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Boss wants returning Valley fans to come back again

edited February 2011 in General Charlton


  • I don't think they will be unfortunately, especially with the normal ticket price. Still think £20/25 for League one Football is alot of money.

    Our next big crowds will be end of the season against Southampton/Huddersfield if we're still in the hunt for promotion, even then I doubt they'll be as big as Leeds last season was.
  • Leeds was great... and look at what Norwich, Leeds and Millwall have done this year... such a shame we couldnt get up..

    better chance last year but we are still only a couple of players away from being a proper contender in this league..
  • [cite]Posted By: BigRedEvil[/cite]I don't think they will be unfortunately, especially with the normal ticket price. Still think £20/25 for League one Football is alot of money.

    Our next big crowds will be end of the season against Southampton/Huddersfield if we're still in the hunt for promotion, even then I doubt they'll be as big as Leeds last season was.

    If the club really wants to get fans back then they need to do some sort of family deal as standard for every game.

    The new sason ticket prices are a good start. I heard Slater talking on Saturday and he said he will be trying to do more schemes like this for tickets and take a bit of a gamble on profits from them if it means we can start to get more fans back to The Valley.
  • What's our average this season? About 15k perhaps? Of the extra 9k there on saturday, i'd be surprised if even a third of them come back to our next game.
  • Not a chance after that shambles, anyone who may have thought about coming back probs has doubt in there mind and any one coming along to see what it was like have no doubt been put off as well
  • Cold wet tuesday nite v the mighty carlisle, think we will be lucky to get 10k in for it.
  • If he paid my train fare I'd be there every game!
  • Did anyone else feel slightly embarrassed on Saturday? I couldn't help thinking that maybe some of the people there had not been since we were Premiership and they would've been shocked at the standard of play. I saw nothing that would persuade someone like that to return sadly.

    It must be a huge disappointment to the new owners - they fill the ground (well, nearly) and reveal the great deal they have put together for season tickets for 11/12, only to have the team let them down.
  • The problem with Saturday was that it has devalued, hopefully temporally, the value of the ticket.

    For the people who were persuaded to come for, the first time in a long time, by the reduced cost of the ticket, they’re going to be reluctant to pay the full price after having seen the team lose heavily at home against a team we were expected to beat.

    I heard a lot of people round me saying “same old Charlton” and things like that. I know you can argue that they aren’t true fans but while the floating supporters don’t attend crowds will be down.

    I think you have to take your hat off to the board for coming up with initiatives like this, but while the performances on the pitch continue to be substandard people won’t come on regular basis.

    A successful team, playing well, will bring people in. Until we have that then it will be a real struggle to improve the attendances.
  • We probably put on 11,000 home supporters on Saturday, as we didn't do the normal schools comps.

    Realistically, even if we'd have won 3-0 you wouldn't have got 10 per cent of those to come back for the next match. That's partly about price but it's also that they don't want to watch this level of football on a regular basis.

    While I take the point that to come back they need to pay £17.50 instead of £5, which is a steep jump, it makes no financial sense for the club to drop its prices to the level at which a significant number might come more regularly when there are 9,000 season ticket holders and several thousand others willing to pay the current prices.

    Put it another way, if you halved all the prices - including season tickets - I'm confident that you wouldn't double the crowd on a regular basis in this division. That doesn't mean we can't do anything.
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  • But surely people weren’t coming expecting Barcelona football ? It’s a fiver, you get what you pay for !

    I think really the goal would have been to encourage people to come back to the stadium for a match, regardless of the score it’s the actual act of coming down and getting out of the habit of sitting on a sofa on a Saturday afternoon rather than coming to Charlton. Obviously if we’d played mesmerising football in a thrilling 4-3 last minute winning game it would help, but I think 10,000 people realised there’s an alternative way to spend their Saturday afternoons, and hopefully that realisation will see a few of them coming back.
  • I think the 'product on the pitch' will always be one of the biggest determining factors. Even if we're not winning week in, week out people still like to see a team playing well. Although we have done okay results wise at home this season i think most people will agree the most of the performances have been pretty poor.

    If the players can start to change their mentality and we can start to get a bit of momentum Saturday was a perfect expamle of what we can achieve with crowd sizes.

    You only have to look at Norwich for a perfect example of what can happen once you start to have a little success.
  • "they would have seen a home side creating more chances than the away team" --------------sorry CP i just cant see that as a positive it should be a given a 100% given that will happen at The Valley.

    I think alot of the "newbies/returnies" saw a very poor team on Saturday cant see they will be back on the showing on the pitch.
  • Airman would the club do say a ten match season ticket at the start of a season?.Supporters could buy a seat for ten matches of there choice same seat.They could phone up and say what matches they want to attend just a idea to get a few back part time.
  • A lot of old faces were reminded as to why they left in the first place on saturday.
    Can't see the " oh it isn't always this bad" excuse working im afraid Mr.Powell.
  • Valley27000 i like the idea..
  • Valley 27000 that is a good idea, a flexi season ticket.

    The £5 initiative was well organised and executed, but it is no substitute for quality improvements on the pitch.
  • [cite]Posted By: Valley27000[/cite]Airman would the club do say a ten match season ticket at the start of a season?.Supporters could buy a seat for ten matches of there choice same seat.They could phone up and say what matches they want to attend just a idea to get a few back part time.

    The risk is that rather than attracting non ST holders it encourages existing ST to down grade from a full ST to a partial ST.

    That would lose us money straight away. People would choose, naturally, the more attractive and weekend games so really hitting the hard to sell and midweek games which is just where the gates are lowest.
  • edited February 2011
    I know what you are saying but some supporters would like to go to five week night matches and five Saturday matches of there choice.Instead of two- four matches pay as you want to go in the full season ,flexible ticket is a good idea I think.
  • edited February 2011
    [cite]Posted By: Valley27000[/cite]I know what you are saying but some supporters would like to go to five week night matches and five Saturday matches of there choice.Instead of two- four matches pay as you want to go in the full season ,flexible ticket is a good idea I think.

    Good idea for who though?

    For those fans yes but is it a good idea for the Club as well?
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  • I think there is room for a non saturday season ticket (for those who play Saturday football). I know it isn't always easy to predict exactly how many games that will include but i know plenty who would go for that.
  • Saturday was my first game since Curbs left, I moved abroad at the end of that season. Moved back to the UK in November but not to London. Cash has been tight since we moved back so I have made excuses to myself when the chances have arisen. I thought the team were poor on Saturday, they looked like a collection of possibly talented individuals. Exeter looked like a proper team, well drilled, kept it simple, knew how to find a player without looking etc etc.
    Having said all that I felt really emotional coming back and will now look to save up the pounds and make a few more games before the end of the season, perhaps there are a few more like me?
  • edited February 2011
    I think it could be good for the club and fans.Gates would be more then 19k every match you only take last saturday for example 10,000 more then a normal saturday match get half them back then more bums on seats week day nights or saturdays(ten matches each supporter).
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