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Charlton supporters who passed away in 2010

edited February 2011 in General Charlton
Does anyone have a full list of the Charlton supporters who passed away in 2010 as remembered at the Peterborough match, have checked cafc official but cant find anything there


  • Just read a list on the OS. Not sure if it is the full list though.
  • [cite]Posted By: Choice[/cite]Does anyone have a full list of the Charlton supporters who passed away in 2010 as remembered at the Peterborough match, have checked cafc official but cant find anything there

    There is a list in the programme.
  • They're on Player as well Choicey Boy.
  • I just had a look at Sporaddick's link and saw the name Kevin Banks.

    Is that the same Kevin Banks who ran the Medway Branch of the Supporters Club at the time of the 1998 Play-Off final does anybody know?
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