[cite]Posted By: Valley_floyd_red[/cite]Yes I know it's at Foolham and yeah I know I shouldn't really care but can you imagine something like this happening at the Valley? Amazing folly I reckon.
IMO if our owners want to erect a statute of the bloke who runs their local chip shop, then its their club. It can always be taken down again when they've gone, if it gets tourists in it might be a good thing. I think people are over-reacting a little. don't they already have a Dodi and Diana statue?
My only objection is the actual statue looks so cheap. I don't object in priciple but in reality it is gastly.
I heard that Al-Fayed had it commissioned for Harrods but obviously after selling Harrods had to relocate it.
It is honestly an absolute disgrace to Fulham FC and to the Premier League - a complete laughing stock. I don't particularly like Fulham but they do have a core of honest support and you have to sympathise with them. On one side Johnny Haynes and Michael Jackson on the other? Ludicrous.
The "go to hell or support Chelsea" comments are an absolute outrage as well. Fit and proper person? Senile old berk more like.
The distinction between "ownership" and a "business" and someone's plaything has never been less conspicuous.
Bloody hell. What a strange life this is. It looks to me like the sculptor originally planned to recreate the famous 'holding a baby out of a hotel window' pose, then decided to leave the baby out at the last minute. I hope Slater isn't a personal friend of Kerry Katona.
Like all of you I have been both bemused and amused by this creation. Why didn't he give him a hat and an umbrella, then he could have added Mary Poppins for balance. Wouldn't you have loved to have been a fly on the wall when Mark Hughes saw it. Makes you wonder what his meetings with the Chairman must be like ? " Now then Mark, I am thinking of signing Jordan because I'm told she's very good up front ". It does however beg the question as to whether Clubs are actually allowed to put anyone they like on a plinth ? The possibilities would fill a book. If Chelsea put Abramovich up it might frighten the kids ! Wenger wouldn't worry because " he didn't see it ". Ferguson in a referees kit would be fitting. How about Delia with her pinny on ?
It does however beg the question as to whether Clubs are actually allowed to put anyone they like on a plinth ? The possibilities would fill a book. If Chelsea put Abramovich up it might frighten the kids ! Wenger wouldn't worry because " he didn't see it ". Ferguson in a referees kit would be fitting. How about Delia with her pinny on ?
[cite]Posted By: Yllek[/cite]Arsenal are having one of Jim Bowen with the inscription, "This is what you could have won" (underneath the four trophys they were going to win )
I've heard Arsenal are having one of Jim Bowen with the inscription, "This is what you could have won" (underneath the four trophys they were going to win )
[cite]Posted By: Plaaayer[/cite]I've heard Arsenal are having one of Jim Bowen with the inscription, "This is what you could have won" (underneath the four trophys they were going to win )
Hows about one outside the new Den ? I am thinking along the lines of a 'tribe of herbivorous ape-like early humans throwing bones at the human race who are threatening their watering hole ' perhaps done in scrap metal and waste paper mache ?
[cite]Posted By: clivey_hero[/cite]Hows about one outside the new Den ? I am thinking along the lines of a 'tribe of herbivorous ape-like early humans throwing bones at the human race who are threatening their watering hole '
perhaps done in scrap metal and waste paper mache ?
Not concise enough really to be funny. Try again. Something along the lines of a huge Millwall brick or a sculpture made out of those orange seats we ripped out at Luton.
[cite]Posted By: clivey_hero[/cite]Hows about one outside the new Den ? I am thinking along the lines of a 'tribe of herbivorous ape-like early humans throwing bones at the human race who are threatening their watering hole '
perhaps done in scrap metal and waste paper mache ?
Not concise enough really to be funny. Try again. Something along the lines of a huge Millwall brick or a sculpture made out of those orange seats we ripped out at Luton.
Posted By: clivey_heroHows about one outside the new Den ? I am thinking along the lines of a 'tribe of herbivorous ape-like early humans throwing bones at the human race who are threatening their watering hole ' perhaps done in scrap metal and waste paper mache ?
