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Telling it like it is.


  • Seems like a ill mannered pompous twat to me.
  • Pompous he may be, but I think he got it spot on.

    The EU is an anti-democratic disgrace.
  • Good on him
  • Farage is very good at taking the 'popular' line but not particularly adept at giving a balanced view. To be honest I'd welcome a referendum on the EU so I'd get a chance to see the overall picture - yes, that it costs £50mill a day sounds outrageous but there must be more to it.

    He exploits that people form their views on negative headlines on one or two policies rather than seeing the whole.

    I'm not saying I'm for or against the EU but I'd like to hear from someone who understands and presents a balance - not this over-excitable ranter.
  • Did you hear what he said about the EU and democracy, Charente?

    Regardless of the manifold benefits that we receive from EU membership, the point is that it is an unelected clique slowly nullifying all the rights of a nation-state to make its own decisions - and we are paying them vast amounts to do it. It reminds me more of kidnap than democratic government.
  • Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
  • He's Palace.
  • He probably had a point in there somewhere. Don't get why he had to tar it with personal insults.
  • I had the priveledge of meeting him twice.He is corteous,knowledgable and fighting against the corruption ,waste and the unelected dictators of the EU.He knows the system inside out and instead of milking it he is exposing the sham behind the whole rotten project.
  • [cite]Posted By: bigstemarra[/cite]Did you hear what he said about the EU and democracy, Charente?

    Regardless of the manifold benefits that we receive from EU membership, the point is that it is an unelected clique slowly nullifying all the rights of a nation-state to make its own decisions - and we are paying them vast amounts to do it. It reminds me more of kidnap than democratic government.

    I was referring more back to his performance on question time last week. Don't doubt that there are things in the system that need fixing, I just wonder if he is more concerned with his own image than genuinely going about repairing things.
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