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Couldnt find the old thread.

Just watched the first episode of the second series.  Great stuff....think theyve up it on the last one.  Jumped out of my chair at that end scene!



  • Never see any of the first series, kept meaning to watch but never got round to it.

    Just watched first of series 2, brilliant, but proper crapped myself at the end.

  • I literally shouted "F**k" at that last are wide open so gawd knows what the neighbours think.

    First series was good but if that episode is anything to go by this one should exceed it.  Good actor that Idris Ebra....stopped seeing him as Stringer Bell for the first time tonight.


  • Absolutely brilliant stuff.

    I can't make my mind up whether he looks like a double hard b'stard or a tit with that walk though
  • Loved the first series and hooked again.
  • This is my first post... didn't ever expect my debut on CL to be about Luther! :D

    I'd echo the other posts. Brilliant episode... beautifully made. Can't wait to see how this progresses.
  • Idris Elba is great in The Office as well. Played a role as the replacement for Michael Scott for about five episodes a couple of years back - very good. Have downloaded Luther, never got round to watching it. Will start this week - I heard it's pretty batshit for a UK series?
  • Enjoyed the first series, can't wait for the second now after the comments above.
  • re; the end of last nights episode.

    i knew something was about to happen so was prepared for the 'fright'.

    was i b*!!*@ks.

  • Thought the first series was just bloody excellent......last night the second series started one level higher in my humble for the ending...yeah I knew someting was gonna happen......but didnt expect what did (dont want to ruin it for those who have not seen it yet).....roll on next Tuesday.......the Beeb at its best!!!
  • re; the end of last nights episode.

    i knew something was about to happen so was prepared for the 'fright'.

    was i b*!!*@ks.

    exactly thought it would be inside the building and both the Mrs and I hit the ceiling 
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  • Didn't watch after wasting too much of my life on the first series.  I'm guessing it was a master class in overacting?  More than any other series it demonstrated to me that great acting performances derive from great scripts.  Idris does angst.  Idris does anger.  Idris does deduction.  Idris does bitter, won't play by the rules cop.  Stringer must be turning in his grave.
  • Didn't watch after wasting too much of my life on the first series.  I'm guessing it was a master class in overacting?  More than any other series it demonstrated to me that great acting performances derive from great scripts.  Idris does angst.  Idris does anger.  Idris does deduction.  Idris does bitter, won't play by the rules cop.  Stringer must be turning in his grave.
    was a lot better last night more going on so not enough time left for over introspective moments, although the start bugged me as all I could see was Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon
  • lol, had similar thoughts Morts!  The Beeb is trying it's hardest, but as with The Shadow Line, they just fall so short.  I watched about 15 mins of Luther last night.  Shame I won't ever get that back.
  • I only watched the first series because Stringer Bell was in it. Bit disappointed, to be honest.
  • I didnt see the first series but watched last night.  Does it matter that I missed out on the first series... i gather he did something wrong?

    Considering the amount of garbage there is on the TV i dont see why people wouldnt really enjoy it. 
  • Thing is once you witness true masterpieces like The Wire and The Sopranos nothing really can stand up by comparison.

    Elba was always going to have to do something uber special to upstage his stringer bell performance and i doubt he ever will....he's a Hackney boy i think but took me most of the first series to get my nut round him having a London and not a yank accent.

    This series (if the opener is anything to go by) has upped its game on the first one and was gripping viewing last night.  Still loads of holes, cliches and would never really happens but to be honest in a desert of complete and utter shite in the tv schedules throughout the year Luther is a welcome oasis.

    Curb it... you could probably read on wikipedia what you missed and may be worth doing so as the loony red head is back in this series so would be good to get the heads up on her.


  • I didn't watch much of the first series but watched the first episode from the second season earlier today after a lot of the recommendations on here. Despite reading the posts on the latest episode and knowing that there might be a fright at the end it still made me jump. I'm looking forward to the next episode tonight. There's been some good crime dramas on the BBC recently with The Shadow Line and Case Histories.
  • Agreed, Senpai. All 3 are my kind of programmes .
  • Thing is once you witness true masterpieces like The Wire and The Sopranos nothing really can stand up by comparison.