Not concise enough really to be funny. Try again. Something along the lines of a huge Millwall brick or a sculpture made out of those orange seats we ripped out at Luton.
A spanna?
I would suggest that someone crashes a car into a wall on Varney Road and sets fire to it (a kind of interventionist comment on the never-ending cycle of consumerist post, post-modern 21st century multi-cultural working class socialist neo-reactionism) but I bet someone has beat me to it. ;-)
a tenner that you responded within 30 minutes actually , cheers
By the way have you got a anti Millwall alert system or do you patrol this website all day ? and you call us anoraks !!!
Also your were so right sparra , your one was much funnier , a sculpture made out of orange seats ripped out from luton , my sides are still aching so brilliant and hiliarious .........
[cite]Posted By: clivey_hero[/cite]a tenner that you responded within 30 minutes actually , cheers
By the way have you got a anti Millwall alert system or do you patrol this website all day ? and you call us anoraks !!!
Also your were so right sparra , your one was much funnier , a sculpture made out of orange seats ripped out from luton , my sides are still aching so brilliant and hiliarious .........
Glad to know you're so obsessed with me you're making bets with other people on how long it takes me to respond to a post on the internet!
[cite aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0]Posted By: clivey_hero[/cite]a tenner that you responded within 30 minutes actually , cheers
By the way have you got a anti Millwall alert system or do you patrol this website all day ? and you call us anoraks !!!
Also your were so right sparra , your one was much funnier , a sculpture made out of orange seats ripped out from luton , my sides are still aching so brilliant and hiliarious .........
Glad to know you're so obsessed with me you're making bets with other people on how long it takes me to respond to a post on the internet!
I am rich, therefore I can , therefore I do!......
This is pandering to the ego of a rich man's distorted view of his own self importance!
Okay the guy has put money in Fulham, that does not mean that his bizzare sense of 'style' should be a dictate.
I thought he wanted out of Fulham anyway!.
1. Why isn't he dancing
2. Why does the statue not include a 'friend'
Because Bubbles was a West Ham fan.
Can't wait until Fulham get relegated, go bust, and that gets auctioned off.
I would never put it past the club, to do what Al Fayed has done with the Wacko Statue.
My only objection is the actual statue looks so cheap. I don't object in priciple but in reality it is gastly.
It is honestly an absolute disgrace to Fulham FC and to the Premier League - a complete laughing stock. I don't particularly like Fulham but they do have a core of honest support and you have to sympathise with them. On one side Johnny Haynes and Michael Jackson on the other? Ludicrous.
The "go to hell or support Chelsea" comments are an absolute outrage as well. Fit and proper person? Senile old berk more like.
The distinction between "ownership" and a "business" and someone's plaything has never been less conspicuous.
I hope Slater isn't a personal friend of Kerry Katona.
" Now then Mark, I am thinking of signing Jordan because I'm told she's very good up front ".
It does however beg the question as to whether Clubs are actually allowed to put anyone they like on a plinth ? The possibilities would fill a book. If Chelsea put Abramovich up it might frighten the kids ! Wenger wouldn't worry because " he didn't see it ". Ferguson in a referees kit would be fitting. How about Delia with her pinny on ?
Harry Redknapp holding a brown envelope.
David Pleat leaning out of a car window would also brighten up a few stadia.
Very original. You read this thread well fella.
Palace's statue builder is bound to get the wrong end of the stick and build one of a reality TV bird with giant jugs.
perhaps done in scrap metal and waste paper mache ?
Not concise enough really to be funny. Try again. Something along the lines of a huge Millwall brick or a sculpture made out of those orange seats we ripped out at Luton.
A spanna?
A tenner for being unfunny? Not a bad gig that.
By the way have you got a anti Millwall alert system or do you patrol this website all day ? and you call us anoraks !!!
Also your were so right sparra , your one was much funnier , a sculpture made out of orange seats ripped out from luton , my sides are still aching so brilliant and hiliarious .........
Glad to know you're so obsessed with me you're making bets with other people on how long it takes me to respond to a post on the internet!
Calm down Lenny, he's only having a bit of fun.