 games. Hardly a fair comparison is it? Judge Saint Chris over the same period. Oh if Parky had been in charge for the first half on Saturday he would have got all sorts of abuse, is that fair?
  • It is true that our position has not changed but since Powell took over, we have won 4 out of 4. The point is that our rivals have been getting positive results so had we won 2, lost 1 and drawn 1 instead, we sould be 5 points worse off. I think Parky did a decent job and his sacking was harsh but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have got 4 out of 4.
  • I have to say that luck has played a part, but you don't just fluke your way to four straight wins, there has to be something about you to pull that off.
  • I worry a little about some of the euphoria. I am absolutely made up that CP is our manager and the results have been perfect since he took over.

    The performances have been less perfect. He knows this of course, but there is going to be huge doom and gloom when we don't get a result.

    I wasn't there Saturday but it worries me that there were boos/jeers at half time. Sure the performance was poor but I worry that because of the nightmares of the past few years, some can't wait to slag off the players.

    It reminds me of when I first started supporting the club in the 1960's. I started going regularly in season 68/9. We were doing really well and had a legend Manager in Eddie Firmani at the helm.

    We were extremely well placed in the league going into the final part of the season. Then the jitters set in. Winning home games suddenly stopped. I can still almost touch the palpable disappointment and frustration of everybody. The club was finally in a position to mend the hurt of the previous ten years out of the top flight and they were f*cking
    it up. The tension in the players spread to the fans and back to the players. There were jeers, there were players singled out, there were boos.

    There is no easy answer but keeping our feet firmly on the ground throughout the rebuilding period which CP has only just started is important for me.
  • There are boos and boos - the half time boos were fair enough given the performance (even though I don't boo my team) - It didn't have a negative effect and the crowd were quick to change to cheers.
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