    I never caught it first time round but have just started The Wire on box set (3 episodes in) - tbh so far it's OK but I'm not enjoying it as much as The Sopranos. Does it get better or is it just not hitting the spot with me as an outstanding series? 
  • You could say that it nailed that performance last light, expect for driving up a one way street the wrong way when visiting the girl's mum in her flat.
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  • Charente, give it time. The Wire is an absolute masterpiece but it is a bit of a slow burner. I know many who said the same as you but after a while became huge fans.
  • OK I've watched it now and it's as dreadful as the first. 

    Why did the evil lady need Luther to cross her before she forced him to do her bidding.  Surely anyone prepared to kidnap a cop and nail him to the table is prepared to do this without a seething sense of injustice.  Poor script writing.  As is the fact that Luther bases everything on (wild) plausible hunches that always turn out to be correct is hilarious.  Nobody ever says, "maybe your wild guess at the baddies motivation isn't 100% accurate down to the nth degree, and maybe we ought to at least consider the alternatives".  It's lazy scripting because it means the writers don't have to think about how the cops might solve a particular puzzle because Luther just guesses and they hare off safe in the knowledge that he'll be right.  SPOILER his guess that the killer wouldn't use the knife on the kid was largely based on a whim and seemed to be largely wrong (since he did a fair bit of torture unmasked).  And did we ever establish how the puny little fella managed to spirit the big tough cop (who we were told was putting up a brave struggle) to his underground lair past thousands of CCTV cameras without anyone noticing? 

    The beauty of things like Treme or the Wire is that characters are 3D and have plausible motivations and aspirations and go through an information gathering process in order to get to the end.  I appreciate that they're on a budget, but they'd be better trying to do one storyline properly instead of this garbage.  On a positive note at least they've got rid of his awful boss.  "Loofa ah know you've been roit wiv evry guess eva but I ain't BACKING YA ON VIS ONE".
  • Really disappointed with last night's episode.

    You're telling me that the loon would be able to get 14 inner city London school kids into a minibus without having a gun. Im sure a couple of them would be tooled up themselves come to think of it.

    Cannot stand the female cop.  Last one in previous series was stereotypical "tough old bird in a man's world" and this series appears to be "young aspiring black woman graduate type who plays strictly by the rules". All very cliched.

    Very unrealistic too.

    That green van would have been picked up with the amount of cameras in London within minutes. 

    The relationship he has with Paul McGann and the Ginger fruitcake (who he freed to roam the streets) are beyond far fetched and the new brass's acting is like she is appearing in a school production of Babe it is so hammy.

    As for the Fruitelli's their whole involvement is laughable and as supposed gangsters they are about as intimidating as a box of cadbury's creme eggs.


    Boring, uninspiring and cliched and complete let down after what last week promised.

  • How many phones did he smash in last night's episode? He usually gets through a few in each one.

    In fact you could probably play Luther bingo each episode. Luther tips a table upside down in anger, Luther plays a knight in white shining armour to a female victim, Luther smashes a phone or six in frustration. In fact, I wasn't sure whether the trailer was meant to generate interest in the new series or a p*ss take!

    More stereotypes than The Sweeney.

  • bit like Shadow Line ... art for arts sake, condescending, self indulgent twaddle, even worse than that Danish thing 'The Killing'.
  • I enjoyed the first episode of this series, but was annoyed by last night's.  Firstly two small things, Luther's hands in pockets, head down swagger is bugging me and the new black female detective only has two expressions, upset and worried.  Also agree that the plot surrounding the evil lady in pearls was a tad silly.  
  • bit like Shadow Line ... art for arts sake, condescending, self indulgent twaddle, even worse than that Danish thing 'The Killing'.

    Just watched the second Luther.
    Not a patch on the shadow line imo.
  • That green van would have been picked up with the amount of cameras in London within minutes. 

    Luther van dross
  • Seen a trailer for the next episode. Lazy writing. Complete rip off of Diceman by Luke Rhinehart.

    Watched one of the first series and didnt bother after that.
  • That green van would have been picked up with the amount of cameras in London within minutes. 

    Luther van dross

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