On Sunday I broke the frames of my glasses. They were very expensive frames and very expensive lenses as I am seriously miopic.
Monday I went out for a pub meal with my wife and daughter. My daughter knocked her pineapple juice over my Blackberry - handset full of sticky sugary goo - not working
Earlier today I managed to get some new frames and get the lenses cut down to fit them. It cost me £66 but that was a result.
This evening wearing my spares for the last time, I went into the downstairs loo, leaned forward to have a gypsies kiss - the left lens fell out, hit the edge of the toilet bowl and smashed into a thousand pieces!
I feel like doing a Basil Fawlty and shaking my fist at the almighty!
No doubt there have been a worse few days, I can't think of one for me though!
Haha....you know how you remember where you were at certain momentous moments in your life...hearing of Diana's death being a prime example...I remember where I was on the day I heard the news we had signed Faye & Troure and realising it was the end!