Hi everyone, not seen much art discussion on here so im not sure how well this will go down.
I live in Devon and have a show coming up 2nd-13th July at Torre Abbey, Torquay
My work is geometric/optical illusion based and all hand painted. Painted on natural materials they are a themed on the modern industrial society and its relationship with the natural world which we inherited.
kind of a visual metaphor for how we can live in harmony with the planet, rather than destroy it.
Some of my work can be viewed under UV light, here are a few examples and the flyer for the new show..
I'm in Cornwall, on the dark side. Not too far to Torquay, I'd like to see your exhibition.
There's a few of us on here interested in art and culture.
The rest are trainspotters.
I'm on the end of the platform right now and have spotted a BR Type 37 (Type 3)
So there
No worries, in person the paintings look a lot more '3 dimentional' with the blocks literally popping out off the canvas and when I paint on ply. The grain is still visible so you have the juxtaposition of the 2... industrial bold shapes ( ie modern pop up towns, industrial/ council estates... even the patterns withing slums ) and the beauty of the natural grain.
I have a video somewhere which shows just how the UV light effect the surface ( il try find it).
Sorry if that sounded a bit poncy, thats really what I try not to be. That is my interpretation of them, of coarse all art is subjective
All of the work on flickr has been painted since december, when I got back into painting.
love escher, huge influence indeed. Funnily enough I did a stencil last xmas that made it into my local paper as a 'banksy'
collect banksy too and a lot of other art from that scene.. barry mcgee, obey, case kaws, espo etc
Hera ( from herakut) did that for me at a show last year (Moniker) I was helping set up and she was kind enough to do me a doodle, that is what she came back with
I dont know too much about Adam Batchelor, but here is his website.. http://www.adambatchelor.co.uk/
I do like the framed piece in the second link which reminds me of quilts, maybe a material you've worked in or could do so. Would lend itself to your stuff. http://www.ocsquiltmuseum.com/
I do get the dreads reference in the hats thread now. No, not sure they would work as a tam : - )
New batch of work for this weekend, so hopefully my progress from the last couple of months can be seen.
Shame about the hats : ) , think I may still have a bid for my old man though.
For those that are interested in my work, I have a FB page.. https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Carl-Cashman-Contemporary-Artist/205373199493634
where after 200 followers I will be doing a draw to give away one of my 60x60cm panels.
thanks again for reading
I'm a Caravaggio and Kapoor addict, so its not exactly my scene either. What I find interesting is the juxtapositions you refer to. For me, your deliberate blending of industrial block dimension with natural grain really instintively jars, so I guess it has made me think- result! I wish I could see the exhibition, but having just got back from N. Devon, I think it unlikely that we'll return this year. Good luck and keep us posted.
Nice work Shine.
Its a well know fact that are a few Artists on here and I include myself in that, most of my work is done in the late friday night, early saturday morning period, ; )
Seriously though, good luck
Good way of getting your stuff out there.
I currently use bigcartel.. http://carlcashman.bigcartel.com/ but I will check out the place you mentioned, thanks