What on earth has he done?
He looks like he has been scalped, is this the kind of behavour we expect from an England striker.
You expect womanising, roasting,using prostitutes, binch drinking, drugs and gambling, even sticking mobile phones up his arse is par for the course for todays footballers but having your head returfed. What is going on?
Wouldn't have happened in Killer's day. He had more hair on his chin than Rooney had on his whole head.
Wouldn't like to guess on Killer's approach to the other behaviour mentioned...
ouch !! hahahha
Switching sports - this is Doug Bollinger's hot-spot:
Dave Rudd?
wayne rooney has all the virtues i dislike and none of the vices i admire, but then he is a self-made man who worships his creator!
Does Rooney shop at United Carpets by any chance? I hear that Rooney is gonna finish his career at either Barnet or Ayr United.