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Charlton Athletic PR whose job ?



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    So, let me get this straight. when "the club" has lots of people working on the PR side of things they are accused of "spin", but when they don't they're "shit".

    Have I got it now?
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    So, let me get this straight. when "the club" has lots of people working on the PR side of things they are accused of "spin", but when they don't they're "shit".

    Have I got it now?
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    However, the club isn't going to ask difficult questions of itself, which is what is needed.


    On the other hand, you are part of the club and therefore you are ideally placed to be the voice of the club asking difficult questions. And of course, you have never been the shy or retiring type, who is afraid of coming forward.

    I assume that either as an employee of the club or as a fan you do communicate back the confusion that fans have currently been experiencing.
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    There's only so much the Airman can do from the inside, though.

    Those of us who live in Greenwich borough might recognise the situation - where there's very little in the way of independent media but a dominant council-run weekly (Greenwich Time) which promotes its side of stories, so the council gets away with lots because nobody's really paying attention. 

    CAFC spoon-feeds a lot of stuff out to the media (dedicated pages for local newspapers) to save them the difficult job of employing reporters or picking up the telephone to ask questions, and also to flog tickets to casual punters. But when things go wrong, there's very few people who are actually paying close enough attention to ask those questions - and fewer still now we're in a league nobody cares about.
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    edited May 2011

    Were you at the Bromley Addicks meeting? Did you think CP came across as a bad ambassador for the club?      

    Or did you not go, but just read a few things on here and decide he should be silenced in the sake of doing "good PR"?

    My comment was, Mixed messages are coming from the Chairman and the Manager. I don't think that can be disputed .

    Or is that not the case.

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