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Wareham, Dorset



  • Great pubs in Swanage, Red Lion, Black Lion if you like cider. Pub in Kington often has bands, Square & Compass in Worth Maltravers, absolute must.
  • Great pubs in Swanage, Red Lion, Black Lion if you like cider. Pub in Kington often has bands, Square & Compass in Worth Maltravers, absolute must.

    Cheers. Already had the Square & Compass on the short list, but will try and check out the others when we go to Swanage later in the week. Still might give the Bankes a whirl tomorrow though. I mean, if nolly recommends it then how bad can it really be?!

  • Just a great part of the world. Can't really recommend pubs because I rarely visit them. The one by the bridge/quay at Wareham is decent if you like rustic/trendy.

    Corfe Castle great to visit. Arne for bird (feathered) watching. Studland beaches great (especially if you are an NT member 'cause you can park for free. Take the ferry from Studland to Sandbanks. Sandbanks/Poole Harbour great for water sports.

    Swanage is a decent place and there are some great eateries including a fish bar down by the quay which serves some great stuff.

    Lulworth Cove, Kimmeridge and Durdle Door worth visiting along the Jurassic Coast world heritage site.

    If you go to Weymouth - which is a fun place, get a chance to take the coast road west towards Bridport and beyond following the Chesil Beach from Portland Bill in the east.

    There are so many places to visit.
  • edited July 2012
    Cheers Bing. Have been down this general way many times before and have been to the Lulworths, Durdle Doors, Bridport, Chesil Beach and stuff to the west of here, so this time we wanted to stay around the Swanage, Studland, Corfe Castle area as have never been to this specific area before.

    Had lunch on the quay at Wareham yesterday - the Old Granary. Bit pricey, but a nice pint and lovely views, just soaking it all in.

    Anymore suggestions are welcome though. But please don't worry about the steam train - seeing as I'm Charlton that one is already covered, of course!

  • The Scott Arms in Kingston (go through Corfe Castle and turn right and it's at the top of the hill). They do some Caribbean cooking in summer - the view over Purbeck towards Corfe Castle is worth it alone.

    The Square and Compass in Worth Matravers is also worth it - great cider but the only food is pasties. Park up and wander down to the sea at Winspit and back.

    Brace of Pheasants at Plush (somewhere in the Piddle Valley) - great fod and views.

    Ilchester Arms in Abbotsbury - good food and and you can wander down to the swannery or up to the chapel on the hill where you get a great view over Chesil beach and the channel.
  • Lovely part of the world used go diving down that way all the time pubs in swanage are great .did go in one near corfe landlord bit of a c**k though didnt do chips had a real attitude about it! Also wouldnt let us move a chair as there was 5 of us had a go at us for it! As i said landlard with attitude think only liked locals in there?
  • edited July 2012
    My uncle wrote the book on Wareham. Literally (or is it Literarily!).
  • And that's the pub I went in on the front cover!
  • Like the Scott Arms at Kingston mentioned above - great views from garden. Also used the New Inn at Church Knowle. Never been in the Square and Compass - always too busy when I've been past. Real feel good feeling about Weymouth at the moment if you can get here. You can see a bit of the sailing for free if you go to the right place, and there are big screens for free on the beach.
  • Probably best to steer clear of Weymouth as the Olympic sailing is on and driving into the town and parking is very restricted.
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  • Langton and Worth Matravers is nice as is Durlston Head (through Swanage).
  • Played cricket there last Tuesday drank in one of the little pubs in town...nice place.
  • The Red Lion at Winfrith, my local since moving S-West13 years ago nice pub & good food.
  • edited July 2012
    Square & Compass at Worth is my all time favourite pub. It has a tiny museum room there as well.

    Also, in the village at Worth (less than 100 metres away), there's a nice little duck pond & a tea & scone shop. Luverley !

    You can then walk down to Winspit from there.
  • Went to the Bankes Arms the other day. It was ok, the view was obviously very nice, but the ale weren't all that and the food was just ok too. Looks like it had seen better days to be honest. Everything was just a bit sticky - the tables, the carpets, the bar. Seemed friendly enough though.

    Went to the Scott Arms today. Jeez, I know some have already said about the view, but it is truly stunning. I've sat in thousands of beer gardens over the years and can honestly say that none I've been to could beat that view, none of them. Absolutely fantastic. I'd still be sitting there now if I could. It IS expensive, but I had a lovely couple of pints of Jurassic and the food was alright too (again, expensive for what it was, but so what when you've got THAT view!) if you get the chance I would recommend it.

    Might not make it to the S&C now, but not really that bothered as the lack of food makes taking young kids difficult.
  • Take something for the kids. You can sit outside, no one will know. You really should pop in even for a swift half.
  • edited August 2012
    Ha ha - you got shares in it?
  • No just love it. It's as old fashioned as you can get. No proper bar. Just a serving hatch. Low ceilings. Usually sit outside amongst the chickens & cockrels overlooking the sea. Like I said there's a museum room there with fossils etc, which the old owner collected. You park in a car park, just across the road (30 seconds).
  • I stayed for two weeks at Worth Matravers when my lad was about three. My Dad stayed with us. It was a great holiday - close enough to Swanage etc but lovely in its own right. Some brilliant walks and the place is just so nice.
  • The Square & Compass has been in the same family hands for around 260 years, but go this weekend (Saturday) there's a stone carving and music festival on.
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  • Went to this fabled pub earlier today - only to find it wasn't open until midday.

    It had been difficult enough trying to convince the missus to go there, but I drew the line at hanging around for half an hour when by then we would have 2 hungry kids to feed and the place doesnt do food. Shame, but at least I made an effort.

    Went to the Halfway Inn instead. Was alright.
  • edited August 2012
    Shame.You should have had cream teas & gone back.

    "Also, in the village at Worth (less than 100 metres away), there's a nice little duck pond & a tea & scone shop. Luverley !

    You can then walk down to Winspit from there."
  • Went to the duck pond. Very nice and tranquil - until some Chelsea tractor morons dog decided to jump in with the ducks. Tool.

    Thing is, I only had a short window for a cuff. They weren't open and that was that!
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