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Bear grylls

On discovery. Bloke just made a wetsuit out of a seal he just skinned.
Strange fella!


  • I know he's chief scout, but can he play centre half?
  • The best is when he comes across a dead camel so he pulls it's eye out and eats it. 
  • i dont care if people say its all set-up, i think its great tv.
  • Is that the same one where he guts the camel and climbs inside, having also drunk its stomach fluids?
  • Is that the same one where he guts the camel and climbs inside, having also drunk its stomach fluids?
    Might be. He is awesomely gross. 

    Right from the off, he just slices off a fresh piece of camel fat, wolfs it down, then throws it back up. Fascinating!

  • Should be locked up for animal cruelty. Eating live creatures for the purpose of providing the "shock factor", I honestly don't know how he gets away with it. Yes, I do love my snakes and all reptiles and animals and find his antics disgusting. Needless to say I stopped watching him a long time ago.
  • carly burn July 2011 Quote
    On discovery. Bloke just made a wetsuit out of a seal he just skinned.
    Strange fella!
    Just watching this now, the bloke is a nutter!
  • Discovery have dropped him
  • Really?

    Compulsive viewing.
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  • Yeah I think so. Although it sounds like he's got other irons in the fire from what he's been saying.
  • i dont care if people say its all set-up, i think its great tv.
    It is all set up but still great TV.

    When he uses a sheep as a sleeping bag, awesome.
  • Contrived show but he still does what he does and has a lot of "bushcraft" knowledge whatever that is. I can watch it.
  • Drinking a camel's stomach fluids washed down with the fluid rinsed from fresh elephant's shit (luminous green)! Love it!
  • Personally, I think he's a cock.
  • edited March 2012
    Everyone know's a real backwoodsman wears his khaki shorts riding up his crack like a bubble permed 80's footballer. Never seen grylla do that, he's a bootleg backwoodsman.
  • edited March 2012
    Discovery have dropped him
    A Lack of skinning seals in the past 12 months They are getting someone in on loan this week. Fact.
  • Better than big Ray Mears who has clearly never had to live off the fat of the land... More the fat of the lamb.
  • I'm more cheesed off Adam Richman is not doing anymore Man vs Food. So much more dignified than having to scratch around under tree bark for grubs and insects to snack on.

    Plus he never had to use a hedgehogs prick as a toothpick!
  • I'm more cheesed off Adam Richman is not doing anymore Man vs Food. So much more dignified than having to scratch around under tree bark for grubs and insects to snack on.

    Plus he never had to use a hedgehogs prick as a toothpick!
    This all the way. Why absorb stagnant water through a pipe inserted into your rectum, when you could be eating a 20lb cheeseburger
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  • I love Man vs Food.

    I can't ever move to America as I would end up too big to get through doorways.
  • I love Man vs Food.

    I can't ever move to America as I would end up too big to get through doorways.
    Or a size Medium as the yanks call it.
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